AFTER YOU COME THOU - 4 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU COME THOU - 4

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“If the Creator gives me a chance for this life to pick out, a partner of adventures, doubts would vanish, then, redeemed, they would revive in your chest.”

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum: If you are yearning for peace, be ready for war.

Cali, Colombia, From December 28th 2017 to January 3rd 2018

The essence of Valentina dragged The Loser Titan to war, from the date of his arrival in Cali onwards. “For God sake, it´s a real pity that she is working today at the Fair and so will the last days of the year” –he regretted upon landing. Pretty bad news had he received from her when boarding the plane in Argentina.

If you are a fashion model you learn to shape an unmovable fixed stance the way tv journalists do, with the difference that models are not sat before TV cameras but standing beside an advertising stand or paralysed by the front door of an event hall. They are constrained to look men in a lioness-faced attitude, giving –from their high-heeled positions- the impression to say “Hey guys, we are going to eat you right away”. An expected attitude derived from the simple fact to stand still on their pained feet all day long offering solidly-built numb bones. It could then be conceived the brave face Valentina put on (the day the Loser Titan arrived) after six uninterrupted hours faking a smile from insane postures. Despite these struggles Valentina liked her job very much; it was well paid and furthermore contributed to afford the expenditures that her studies entailed. She was overjoyed as year 2017 came to an end. Even if foot pain worked against Valentina freshness maker´s mark, this one remained intact.

Valentina was endowed by birth with a talent to please others, which explained her boss´s permanent satisfaction with her job performance. It would be best to allude to Argentinian musician Charly García’s slogan “Say no more”. Even suffering from foot pain, in those rare occasions that she loses her temper with her fans club (groupies reluctant to be sent off to the ostracism) she is still appreciated and forgiven. Once in Colombian soil, The Loser Titan started to figure out how should Valentina be dressed like, he dreamt of the suggestive garments she would be wearing on, the earrings and a pearl necklace ornamenting her sways. Maybe the bracelets around her wrists and a tailleur tightly shaped to her waist caused pedestrians [at Cali Fair] to take a stop&watch break. He dreamt of her dressed up in full bloom, for the life-time gala of The Loser Titan was Valentina, a thing she knew it too well.

No sooner that her shyness is cast aside Valentina rushes off, she sprints off and hits the target with the first visual, emotional and spiritual impact (an offering bound to condemn her admirers to their deathbeds). As she walks down the road of seduction she risks doubling the bet, and like a bull mounts an attack against the pissed-off prey, who claims for a countdown to recover his breath; ten legal seconds’ passes until Valentina taps the control panel to embody the scene of her everlasting sympathy. Masterizing this procedure has become her second nature. It was unknown to The Loser Titan the degree of pyrotechnical emergency in which he was immersed, the seismic intensity scale under which he was rummaging in the hope to retrieve his lost will, possibly buried in the disaster zone.

The Loser Titan discarded –despite his undisguised eagerness- a face-to-face meeting with Valentina before year end, given her busy days at Cali Fair. Hence he devoted time to design her ethereal costumes in order to candidate the model for astral beauty contests. Moreover, he had gone back to work at the office, located in the southern corner of Cali, but her priority ranking had been altered: in order of precedence Valentina took the throne, while secondarily, if a surplus of accounting energy survived the sighing process, that potential balance might be re-conducted to his daily work routine.

The Holy King feast was approaching, The Loser Titan considered that “Crystal Heart” (crystal unique features: clarity, purity and cleanness, reminded him of Valentina´s soul) deserved an early Holy King present. So, as he gave brief attention to financial and accounting issues he started, involved in a wave of ecstasy, to gather up the production of opuscules from December 18th 2017 to January 2th 2018, including the Poem “Perhaps” as well, a text of his own authorship which addressed the topic of lack of certainty in life, since one could die of infatuations sowing not a single seed of love in the woman´s heart.

“The world has reported countless stories of unrequited love –the Loser Titan listed in his mind the best-known ones across mankind history -, because the entranced subject did not take into account the affectional gap between men´s will and women´s unwillingness; chasm grows as huge amounts of smarter and more handsome candidates push forward from the right side of the counter.”

