Self Happiness VS Family Happiness in English Love Stories by Minal Vegad books and stories PDF | Self Happiness VS Family Happiness

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Self Happiness VS Family Happiness

"Krisha, what happened? We are watching comedy movie and you looks serious. What's wrong with you? " Diya saws that krisha look serious so she tried to know the problem of her.
" Nothing yaar! I am fine! "Krisha replied with fake smile.

Krisha and diya came to see a comedy movie at multiplex with their college friends.

"Why you wear a long face?" Diya again asked to krisha. After movie they all went to restaurant and after dinner other friends were left but krisha and diya still seated there.
" Very soon my mom and dad will start to find a good boy for me." Krisha replied with dull voice.
" Wow yaar! It's really great news!! The day i had been Waiting for years finally arrived." After hearing this diya became very happy and started speaking. But when she looked krisha's face, suddenly she shut up her mouth.
" Sorry yaar!! aren't you ready for marriage?" Now diya also became serious.
" I don't know." Krisha drank water.

"Let's go outside! I want some fresh air." Krisha paid bill and diya and krisha left the restaurant.
"Now tell me, what's going on your mind? "Diya worried about krisha.
" I don't know! I am ready or not? And how to get ready? At night when I am go to bed, I am thought about him and when I am wake up in the morning he is first comes in my mind." Both were walking slowly on road.
"Ohh !! So Now I understand. You Are talking about karan, right?" Now diya understood the whole situation.
"Yes, many times I tried to forget him but i couldn't." Diya felt krisha would cry now.
" Relax kishu, karan is really a good guy. You should tell him what you feel about him." diya was trying to persuade krisha.
"He is not a kid. maybe he even knows what I feel. Once he proposed to me but i refused." Krisha remembered that day.
"But why you refused? If You liked him you should have said yes." Diya knew krisha was a very sensitive girl.
"You know, Karan has all the qualities which I want in my life partner except one." Krisha was speaking without blinking.
"Except one?? Which one??" Diya didn't understand anything.
"Leave it, I don't want to talk about him anymore." krisha was feeling tired.
"Ok!! Leave it." Diya wanted to see krisha's happy face.
"You know what! We first met in the same multiplex where we went today. All the places where we met, Whenever I goes there they all reminds about him."krisha Was speaking and remembering karan.
" Are You and karan in contact now or not?" Diya wanted to know about karan.
" Yes, we are. " Krisha was speaking with Smile.
" Why are you smiling?? " Diya didn't understand.
" Yes, we both have number of each other.But it is only saved in mobile. Occasionally he calls me now. and rarely text me." krisha replied with dull voice.
" May be it happens that he has a lot's of work that's why he is not texting you." Diya thought deeply and then told.

" May be....
But as far as I know he has enough time to reply to my message." Krisha was sure on her point.
"But it can also be................." Diya was trying to say something but krisha stopped her.

"I think you are my friend, right??" Krisha asked to diya.

"Yes, Since childhood. But why are you asking This?? " Diya was surprised.

"But you are taking my side less and karan's side more so I was a little doubt." krisha was laughing.

Diya also started laughing and felt relaxed seeing krisha's smiling face.

"Now I have decided that from now on I will never call or message to karan." krisha spoke with strong determination.

" Owwww.... Very poor guy. Please, don't do that with him."

" He is not innocent. He is annoying me now.
For some time now, He has never texted me but never responded to my messages.

And even if sometimes he reply to a message, only two or three messages are answered well, then another message answered two or three days later. "

" So what's your final decision?" Diya was eager to know krisha's answer.

" Now I am 99% sure. I will not message him and I will not reply to his messages." krisha just stood up and spoke.

After walking for a while, krisha and diya sat on a bench. At that time, krisha's mobile phone vibrated. Diya noticed that after got someone message krisha was smiling.

" whose message is it? " Diya asked with surprise.

" No one.... It's Just friend.... " Krisha spoke with little hesitation.

"I am not asking you that he is your friend or more than a friend.
I know it's karan , right?? " Diya Saw krisha's face and knew that it was karan.

" I am sorry yaar!! I didn't mean that.. " Krisha was trying to explain diya.

" A few minutes ago, someone gave me 99% assurance." Diya spoke annoyingly to krisha.

" That's why I told 99%, not 100%." Krisha laughed.

" I always want to see this kind of happiness on your face." After seeing krisha's smiling face, Diya told heartily.

" Many times I tried to avoid him but I couldn't. I don't know why..... Why.... Why...???? " krisha spoke looking into the sky.

" Because you really like karan." Diya answered to krisha.

After listening to diya, Krisha sat quietly.

" You should try to tell your mom and dad about karan once." Diya spoke holding krisha's hand.

" It's not possible!! " Krisha replied.

" I know your Mom and Dad well. They always think about your happiness. And I'm sure they will never say No. " Diya knew krisha's parents well.

" That's right, But my mom and dad would never accept him as a son-in-law. " krisha spoke with full confidence.

" But why?? Karan is really a good guy. And he has all the qualities which you want. Then what's the problem?? " Diya didn't understand anything.

" Yes he has, But i told you before, except one. " Krisha replied to diya.

" Which one?? " Diya asked again.

" We are not from same caste. And I know my parents will never accept it even I am also not accept it.
You are right my parents always think about my happiness but now it's my turn to make them happy.
If I choose a my life partner in my own way, only I will be happy with it. But if my parents choose a my life partner then whole family will be happy.
And I am 110% sure my parents will choose a best life partner for me." Krisha was speaking with full confidence.

" You are right!! The happiness of parents is the most importance." Diya put her hand on krisha's shoulder and spoke.

At that time krisha's phone rang. Krisha picked up the phone,
" Hello Mom!! "

" Where are you?? " Mom asked to krisha.

" I am with diya. " Krisha replied.

" Ok beta!! A few minutes ago, There was a auntie's call. Her relatives boy and his family wants to see you tomorrow.
Hello beta!!
Are you Listening to me?? " Mom did not get any response from krisha so asked.

" Yes Mom, I am listening. "

" Then what you think? we are not in such a hurry. Only if you agree, then and only then we say yes to them for tomorrow." Mom asked to taking krisha's permission.

" Don't worry, Mom!! I am ready for tomorrow. " Krisha replied without hesitation.

" Are you sure, beta?? " Mom asked again.

" Yes mom, I am very sure." Krisha replied with full confidence.

" Ok!! Then come home soon. And take care" Mom said with little concern.

" Ok!! Bye!! " Krisha hang up the call.

Krisha told diya everything she talked to her mom.

" Then what you think about karan? " Diya asked to krisha about karan.

" Now I will say goodbye to him forever." Krisha took her phone and deleted contact of karan And also blocked him on social media.

" I trust you!! You always think of the happiness of all. That's why I love you yaar!!
I will miss you very much after you get married." Diya was hugging krisha.

" I love you too, yaar!!
Ooo.. Hello!! Tomorrow they only come to see me , Not for the wedding." Krisha was holding diya's hand.

" Then let's go home, we still have to prepare for tomorrow." Diya stood up and spoke.

" Ohhh... Yes!! Let's go!! " Krisha also stood up.

Krisha was going home with thinking about the happiness of herself and her FAMILY!!

Thank you!!