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sinking ship

Short story

Rajnarayan Bohare sinking ship

The wood in the stove was very foggy. Luder was lying in the cylinder corner, due to the shortage of gas in the city, the number always comes in fifteen days, that's why there is a problem. Till then, she will keep on battling the earthen stove and wood. When the smoke became unbearable, he took a plate of half-baked vegetable in his hand and came out of the kitchen. It is nine o'clock, Rashmi will go to college at nine and a half. He needs breakfast ready. If the stove burns, it should prepare poha quickly.

Open up!

The voice came from outside room to cough again. Today, Khasi is troubling Babuji more and more. Yesterday it was forbidden not to drink water from the fridge, but when do you believe anyone! Abbal is stubborn in status from the beginning. BD will not give up drinking, and will suffer others in addition to himself when he suffers trouble. Now who can remain supreme in such a tragic situation, when the elderly of the sixty-year-old house is suffering from a sick, suffering weak body, lying on the infirm bed, suffering. Babuji is paralyzed, so he cannot even get up and sit. When the patient moves, only the Diva has to organize. She holds her shoulder and lifts her chest and then only gets some relief.

Apart from Babuji, Diva also has to watch the work of the market, her sister Rashmi is lost day and night in her MA Psychology books. For every little thing in the house, she has to eat it, mother-in-law would have been alive today, would have given her some hands but three years ago she became a suhagin, adorned, adorned with mog, vermilion, hand full of bangles, and in powo, she is wearing heavenly birds . So Diva is alone at home. Her husband Bipin is a doctor in Chhattisgarh. Sometimes, once a month, he is discharged in two months, then he comes. Yuva Vipin's elder brother Naveen is here, in the same city there is UCD in the office of the canal department. Earned a lot of money. If you want, you can keep Babuji and Rashmi with you, but they are well-versed among the people. They are angry with them. An old widow on a distant journey has left aunt with her. Rashmi had told her that Vipin was completing his course in those days and was in the third year of MBBS. Rista who came through Naveen's wife Rupa, Babuji for some reason did not accept, then Naveen Bhai Chidkar had split up, and Vipin had beaten his head on a little bit of talking, he was still studying for two more years. Was. Where was the new man to celebrate his lacquer? Kher somehow started the internship by Vipin of MBBS and spent time by one day, it was not appropriate to put so much weight on Babuji's penson, but he was helpless, what he could do. Just as Vipin got a degree by tit, then he had to be a couple of times with daily worries by throwing him home.

He was able to become an assistant after Dr. Sharma, a private physician of the city, did nothing but humility. Then from there he gave interviews in many places. The whole three years were over, but there was hope, and finally he was selected in a government job. Babuji was worried after getting the posting of the very wooded area of ​​Chhattisgarh, but it was better to go to Nokri after thinking of the far-reaching results. Once in the middle, he also went to Naveen's place, and in his absence said to worry about the house, Naveen Bhai, Babuji had started to talk about him. With a bad heart Vipin went on duty. One day when I got back the telegram, it was found that Babuji had fallen. Babuji was found lying on the cot through absolutely luncheon. Vipin was nervous, Vipin started treatment in a big hospital by taking Indore in a hurry. Babuji kept there for a month. Treatment made a difference. Paralyzed left arm and leg activated. Sentiments started coming out of my mouth. After returning home, Vipin brought medicines from Indore and got treatment for two months and when Babuji was in a condition to walk a little, he took care of Nokri, Didi and brother-in-law of Jabalpur seemed to worry about settling Vipin's marriage as soon as possible They had gone and their relationship started to settle down. Those days, the diva had taken the MA final philosophy test, and was waiting for the result, that one day Vipin and her sister-in-law suddenly came to see her. The mind of the diva was stuck in a terrible inner atmosphere in those days, so all of a sudden she was like. The diva was then sitting between the logic of the body and the mind-warfare-c. Bipin had a look at her and liked it immediately. She was also the same. Who doesn't die on his beauty! Daddy and Mummy liked Vipin. For some time, they discussed on Vipin's homely economic background, and finally Dadi had declared her acceptance of the relationship. Diva's taunt was agreed upon.

