I Wish I Could... - 4 in English Love Stories by Shada books and stories PDF | I Wish I Could... - 4

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I Wish I Could... - 4

It was Mr. Shahid Amaan, my childhood enemy, Fai's childhood buddy who had almost an year difference. His hazel eyes in his chiseled face were staring at me. His brown silky hair was peeping out of his hoodie. He looked dashing as always. His charming smile was the one which always came into my mind whenever I thought about him. I don't know when I started to fall for him. He had great attitude but deep inside he had a good heart. Initially it was a crush but later it deepened to love.

I had thought of confessing about my love for him, but I did'nt have enough courage to face him. We were very close from the beginning and would fight more, than being friendly that Pappa and Rehan uncle were fed up of us . But as we grew up I found himself distancing from me. I always thought it was his friends who made him far from me and it was to this reason I hate his friends. He would do anything for them.
I had tried to forget him when I was commited with Yadav. But each time I was with him I would think about Amaan. Our relationship did'nt last even more than a month, he used to disappoint me even though he loved me. He proposed me and it was Mehak who persuaded me to accept it. And thought I could finally forget him. Finally, when I was in 11th I thought of telling Amaan how I felt.

One day Mehak called me to say that she had seen Amaan in a mall with a girl. It was the first time I felt I was losing him. I went to the place with her to find them together. It was like piercing a hole through my heart. I felt so weak, maybe I don't deserve to be his. I started stalking her I don't know what made me do this. And got it confirmed from Mehak that they were more than friends and she loves him a lot. From that day onwards each night passed with me crying for him. I missed him like hell!!!! Even after moving to Punjab there passed no day without thinking about him.

Back to the present I couldn't believe what had just happened. I didn't expect him even though it was his bestfriend's sister's birthday. She told me that he would be at Delhi. Maybe he might have postponed his trip. Seeing me staring Navi asked," Are you fine?". I replied,"I am okay." And gave a sly smile.Amaan asked,"Why are you here?" to which I replied,"For your funeral!" He is always the same irritating and making me to indulge in a fight with him. Hearing my reply they both broke into laughter. He was about to say something when Ayaan grabbed my wrist, he said,"Where are you? Sasha has been calling you for the nth time , you left your phone with me." I have completely forgotten about her. Ayaan said, "Hi bro, when did you arrive? Actually no one has been waiting for you." He laughed infact teasing me. But there was a sudden change of emotion in Amaan's face as soon as he saw Ayaan. He was glaring at him furiously. He just said hi. I went inside to find Sasha looking at me,she was very angry. She was talking with Mehak , as soon as she saw my face she sensed something was wrong. She asked me,"Why are you looking so embarrassed,you look weird?" I told her that I met Amaan . She was also surprised to know. Mehak said," So you was busy with him that you completely forgot about me?" and winked at me. We were busy talking and they both teasing me.

Ayaan asked me to get him his keys from my purse as he was going back and we girls thought of staying with Mehak. I rushed to her room took the keys and was hurrying to him when I bumped into something hard. It was infact a rock hard chest of someone I looked above to confirm the person. "Oye grumpyhead", I just blurred out to hide my embarrassment . I saw Amaan glaring at me (He hate me calling this) and rushed to Ayaan. He wished me goodnight and drive to car away. When I turned around I saw him glaring furiously. Don't he even know how to smile, I thought and joined the girls. Aslam had joined them by the time. He greeted me, and asked me,"Where were you, my little one?"
He always considered me as his younger sister. It was me who had been supporting them from the beginning and that bounded us too. Each time they had a fight I had to act as an intermediate. We went to the DJ floor and those songs were up on beat that we couldn't resist ourselves, and had a blast. This night went really quite well, we really enjoyed it after a long break.

By the time it had already been 2, but we opted to go for a night out. We do had a lot to share , we are going a day like this after so long so we decided not to ruin the fun. Atlast when it was 5 we all retired to sleep. I heard my phone beeping it was my damn alarm. I cursed myself for keeping it. It was 10 by now so I woke up and went to use the bathroom. After having a shower, I woke up those sleepyheads. We went down to see that the table is set. Mehak's mom called us to join. She said, "My girls slept very late yesterday, right? Hope it was fun." We just giggled, and then Navi joined the table along with Amaan. Oh my God! He stayed here too.
He was sitting right infront of me and I felt awkward. I couldn't stop gawking him but was afraid if he would catch me red-handed. So I started concentrating on my plate. That's when Sasha spoke out, "My cab will reach here in an hour and have to hurry. So what are you gonna do Zarah ?"

