Book of Realms (Part 2) in English Fiction Stories by Samarah Fatma books and stories PDF | Book of Realms (Part 2)

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Book of Realms (Part 2)

After they all were captured inside the book they went to 4 different realms, each one controlled by the element of Nature. Charlotte was captured in the realm of Evergreen. When she fell on the ground she got hurt. She found a well so she took some water and washed off the wound. Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes. She told, "This well is magical." Then she continued to search for her friends. After roaming around for some time she heard someone’s noise out of nowhere.
The voice said, "Welcome to the realm of Evergreen, you have brought yourself here. But let me remind you getting out of here won't be easy." Charlotte asked, "What do I have to do, to get out of here?" The voice said, "You have to find the Evergreen key and the book to get out but you will face a lot of problems and let me remind you if you don't find those things in 24 hours you will be stuck here forever!" She asked "who are you?" but no one replied. So she set off to find the key and the book of Evergreen to get out of this realm to her other friends.
On her journey, she found a beautiful flower which was very colorful so she kept it with her and went to find the key. She was very hungry so she stopped by a tree and found some delicious fruits hanging on it. As soon as she tried to pluck the fruit, a Sphynx came and frightened her. Charlotte was not sacred at all but asked "who are you? "The Sphynx replied " I am the protector of this tree and will not let you pluck the fruits unless you solve my riddle. " Charlotte agreed to answer the riddle. The Sphynx's riddle was-How many letters are there in those books? The sphynx said that she had only have 3 tries. Charlotte said, "367789 zillion letters." but it was wrong. Charlotte gave another try and said, "895543 million letters." The sphynx said, "Wrong answer, you have but only one try left." Then she thought about it and said, "There are 10 letters in those books." The sphynx was shocked because no one usually got the answer right accept for Charlotte! The syhynx gave the key to her and said, “You have completed the challenge successfully your quest will end after you find the door.”
She wandered around for a long time and sat by the lake thinking about the book. Then she wondered why this realm is called the realm of Evergreen and said to herself, “If this is the realm of Evergreen then the door must be in nature (Tree, flower, leaf etc).” She then got up and saw a tree which had been shaped like a door. There were a few instructions given: Knock on the door thrice, your name will be asked and then show the Evergreen key. Charlotte followed the steps and finally a magical power pulled her to the last realm. Charlotte asked, “Realm of Fortune?” To be continued…..