How many times has the diva remembered how much she has been amazed by her inner conscience and the maze of the narrow streets of her mind. On the street through Smriti, she remembers her marriage to Vipin, someone sitting in the same street as her and wakes up her inner soul. He had created - that duality, that confusion, that instability and despair! Vipin and his brother-in-law were fixed by the date of marriage. According to the ceremony, Bipin's sister was presented a gold chain and sweet with saree blouse by Diva. Then Mummy touched Sister's legs with her. She used to do everything Yantrawat when people gathered in marriage. Everyone from the family came, but Naveen did not come. Vipin had told that he himself had gone to take them all, but after getting hurt by Rupa's sister-in-law's sadomas, Vota was finally disappointed. Babuji could not go due to his illness - only the brother-in-law of Jabalpur had completed all the rituals of the father, the Diva had yet seen the father's lad and saw the boundless flight of his ambitious spirit. She used to join the cricket team of the university as a wicket-keeper and that is why she roamed many cities of the country not only with her team but she was the cream of college. Most mod girls in the city used to be ready to give him company. That is why he was very proud of himself. She suddenly got scared when she reached her in-law's house, because there was inequality at every level, from her and Vipin's house, from the living to the house and from the food to the rites. It was a rustic home. It seemed as if a Dhawal Hasini was caught in a filthy drain by catching him from the height of the sky. He never had to drink even a glass of water with his hand in a house full of his daddy's servants. While here he had to do everything himself, his own and also his family's. She was aghast at her destiny and wept for the first night. The number of days that remained later remained the same. On the fourth day of the wedding, she was shown the way to the kitchen, where at the time of entering she had remembered the sadness of her mother, who had taught the Diva to cook raw food with far-reaching vision. She was also on the kitchen front. Be disturbed, had gone to the stove with a mill, and had amazed everyone. That is, your degree, active student life and hidden experience of public behavior, your family, friends and more.

But in spite of all these things - he was satisfied, that Vipin had a very good nature. When Vipin looked like a very generous and ignorant child, she would be convinced that she would fall into a deep sleep by placing her head on his lap. She still remembers those moments when Bipin, while hesitatingly touched her face for the first time, used to do so many unknown and innocent acts in spite of getting acquainted with the human body's blood - that night she herself was hesitant. Half of his things would have happened in those nights. Because the fear of being heard by other people in the next room did not let them sleep, neither did she remain silent even after all her efforts, after leaving Jagan home. After that he had asked his mother why he threw her into hell? The standard of living that belongs to Standard Bipin's house is not even up to the minors of this house. Mummy was distracted and even Daddy could not remain calm with her discontent.

Daddy was so intelligent. One day, sitting alone with her, she kept asking everything slowly and she too became a little child. She went on telling Daddy about every incident, about every man in-law, snorting in the lads. Daddy slowly said - "Look son, we had to think all this first! Who sees the house nowadays? Boys see everything. You tell me, we have not found the right fit for you as a bipin, and then the talk of the house, how much you have to live in that house? You will go there at least once more, after this you have to stay on the job. There he made his standard, "Daddy remained silent for a moment, then his questioning eyes were frozen in his face." Forget all old things! Now the honor and dignity of that house is all yours. We have become alien to you. ”The diva had hidden her head in the father's lap. The next time the mother-in-law arrived, Bipin took it to Chhattisgarh after accepting Babuji's request, the nature diva had a very pleasant feeling. The unfettered form of nature and the sprawling green sky of Gagan charmed her mind. Just one thing was Akhari. She could not get a good company to speak. There were a few plains families, all of them were nurtured in a completely pathetic environment in that village.