"I have to go, I will also leave after an hour or so. Rehan uncle had reached yesterday so I have to go."
"Then why don't you go with Amaan then?", Navi asked me. I was shocked infact Amaan too. I thought he may not be liking to travel with me . I was about to say that I have no problem in going on my own when Mehak reminded me that Fai had taken my car yesterday for repairing. I was totally in distraught even I had been willing to go with him but seeing the expression in his face I couldn't make him sad too. Suddenly, Amaan spoke out, " Yeah she can join me if she want to."
I agreed to him.

After sometime Amaan called me to say that we were leaving. He started his car and I decided to sit in the back seat. When I was going to open the door he said, "Oye madam, I am not your driver." Why is being so weird, I mumbled to myself and sat in the passenger seat. Neither of us talked. It was embarrassing but it would have been more embarrassing if I talked. So I chose to be silent. So I chose to be silent. But after sometime he looked at me shocked. I was also shocked infact. I raised my brows and he just turned his head concentrating on the road and smiled. He is always weird I thought.

We reached my place within 20 minutes, I rang the door bell and it was opened by Rehan uncle and aunty as if they were expecting me. I ran towards them and hugged then both."My sweety girl has become so thin."Aunty said to which I reply that I was completely exhausted this month due to exams and submissions. We went inside, Rehan uncle was happy to see me. They loved me a lot. That's when I heard Ashi's voice "Zarah dheedhi, I do missed you a lot. This house felt so empty without you." I smiled at him and said, "You know what my little one, I missed you too." "He is not a little one anymore, Zarah." Rehan uncle reminded me, but to me he is always my little one.

We went to the sitting room and sat on the sofa. Papa and Uncle were discussing their business matters while the ladies retired to the kitchen. Fai was talking with Amaan . Ashi was talking about what had happened recently, he got a chance to join the cricket group in his school and so on. He was very naive like his elder brother, Amaan. But Amaan was always a grumpyhead that is why I called him.

Ashi suddenly talked out of blue, "You are still wearing this pendant." He said pointing to my red pendant. That is when I find my red pendant. I had wore it in such a way that no one sees it. It's so that my family, especially Fai doesn't sees it. He was once suspicious to why I was wearing this and who gave me. Now I was caught, I looked around for Fai and saw he went to the balcony and Amaan was on a call. So I just blurred out, "My friend gifted me and isn't it too pretty?" He agreed with me in response. In order to get over the embarrasment I went to the kitchen to prepare Ashi's favourite treacle pudding. He loves it so much. After serving everyone Amaan looked at me and said, "Anyone can make it." Who does he think he is, always teasing me. That's when Fai said, "Munchkin this is one of those I miss when you are in Punjab. It never gets this taste even when Ma makes it." That's my bhaiyya he is there to acknowledge my hardwork and skills. He is my official taster even though I used to make only a few dishes.

I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes grumbling, "Anyone one could make it. It seems so he has been selling those which he makes and have a huge business." with a face. I heard a cough beside me. It was him, he could have heard me, I felt so embarrased. So I just ignored him.

The night came in quiet quickly. After having dinner I opted to watch TV. When I went to reach out for the remote he was grabbing it also. I also didn't give up. Eventually we were grabbing at he was staring at me too. Suddenly I felt his finger brushing against mine and this brought in a jolt of electricity so I just let it go. With that force I saw him bouncing into the sofa. I was shocked to see what had just happened. He was glaring at me furiously. I didn't expect to hurt him. That's when Fai called me to inform Ma was inquiring me. I rushed to her.

The whole night I was thinking about him, his touch clearly did give me goosebumps. I couldn't sleep so I retired to the balcony. The cool breeze made me feel happy and alive.

The next day when I came down Amaan was nowhere to be seen. When I asked Ashi about him he said that he went early in the morning as he had some business left to do in Delhi and that they would leave today evening. They were staying near us, but Amaan has built his business capital in Delhi. He was successful in his own way. Later in the evening they left us. I felt alone and went to call Mehak after talking with her I went to sleep.

2 weeks went by so quickly that I have to go back tomorrow. I had booked my tickets and I have to reach the airport at 9 in the morning. The classes will start from tomorrow. I was happy this time as I got a chance to see him even though after so long. Fai dropped me in the airport and I left after after I got my boarding pass. After informing Me and Papa I switched off my phone. Punjab , I missed you and I am back.