Therefore, the expression perhaps gave rise to saying goodbye in advance to love correspondence, poeticizing either uncertainty or the one-sided passionate overflowing.

Shortly after dawn The Loser Titan put the index on the desk, and below it many opuscules were filed according to their dates of creation. An array of short essays “The metamorphosis of fate; the guardian of the fertile plain; how to travel with no emotional baggage; the Messenger of the sacred flame; the display of freedom; waiting for you without expecting anything in return; your smile showered by eager eyebrows; to enrich the coffer of your happiness; the press agent of your curves; to pave the way to hold back illusions and to give you sweet care; a saffic ode on un-conditionality; a month has passed since we first met; your eyebrows checking my blood pressure; a rumour of compatibility; love speech avoiding flowery phrases; The Poem Perhaps; a letter to Valentina; eyebrows of model within a lawful frown; about harmony; the flow of passion; the Poem I saw you laugh; the purpose of life” were among the major material put together. The Loser Titan had spent the whole night preparing the Holy King present. Next day he would leave home early, went downtown, wait for the library to open and buy there an envelope, where he would place all the assembled stuff. He dispatched it right away to Valentina´s Cali domicile using certified mail. It was January 3rd 2018 in the morning. There was also a personal letter in the envelope, whose content is transcript hereunder:

“An appointment with your soul is my dearest wish; you may choose the date: January, February, march 2018 suits me well. Indeed, I will bring my soul along. Yet the place is at your choice I propose to dine together at Charrúa, a restaurant whose owner is an Uruguayan friend of mine. So far as the eye can see, we keep us beautifully young, hence there is no rush. Let’s garden the kingdom of uncertainties, events in life are tied to a sealed fate, the best we can do is to face them and enjoy them from a deep individual perspective, submitting to their effects wherever they may take us.

I made this yearning official by writing down a poem, even though I am far from being a formal guy. This flow of inspiration of the Universe channelled through me, which was baptised “Perhaps”, is a literary piece tailored to your beautifulness. Being this a special outcome from my heart soundboard, I decided to override the rules and send you out an invitation via a letter rogatory, unlike hasty courtship manners seen nowadays.

Do not take me as the creator of the poem but the vehicle chosen by the south of Cali to bring it to you.

Everything that happens in life is nothing but the reflection of hearts and souls sharpening their shooting skills and –like Spaniards use to say and so independent Catalans- that´s it. There is nothing more to say.

To get to know you, to love you, to devote myself to you, to give in, is a risk I take until its ultimate consequences.

The writer with no name Cali, January 2nd 2018

PS. I have been out of practice in poetry for so long, there is thus a chance that the inspiration poured here might be insufficient to influence your innermost affections. Please forgive me for that.


Literary payment of tribute to Valentina

Perhaps, I have a poetic vein

Perhaps, your poetry possesses my veins

And, if the Madonna lilies of your garden indulge

My impertinence”, I will come out triumphantly from this play

Perhaps, I welcome the fragrance of your greetings

Perhaps, your fragrance turns into my greeting´s welcome centre

And, if the grass that you tread, with the stars

Talks, you would be granted heavenly asylum

Perhaps, you tie my fate up with a cord

Perhaps, no cord-fastened fates are likely to be consented

And, if coincidence, of compatibility

Be charged”, I will claim for your innocence before the jury

Perhaps, the emissary of your kisses shows delay

Perhaps, your kisses are a show of delayed emissaries

And, if the trace of your silence, a deep mark on me

Leaves, I will worship the undelivered speech

Perhaps, party-dressed steeds are coming closer to me

Perhaps, you party my steed with your dress

And, if a friendly hand to me you extend, I would

Take it for”, a stairway to heaven

Perhaps, the range of possibilities disappeared

Perhaps, you are peering out my possibility

And, if the creator gives me a chance, for this life to pick out

A partner of adventures”, doubts would vanish, then, redeemed, they would revive in your chest

The writer with no name

Cali, January 2nd 2018