Diva quickly came back that day. Bipin then went on duty. Everything started running well here, apart from the occasional boredom and unease. Normally, the diva had started accosting herself in the atmosphere that one day Ammaji suddenly worsened and had to be taken to the hospital for years, he had to suffer from chest pain, but this time the pain was such that he was dead. . His body was left in the hospital itself. Bipin was able to come on the third day after getting the wire, so how sad it was to know that Naveen Bhaiya had done the last action after a lot of morale, and immediately went away. Rupa sister-in-law did not even come to this house in the hot weather. In a house steeped in grief and silence, Rashmi and Diva were counting every second and minute of their wait with the help of Apang Babuji. After Mataji's thirteen, the day Vipin was preparing to lay down on his duty, Babuji started getting nervous from the morning. When Bipin himself checked up after experiencing pain in pain and extreme heat, he found that Bipin himself He has a heart attack. Babuji suffered a second paralysis attack while admitted to a local hospital. Then Vipin was busy with his life, he ran to Indore by taxi and then admitted Babu ji.

This time there was seabear atte, due to this doctors were not expecting much. Fifteen days later, the doctors rushed her home with a disappointed heart. He had told some full-size to move Babuji's hand-power. Bipin, who was busy, was busy day and night taking care of Babuji. At that time, there was a seven-day camp of a naturopath in the city, (like what does not die) Bipin reached there. Babuji's natural medicine was started in his consultation. The water of the magnet would be massaged, the same water would be given to them.

A miracle happened. Babuji started getting better. The movement started in his hands and pow and the broken voices started coming out of his mouth. Now everyone had breathed a sigh of relief. Gradually, he was returning to his old condition.

Suddenly one day Vipin got a telegram from his department. He was ordered to join immediately. He also knew that there would be so many holidays in New Nekari? So, leaving everything behind the diva, he ran away at his job.

Whenever Bipin arrives, both of them yearn to meet in private. Occasionally, even if such an opportunity comes, the anxious and anxious Bipin would meet him in a hurry and cross in the same rash. She would get angry. The insatiable thirst of every time, the frustration would increase in his mind. Diva had so much desire that they should talk about the world. Go to the theater together and go to the market to see the film. Talk about cricket match. Debate on new fashion clothes. Discuss new printed books and magazines in the market. But Bipin has been told from time to time for all these useless things! In the name of reading and writing, he was limited to true stories and crime stories. This is the effect of the poet on Rashmi. She has also been reading literature of the same type, and more and more, she has been reading some magazines (weaving specials or personality specials) printed for women. In the eyes of Rashmi, all sports are limited to men and all the Fesnas (earnest connoisseurs) are safe for the children of millionaires. Diva used to feel so bored and unhappy in those days.

"Don't you want to make breakfast today sister-in-law?" Rashmi was present on her head with her sharp question. She woke up. What is the matter, Rashmi, till date, you have seen the face of kitchen even on two days. The order is made as if the diva is a must-buy slave.

The diva woke up quietly and entered the kitchen. The wood was starting to burn with smoke and by placing the pan on the stove, the diva started preparing to make poha kept wet.

Rashmi went to college after having breakfast, she made Khana and fed Babuji, then got entangled in small tasks. Don't eat it right now, because today it is Thursday.

As soon as he remembered Thursday, another memory of his memory opened. Oh my God! Today Deepu will come. He should get ready immediately. Otherwise, see him become a bad cat, you will start to know what. Where he left work, he opened his hair and started combing.

Deepu! Deepu! Deepu!

That name fills his heart and mind with freshness, moment by moment over the years. He remembers meeting Deepu. It was before marriage. The diva was diagnosed with typhoid recently having cleared the MA exam. She used to curse the trick of lonely lying watch in her room in those days. Immersed in the mindset of terrible depression and depression in the rising fever, in those days, he counted the rooftops, counted the low-lying surfaces, counted the small holes made between the walls of the plaster and the leaves emerging from the walls of the paint. When he was bored while searching for a figure between, he wanted to get out but the strict instruction of the doctor and the harsh discipline of Daddy kept him imprisoned in the room. In this way, she started to feel very lonely and neglected, while dissolving sesame and sesame in her heart and heart and suffering. Initially everyone used to stay with him, but due to prolonged illness, all the people of Dhar were busy in their work, although in the morning and evening, everyone was getting around it, but the mountain was often a day. He had to pass alone.

