Eligible Bachelor - Episode 25 And 26 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 25 And 26

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 25 And 26

Chapter 25

Aastha was sitting and her laptop was opened in front of her. She was typing something. She typed a few lines and then erased it. Her fingers were moving around the keyboard. Finally, she buckled up herself and typed her resignation letter. She was about to click on the send button and her phone rang. It was Samyak.

“Hi… How are you?” Samyak asked.

“Hey… I am fine. How about you?” Aastha said slowly.

“What happened? Why are you sounding so low?” Now they don’t need to see each other for understanding their mood. Voice is enough.

“Actually… Samyak I am resigning.” Aastha told him.

“Why?? What happened?” Samyak asked with surprise.

“Sanjay uncle called and he told me…” Aastha told about their conversation.

“So I have decided to take it from here. He thinks that a responsible owner’s presence is very important. At this point, Papa is not in a condition to handle all this stress. I don’t want to trouble him. I want to give him time as much as he wants to come out of everything. So I will be joining along. If I will be there, he will also feel supported. Mumma was always with him for all these years and now I will stand by his side.” Aastha said with conviction.

After listening to everything, Samyak said after a pause, “I am so proud of you Aastha. You are the best daughter and I am lucky that you are in my life. Whatever would be your decision, I am always with you. Are you happy?”

“I don’t know Samyak. I am a little confused though. You know I love my job and this is going to be an altogether different field. I don’t have any experience with this. I don’t know how will I manage everything. I am afraid if it gets ruined what will I do?” Aastha was feeling fearful as it is going to be a huge responsibility.

“Hey… I know it would not be easy but you know what I am sure with time, everything gets figured out. See you are managing team and client in your current job as well. Same thing you have to do there. It is a different field but you know how to deal with people and how to motivate them to work.” Samyak explained to her and encouraged her.

“Do you really think I would be able to manage?” Aastha asked still doubting her ability.

“I don’t think… I believe. You are going to be a rocking entrepreneur. You are doing all this for your Mumma and Papa. Aunty would be so proud of you from wherever she is looking at you and I am sure Uncle will also be confident again and recovered soon with your support.” Samyak cheered her.

“You know Samyak… you are the best. Thanks for always be there for me.” Aastha said with happiness in her voice and tears in her eyes.

“Ok…ok now you take rest. I know you have not eaten anything amidst all this. So first you eat something and then sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. I will call you in the morning.” Samyak instructed her smiling.

“As you say, Sir.” Aastha finally smiled.

Aastha joined her father’s office. With the help of Sanjay and other employees, she started working to get the company back on track again. They hired some new people as well. She was using her prior experience and putting effort to work everyone as one team. She met with clients personally and address their concerns. She made them believe again in their company and working environment. She cannot just talk. She needs to show results as well. These all keeping her so busy that she hardly gets time. Aastha was not able to talk to Samyak very frequently. Gradually the frequency of their calls is getting less. Samyak understands that she has a huge responsibility on her shoulder but he misses her a lot. Apart from the office, she has to take care of her father as his condition has not much improved still. Jiya tries to help her in all ways she can but Aastha always asked her to concentrate on her studies first as it’s going to be a crucial final term. Months were passed in handling all this and its time for Samyak to come back. Samyak wanted to fly directly to Mumbai and met Aastha but then still their families are not aware of them. So he decided to go to his home first.

Anita and Vivek are super excited as their son is coming back after so long. They all went to receive him at the airport. As he came out, Anita hugged him and her eyes filled with tears.

“Mummy… no more tears. I am back now.” Samyak consoled her.

“Yes and now I don’t let you go anywhere again. It was so long. You have become so weak.” Anita said looking at her son.

“Yes bhaiya and that’s why Mummy has prepared all your favorite dishes” Vedant added with a smile.

Samyak hugged Vedant and touched his father’s feet. They all reached their house. Samyak gave everyone the gifts, clothes, accessories he bought for everyone. They talked and had their food. Samyak went to his room and lie down on his bed. He took out his phone and called Aastha.

“Hey Samyak… I am so sorry. I couldn’t call you before. How was your flight?” Aastha answered the call.

“It’s okay Aastha. You must be caught up in something.” Samyak replied.

“There was a meeting with one of the clients and it went till quite late. I am still on my way home. I feel very guilty that I am not able to call you. You always understand and let it go.” Aastha sounded guilty.

“Ohh… come on Aastha... just calling and messaging doesn’t prove our love for each other. We are way above that. So you need not feel guilty. But one thing which I am feeling you have to do something about it.” Samyak said mysteriously.

“And what’s that?” Aastha asked hurriedly.

“I am missing you terribly” Samyak said sadly.

“Even I am missing you too. It seems like ages we last saw each other.” Aastha also sounded disappointed.

“That’s why I am thinking to come to Mumbai. We can meet and spend some time.” Samyak said cheering her up.

“Wow, that would be great… but… what will you tell at home?” Aastha sounded excited about the first part of her sentence but worried about the next part.

“Don’t worry about that. Aditya Bhaiya is there so it will not be an issue. Samyak assured her.

"And I also think now we should tell our family about us” Samyak added.

Aastha turned silent.

“What happened? You haven’t said anything.” Samyak checked.

“Ahh… actually Samyak… from last few days, something is going on in my mind about us…” Aastha couldn’t complete her sentence as the phone got disconnected. Her phone battery discharged completely.

“Hello… Hello… Aastha” Samyak looked at his phone and wondered what could it be about them that Aastha wanted to talk about.

