The Best Camping in English Short Stories by AHMED NAAJI books and stories PDF | The Best Camping

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The Best Camping



It all started on a cold winter evening, exactly like this, oh sorry I will introduce myself, my name is Alan and I have many friends who love adventure and many such things but I am a total scared mouse and my friends are George, Lucy, bob and Jane. So it was a cold evening and we were about to have tea, just then George shouted that we could go for a Camping. Lucy loves camping so she told me that let's go to the camping tree, It is a tour Guides Agency and Lucy jumped out of the sofa and took the phone and called the tour Guides, the phone was ringing but still they didn’t pick up and Lucy became very sad and sat there. Suddenly, there was knock at the door it was bob and Jane they came to our house and sat on the sofa and was having a tea just then George had an idea and told us that we can go on our own and it would be so much fun but bod and Jane was standing still, because they didn’t understand anything what was going on we told everything and they were jumping out of the sofa and every one was packing everything and me too…I too loved camping so after we packed everything, I began to carry every Baggage and put it in my car and bob was driving the car and George suggested we could go to a forest but I suggested we could go to a seaside park , but everyone liked George’s idea more and so went to a deep forest and it became more darker and deeper. But we kept moving and we stopped in the middle of the dark forest, just then Lucy and Jane got out of the car and started to make some fire, meanwhile I and bob started to put on the mat so we can sit but the only one who were searching for network was George, he was searching for network because he wanted to put story on INSTAGRAM. And he had 5,736 followers and he wanted to have more of them. But didn’t seem to love any of his posts because some of them were like this: a bird sitting on a tree, a glass of water going to spill out of a glass the highlight was that every photos he put on INSTAGRAM was on Google because he took those photos from Google and post it in his INSTA account. So while he took the photos Lucy and Jane lit the fire suddenly, the car came off so I went to the car but the key was missing. I thought Bob had the key so I went to him but he was not having the key, I started to feel afraid but then I remembered about my prank master friend Jane, he was the one who always loves to prank others but he told me he didn’t have the key with him. This time I was really scared and ran to Lucy, She told me that it must be here somewhere but I knew something was strange. After we ate dinner, we went to sleep but I didn’t because I wanted to know where that key was so I took the torch in my hand and walked out of the car. Actually I am a total scared boy ,but still I walked in the straight direction but when I was about to walk I heard someone talk to me, it was like this “Hey Tracy, how are you” I was afraid to look back but still I turned back and what I saw was George talking in his dream, George always talks in his dream so I went back and put a large piece of cotton in his mouth and closed the door slowly and walked straight. I started to walk fast and what I saw was a giant castle and it was so old that it was built many centuries ago I walked into the castle and when I went inside the door shut automatically, whenever I walked there was a loud thud on the floor. it made me dizzy, suddenly the door was open completely and I saw lightning in the clouds behind the clouds but in front of the door was a giant, but before I saw his face, I fainted. When I opened my eyes I saw Lucy and guys. I was happy to see them but Lucy was not so happy because she was searching here and there but I had one doubt. That doubt was how did they reach here. When I asked them Lucy had a serious look and told me that she tracked my phone but the phone was not with me but in this castle and someone is using it, she found it because she knows how to hack any device, she is absolutely brilliant. We began to search the whole castle, Bob was searching with his favorite magnifying glass and he loves to be a detective. Just then George began to shout that he had found something, we all ran towards him, he told us “I heard someone talking there” pointing towards a wall Jane told that he heard something breaking, pointing towards that wall. I began to feel something fishy, so I kept my ear close to the wall and heard someone murmuring. While I was hearing Lucy asked me to search for clues so I went upstairs and there was a man in black coat and hat and shoes. He was covered in black, he was so fat like a giant. I began to feel scared but I went straight to him and touched his shoulder, just then he turned and he asked me “who are you” terrified. I told him calmly “don’t worry, I am not here to hurt you” just then bob came and he thought that the giant was going to hurt me, he jumped and kicked the giant, the giant fell to the ground and Lucy, Jane, George came to the spot. Lucy ran to the giant and asked him about who he was. The giant spoke up “my name is Fernando”. Just then another giant came running towards the room and came for us, but Fernando called out “franklin, don’t hurt them, they are not here to hurt us” Franklin stopped. Fernando told us “This is my brother, franklin, this is our house, we are the only ones who live in this castle, franklin is always naughty, I think you are here because he has done something to you”I told him“ you are absolutely right, I guess he has taken my phone and my key” just then franklin gave me my phone and my key I thanked him and we left the castle and packed our bags and we went home in our sweet car. When we reached home, it was afternoon and we had lunch and George started to put a story on INSTAGRAM and Lucy was arranging her dress for the next camping trip. I sighed….


Written by : Ahmed Naaji