Diva's elder sister Shilpa came to her maternal home in those days. Shilpa was also accompanied by a stranger Alhad-like young man who used to joke and molest every man irrespective of his identity. On asking, it was found out that it was Shilpa's brother-in-law Deepu! Oh My God! That thin and shy Dipu of childhood crossed eighteen-nineteen - how beautiful and lively young man had come out. Shilpa herself used to worry about her antics, but this is also the reason why love also loved her. Deepu had been very close to Shilpa since childhood. The diva's mind was relaxed. In an hour or two she understood that Dipu is as much upbeat and carefree from above, equally emotional and serious from within. At a young age, her eyesight was so clear and clear, that a serious and educated young woman like a diva used to stare at her as a little girl.

Dipu's den deposited in Diva's room. The gloomy and dull room was buzzing. Always used to make the Diva laugh - Tickler used to scatter a lot of jokes - in the dry air of the room. Had the fever increased, the Diva would have been drained, it would have been a great grave. In between, he had automatically included juice and milk in his duty.

On the very first night of Dipu's arrival, the diva, suffering from fever, was suffering in unconsciousness and now she opened her eyes, had found Deepu sitting at his bedside with red eyes all night.

In his mind, for five years younger than him, there was a sweet feeling for Deepu and in those sticks of sentiment, he took Deepu's forehead in his palms and took a deep kiss.

Dipu, immersed in silence, continued to tremble for a long time and ..... Where was the Diva even able to remain calm inside the blanket.

Within three days, both of them became so attached that their time would not have been cut off without being touched by each other. For the first time, the diva got someone of her interest. From world-cup cricket to Ranji Trophy players, from pop George music to Bundelkhandi folk music, from new to old fashion, there was no side he did not know closely. The diva, considering herself a thirty-year-old boy, fell to the earth in one stroke. They started reaching each other from this bridge through conversation. After a few days, when Shilpa returned from her in-laws' house, the wind brought the Diva along to change the water.

Now the diva's den was Deepu's room. She used to go to Shilpa's room only to sleep, except for a few hours, both of them were immersed in laughter all the time. Dapu roamed the entire city with Diwako. His meeting was held in the evening. In between, Shilpa also became involved in their discussions. And sometimes Diva's brother-in-law Prakash also used to get free from the hassles of his Bakalat and join him in his mahal. Diva fever was gone and weakness was coming to an end. She was very happy there.

Diva got a new vision from Dipu to see and understand things. She was trying to develop it further under the help of Deepu.

Then it was probably a compulsory accident that night, that then the late Friday film was being telecast from Doordarshan. The weather was very bad outside. The thunderous and glowing lightning roaring in the sky illuminated the atmosphere with its silver luster for a moment and was again immersed in darkness. Deepu and Diva sitting close in their room

When they raised their hands to fumble, each other's uncontrolled excited bodies were in their JD. Then, they did not know who did what, they went from near to near. Know how long the moving clouds had rained that night. Even outside, within.

Hearing Shilpa's call, she was startled and disgusted Diva got up and took clothes

She had run towards Shilpa's room. She was bitten by Diva all night. The drowning in the film's provocative scenes was changing aspects repeatedly. Shilpa was in her room that there was sudden darkness and darkness due to lightning. With anguish, both of them have something nearby

Raise hand to fumble, then each other's uncontrolled well-planned bodies were in their JD. Then do not know who did what, they went on getting closer and closer. Know how long the clouds were moving that night. Even outside.

Listening to Shilpa's call, the chowkas and chaotic divas had put a cloak towards Shilpa's room, taking care of the clothes. She was bitten by the diva all night.

Wake up in the morning, the Diva was hesitant and embarrassed, while Deepu was undone and

The vocal pose was present for a long time, the diva hesitated to come to his room, but Deepu got a little chance, so he himself had reached the diva. In a loud voice, the diva said that everything went wrong in the night when it was torn - "What mistake? What mistake? Have you ever understood about such lovely mistakes? What you're calling a mistake

Yes, the root of this world is the truth! "

"But our society and its rules"

"What are you talking about, ma'am? Let's talk in your language only."

