What causes dizziness in pregnancy in English Health by vasika ghoshal books and stories PDF | What causes Dizziness in pregnancy

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What causes Dizziness in pregnancy

Dizziness is characterised by a sensation of feeling vague, unsteady and fainting. Dizziness gives you a delusion that your surroundings are moving and you are wavering around, which is mainly called vertigo. So, dizziness in pregnancy is very common. There are lots of reasons behind dizziness in pregnancy.

In early pregnancy, there are some reason behind dizziness and those are -

Hormonal changes - As soon as you become pregnant, your hormone levels change to help increase the blood flow in your body. This helps the baby develop in utero.
Increased blood flow can cause your blood pressure to change. Often, your blood pressure will drop during pregnancy, also known as hypotension

Low blood pressure can cause you to feel dizzy, especially when moving from lying down or sitting to standing.

Your doctor will check your blood pressure at your prenatal appointments to monitor your blood pressure. Generally, lower blood pressure is not a cause for concern and it will return to normal levels after pregnancy.

Hyperemesis gravidarum - you may face extreme nausea and vomiting in your pregnancy that is called hyperemesis gravidarum . In the initial phase of pregnancy these things happen because of alteration of hormone levels. If you suffer from this health issue severely then you should contact the doctor immediately as this may lead to weight loss and dizziness which will welcome other problems as well.

To cure this condition, your doctor may:

recommend a healthy balanced diet.
May hospitalise you in case of dehydration
Prescribe necessary medications.

Ectopic pregnancy- ectopic pregnancy can be another cause of dizziness. Ectopic pregnancy is basically implantation of zygote outside the uterus like in peritoneal space or in the fallopian tube. It's not a potential pregnancy but it may cause excessive vaginal bleeding, and it may also cause dizziness as a result of excessive bleeding.

In mid-pregnancy (13-28 weeks) , some reason behind dizziness in pregnancy are-

Pressure on your uterus - you may also experience dizziness because of pressure on your uterus . In mid-pregnancy it can be seen, as the expected baby is growing. Try not to lie on your back as it can block the blood flow from the lower part of your body to your heart and can cause dizziness.
Gestational diabetes - you may feel dizzy because of gestational diabetes if your blood sugar goes down. Your Gynecologist may recommend you to test for gestational diabetes in your mid-pregnancy and if you test positive then you may have to monitor blood glucose level regularly. Doctors may also advise you to stick to a strict diet and exercise plan. You can also keep candies as handy.

In late pregnancy (29-40 weeks) , the reason behind dizziness in pregnancy are -

Anemia - If you are suffering from anemia in your pregnancy. Then, chances of getting dizziness is prevalent .

Dehydration - Dehydration can lead you towards dizziness. Because dehydration later in pregnancy generates more thrust in you , which further leads you to dehydration. That's why it is advised to drink more water and water containing foods. [1]

How to deal with this dilemma of dizziness?

There are various possible ways to get rid of this dizziness when you are going through pregnancy. And, you should try to follow these advice to avoid certain mishappenings in your life. Those advices are -

Try not to stand for long periods.
Keep moving while you are standing to enhance your blood circulation level.
Whenever you’re trying to get up or lie down , do it slowly so that you should not lose control over yourself.
Try not to lie down on your back after 3 months of pregnancy
Try to control your blood sugar by eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water.
Wear loose and comfortable dresses to avoid discomfort.
Regularly take medications and therapeutic supplements as per advised by your doctor to treat certain disorders that cause dizziness.[2]

What to do if you feel dizzy when you are pregnant?

If you feel dizzy or you could sensitize that you are going to faint then , you should follow the following instructions to prevent any further damage or loss.

Sit or lie down and lower your head
Breathe deep for a longer time
Lose your wearables if they are tight
Open windows and make space airy and breathable or you should leave the clumsy area
eat iron rich foods [2]


Healthline, What Causes Dizziness in Pregnancy? , healthline, 7th march, 2019
Americanpregnancy.org , “Dizziness During Pregnancy”, Americanpregnancy.org , 26th june,2020