Do you love me? - 8 in English Love Stories by Pavan Naidu books and stories PDF | Do you love me? - Episode-8 living together???

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Do you love me? - Episode-8 living together???

Finally, Pavan reached the airport at 8:37, he is filled with sweat and rainwater. He is wiping the sweat entering into eyes and breathing heavily.
Ram: you came too late, Priya"s flight already gone.

Ram and pavan are the best friends(mentioned in episode-4) and Ram is brother to Priya (relatives), Vamsi"s best friend is pavan🙃 (the difference will be seen in the future episodes )

Pavan(sad inside but acting normal): ok I tried my best to reach in time but we stuck in traffic(explained episode-7).

Priya: you ran 2 km for me🥰.

Ram (low voice) wine did the magic😅

Pavan turned towards Priya, he got a wide smile on his face, he forgot to speak after looking at Priya in the red and golden saree with crafted drop earrings which he gifted her.
She is so gorgeous and cute in it, she smiled innocently and winked at him while sliding her fingers to adjust the hair falling on her ears.

Pavan came back to sense and said: why don't you left?

Priya: Because you didn't come to give me a sendoff so I thought you didn't want me to go.

Pavan: I just stuck in the traffic, But what about your dream? Is there any next flight today?

Priya: I already have my own company here.

Pavan: what? How?

Priya: Dummy your father's company is yours and what yours is mine. So I already have an established company, then what's the need to start a new company again?

Pavan: Are you sure? where are your Dad and my parents? Why don't they come?

Priya: they are waiting for us at home, you better get a hurry and come home.

Pavan: did something happened?

Priya: there is a life-changing surprise for you just came to the home you will understand everything.

In the meantime, the manager came to the airport, pavan spoke to his mother on phone, she said nothing but asked him to come back as soon as possible so Pavan decided to go back to the hotel fresh up and go home.

Ram: I have to go somewhere else so take Priya with you.

Pavan: But it will take some time for me to go home.

Priya(with a soft smile): I can wait 😊

Pavan: ok let's go (Priya came and sat next to pavan in the back seat, the manager drive them to the hotel)

Pavan: sorry for causing you trouble, and thanks for driving me to the airport.

Manager: I am happy to help sir, have a good time with your girlfriend.

Priya: I am his fiance and why a manager becomes a driver for a customer?

Manager: forgive me for my misguess madam but He is our...

Pavan(interrupted him): Don't bother him with your questions, After I fresh up I will tell everything, In the meanwhile, look around the hotel.

Pavan went to his room and fresh up and came back in 5 minutes.

Priya: wow you are too fast, it will take a minimum of 20 minutes for me.

Pavan: I am not a girl, I don't have long hair as you have, and I don't do makeup. let's go.

Priya: I didn't do any makeup? If you want you can check by kissing on my cheek.

Pavan: what? Why should I kiss you to check if you have makeup or not?

Priya: after kissing me on cheeks, if you find any makeup on your lips then it means I wear makeup. If there is nothing on your lips it means I didn't do makeup. Want to check?😉

Pavan(blushed face): thanks I believe you, let's go.

Priya: hey, you said you will tell me the reason why the manager came to drop you at the airport? And I am hungry let's eat something.

Pavan: we can eat after going home.

Priya: I will eat quick, let's eat something, please 😐😐

Pavan: ok let's eat.

They went to the restaurant area in the hotel and ordered food, Priya ate only 2 idly, but Pavan ate 3 dosa, a plate of paratha, Aloo puri, and coffee.

Pavan: why are you looking at me like that? 🙄

Priya: I know you were hungry But Why the waiter didn't come for the bill? Did you order any parcels to eat on the way home?🤣🤣

Pavan: No waiter will come for the bill. I own this hotel.

Priya: 😳😳what? Are you serious? How you got this much money? Does your father buy this hotel?

Pavan: No he doesn't, I will explain to you later until then keep this between us. let's go.

Pavan and Priya went to the car and pavan said: you look so beautiful in this saree Priya. Thanks for Wearing saree for me.

Priya: Hm what can I say my fiance had a good taste and Thanks for your compliment. As a wife fulfilling your wishes is my duty mister.

They reached his House
Pavan: hey where is your luggage?

Priya: inside your room, why?

Pavan: so you decided not to leave before coming to the airport. What did you plan?

Priya: shh stop questioning and let's get inside.
They both went inside the house and Priya's father and Pavan's parents sat in the hall.
They stopped talking after looking at them.

Pavan's father: go to your room and get your bags.

Pavan: what bags? What going on? Where are we going?

Priya: I will explain, let's go to your room first.

They both went to his room, Pavan
Almirah was empty and his luggage was packed and kept along with Priya's bags.

Pavan: are we going somewhere? Why you people packed all the stuff? Some clothes will be sufficient right?

Priya: from today onwards we going to live together separately from our families.

Pavan: what? Nooo way

To be continued