You have read a lot of Puran literature, which is the god who has survived from the loop of work

Is? Indra! Brahma! Mahesh! Is there any example? "

But who will recognize your relationship with us? This inverse relationship?

"Nonsense! .... Whose recognition do you want? ... of this society? ... or of this religion or culture?" Keep in mind that the talk of anulom-antilom marriage, and just-illegitimate relationship is the rubbish of the eunuchs. “Deepu's voice was raised and the diva had to remain silent. After this, the Diva did not resist and many times lived that experience, with complete life and participation. Didi was very weak from here but what could be done. Five years in age, the minor could give permission to live with Dipu throughout his life, neither the householder, nor society nor law. However, how Didi came to know - Sara Gorakhandha.

After returning home, she started living in a duality, sometimes she seemed right to Dipu's arguments, and sometimes from her childhood, the morality related to the soft mind started dominating her. Then crime

She was surrounded by realization. Thankfully, it was still up to that point. But soon Shilpa didi's visit was to her maternal uncle and he blew a mantra that only the behavior of mummy and daddy changed towards her. He remembers that Daddy never had any discrimination between the three siblings, Shilpa, Diva and Anicchan before him. All three were given the same facility to study and develop. That is why after this neglect, she started to feel herself fallen in her eyes. Occasionally, Deepu, who is seeping dripping, was also banned from coming. The boy started looking for him. Relationship with Bipin.

He was married. She came to this house after becoming a Shri Mati Diva. He tried to forget everything previous by including himself in the flow of new life. Bipin, apart from keeping his responsibility and concern for his ailing father due to the constant crises in the house, was not so relaxed that anyone would have made any deep sense to him. The Diva too had never let her body's infatuation ever appear on Bipin, and days were passing by. But there were many things that made Bipin's sense of love in his heart, and he was fascinated by Bipin. Then Hatat Deepu was threatened one day by his in-laws. There was a debate in both of them regarding the old relationship. The diva was pleading not to repeat the old mistake, while Deepu continued to encourage her by saying that her body was getting dry and cottis were growing day by day. He used to say that there was neither mistake before, nor is it now. But she was not ready. Dipu was turned back on seeing her vocal resistance, and for many days was confused as to whom she remained loyal to, Dipu's or Bipin's. When present, Bipin also had pity for him, what poor thing? Neither can be negligent towards the father nor towards his job. By the way, he is crazy about him, as long as he stays, he will look like he will drink through the eyes. He used to give time to the diva, leaving the house and father. What was the value of that little night to the tired and tired bodies. Yes, he used to get angry in the absence of Bipin.

After Deepu's return, the great man had remained obsessed that day and wanted to be within - so that Deepu came back again. But the day Dipu came, she was not able to openly welcome her and opened her door, and she remained dazed on Dehri. Many moments passed

"Won't you ask to come in?"

The diva had looked at him with a full eye and turned away. Dipu was following behind.

"Come don't even say"

There are some arrivals that are also awaited and if they go away, then there is a feeling of abandonment.

Too. I do not have the courage and courage to approve with words, Deepu. It is your wish, but how are you going to know that the acrimony of running you is bound to crush yourself. Don't ask me. "

"how are you"

"She is asking, as if found after the last birth."

"Reincarnation happens every time I meet you."

"Actually, this mindset is your weakness."

No, Deepu, I neither get any wood nor can I remain unaffected by fire. It is probably my destiny to keep fuming between damp and heat. You explain something.

Both of them could not talk more. Rashmi had arrived. Then that night was also spent talking - things, forgetting Bipin, she was lost in Deepu. There were many things and topics related to the pile, in those days, the tongue was not tired. Dipu had returned in the morning.

The same sequence has continued since then. In the month of fifteen days, Deepu comes and tries to break his hesitation, but the diva does not get over with his conflict. Many times it seems that the arrival of Dipu will be worthwhile, but the matter just moves a few steps forward and the slumber falls before the floor

Suddenly the bell rang. The door opened with gas. "Wow this time the gas came very quickly." Saying that he gave way and started to change the cylinder.

The bell rang again after counting the gas. She looked at the door and was happy. The woodcutter Deepu stood there waiting for his permission.