Attitude is important. in English Motivational Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Attitude is important.

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Attitude is important.

Life is ever changing story. Every day you have to face new problem and new things. But if you think in deep, the most important thing in life is your attitude towards the thing, towadrs the life.

One day myself and my wife was going from bombay to delhi by filght. In delhi my cousin's son marriege was there. We had to reach there at 8.00 P.M. So we have booked tickets of 5.00.p .m. So easily we can reach there on time. When we reached at the airport, we told our flight is delayed for two hours. So now it becomes so difficult us to reach on time. On the airport all were upset. So many talking about the air lines which always delays, somebody taking about the laziness of staff. Somebody are arguing with staff. So all situation was not good. My wife was in very bad mood and told me yaar, this is too much. Now we will be late and when we will reach almost function will be over. She was very upset, l told her, if you upset and if you loose your temper than nothing will good happen. You be calm, if we will reach late than sky will not fall. This airport is fine and come on, we will have some shopping and enjoy. She told me are you mad ? How you can think of shopping and enjoy in this situation. I told her than in this situation if you cry than what will good happen. But she was so upset and didn't listening to me. I told her you sit here calmly, I am going to see this beautiful air port. I went in one book shop as I have very fond of reading. And I found very good book, very nice book in discounted rate. I went to my wife with dancing and told her see what I got a nice book in very much discounted rate. She was not listing me and was very upset. I took a very nice place and read full book in two hour and that books opened my so many questions. I told my wife this happened of flight delayed becomes blessing for me. But she was only upset.

In above mention example you can see. My wife was suffered with tension. Litterly her attitude was just like that we have lost so big things and in full time in flight she didnot talk even a single word to me. You can see by this type of attitude what she got. Nothing .

And when we reached at function. Sure we were late but everything was going so smoothly. My cousin who's son reception, was so busy and easily understood our problem. I told my wife see here, sky is not fall. Unnecessary you got tension but she was upset. I was talking with everyone about so nice book got from airport and she was talking about how we got trouble.

So this is attitude towads the thing.

Whenever this type of situation comes, friends, be aware and never get upset. This is very small example but in life so many situations will come but if you upset than nothing will good happen but if your attitude is fine than you can save so many things.

So always aware of your attitude.