Amusing doctor in English Comedy stories by tamim books and stories PDF | Amusing doctor

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Amusing doctor

Amusing Doctor

By Tamim Elyas

long time time ago there was a man named his self as a doctor to deceive people, so he announced that he would treat every disease and should be paid 100 dollars,but even if he couldn't he is ready to pay 100 dollars for the patient.

randomly a wise man appeared and thought who would be that foolish person that is able to find a treatment for every disease i will teach a lesson by posing a strict disease which has to, he gathered to people around and said dear people i am able to defeat this fool doctor follow me and see how i will fool this doctor and then he came to the doctor the doctor asked what is your problem sir, the wise man said dear doctor i cant taste whatever i eat doctor smiled and asked the nurse to bring down the con number 8.

the wise man ate the staff which included in con number 8 and wildly said that was shit rapidly the doctor asked pay me 100 dollars you have been treated.

the man regretted that has been fooled by doctor all the people started laughing at him so the wise man became fun of everyone.

next day, the wise man changed completely his appearance and then once again gathered the people around and yelled that this time i will teach this fool doctor a lesson by posing a hard disease which has no treatment so people again followed the wise man and they came to the doctor.

Doctor asked what is your problem dear sir, the wise man said dear doctor i lost my memorial I can't remind the lasted events.

Doctor said nurse bring down the con number 8.

the wise man yelled that is the shit.

Doctor asked the wise man to pay 100 dollars you have been treated completely.

all the people once again laughed at wise man and wise man became fooled.

several days later the wise man once again changed his appearance and gathered the people and yelled that he would defeat the fool doctor this time

so people followed the wise man and them they came to the doctor.

Doctor asked,what is your problem sir.

Wise man, said dear doctor, I cant humiliate anyone or can't be dirty mouth whatever bad situation would be.

the doctor said nurse!

bring down the con number 8.

The wise man yelled, mother fucker that is the shit.

then doctor asked for 100 dollars and said that your problem is solved.

all the people laughed at wise man the wise man said in his mind what a fool man i am.


wise man

the doctor



main point:

there would be no on out of money as there is some fools in the world


when the man ate the staff of con


the vallage near the wardak provice of afghanistan and the doctor cheking room

sincerly your

tamim Elyas