Chapter 26

Aastha got back home and charged her phone. She messaged Samyak that she will call later as it was already quite late. By the time Samyak was already asleep thinking about Aastha and of course jet lag. They talked after that day but couldn’t discuss what was left in between. Samyak joined his office after the weekend and told his parents there is a client meeting in Mumbai and he has to go there. He will stay with Aditya and will be back in 2 days. Aastha also thought it would be better if they talk when Samyak is in front of him.

Samyak reached Mumbai and went to Aditya’s house first. They catch up with each other as they were meeting after a very long time. Aditya felt a change in Samyak’s attitude. After his engagement broke he had kept himself away from everyone. But now he is back to normal again. Aditya can see he looks happy and cheerful.

“Samyak I am really happy to see you. Finally, our old Samyak is back. You got lost somewhere after whatever happened but now I can see the confident, cheerful, and positive you. I must say this London trip has done magic.” Aditya said happily.

“Magic has surely done.” Samyak thought to himself and smiled thinking about Aastha.

“What Man?? Smiling silently. What is going on?” Aditya looked at him suspiciously.

Samyak instantly hides his excitement and replied to Aditya, “Arey Bhaiya… nothing going on. You are correct. This trip made me realize we should not close our life because of one unfortunate incident. I learned to move on and I am happy now. Also bhaiya I want to say sorry. I know my behavior must have hurt everyone. I didn’t talk to anybody properly.”

“Ahh, that’s all right. We all understood how difficult it would be for you. Anyways let bygones be bygones. So tell me what is your plan for today?” Aditya asked.

“In the evening, I have a meeting. So I will leave in some time and will back around night.” Samyak replied.

“Alright then you finish your meeting and we will plan something for tomorrow” Aditya said.

Samyak and Aastha have decided to meet at Marine Drive. Aastha also wrapped up her work early and started from her office. She was equally excited to meet Samyak but she has something in her heart that she wanted to share with him. She was not sure how Samyak will react to it so a she is anxious as well.

Samyak was already reached at the place. He looked around and saw Aastha coming towards him. She was wearing a purple top and black palazzo. Her hair was flowing with the wind. She came near to Samyak and he smiled. He gave her the bouquet of daisies that he got for her on the way. She smelled it and smiled back.

“They are lovely.” She said.

“Less than you. Ahh, I can’t tell you how am I feeling to see you after so long.” Samyak hugged her. She hugged him back but it is not the same as it was before. Samyak felt a little formal by her gesture but he ignored that thought.

“I am so relieved to see you as well.” Aastha also said softly.

“Come let’s sit.” Samyak holds her hand and they sat on the edge facing towards the sea. They looked at the waves, which are coming and going. The cool breeze was touching their faces. They sat there holding hands without uttering a word, just feeling each other’s presence and warmth. After a while, Samyak looked at Aastha closely and sensed there is something bothering her.

“Aastha will you tell me what is the matter or should I guess?” Samyak finally broke the silence.

“Means?” Aastha looked at him puzzled.

“I know you something is bothering you. What is it? Tell me.” Samyak asked.

Aastha felt bad for her behavior and tried to hide the fight going on between her mind and her heart.

“It’s nothing. I was just lost on some thoughts. Leave all this, tell me how is everyone at home. They must be very happy to see you back.”

Samyak is now confirmed there is something. But he gave her sometime before coming back to that so he replied casually, “Yes everyone is doing good. How is Jiya? Her exams must have over by now.”

“Yes, she is giving some interviews. She wanted to join the office but I asked her not. I don’t want her to give up her dreams. She has studied this course of journalism with so much passion and I want her to work in that field. I am handling office with the help of everyone else so I told her to not worry about it.” Aastha told.

“Yes, that’s right. She should not worry when she has you as her elder sister. You know Aastha, you have handled everything so perfectly. Just one problem is there…” Samyak left it in the middle.

“Problem?? What happened? Did I do anything wrong?” Aastha asked worriedly.

“Yes… you are not taking care of my girl. Look how weak you have become. But now I am back and will take care of you. I think its time we should let our parents know about us.” Samyak said.

Aastha looked at Samyak and said, “Samyak, I am thinking about this for some time. I don’t know how should I say but this is bothering me a lot.”

“What is it Aastha? That day on call also, you want to say something but it couldn’t be completed. Tell me now whatever it is.” Samyak asked in a serious tone.

“Actually it is about us, our relationship, our future. I don’t know how will it be?” Aastha couldn’t express her feelings clearly.

“How will it mean? I am not able to understand what are you saying.” Samyak looked at her puzzled.

“I mean, it is all very complicated. Look Samyak as soon we will tell our parents about us, next thing they want us to get married.” Aastha was continuing but Samyak interrupted her.

“So don’t we want that too?” Samyak asked.

“Don’t take me wrong Samyak. It’s not that I don’t want to marry you but Marriage is a huge step. You know how things are currently going on. I can’t leave my Papa and sister at this point. I am also handling the office. Getting married is not just about us. It involves our families. We need to think and decide a lot of things before.” Aastha did not want to hurt Samyak but saying all this is not easy for her as well.

“Of course we need to think a lot and as long as we are together we will manage everything.” Samyak consoled her.

“It is not that simple Samyak. Situations have changed a lot.” Aastha said with disappointment.

“But our love hasn’t Aastha. We promised to always being there for each other and we will keep it. And every problem has a solution.” Samyak is thinking the problem is not that big.

“I know Samyak we promised and I also want a solution but there are so many questions that I am not sure how we will find it” Aastha said worriedly.

Samyak took her hands and said, “I know you have a huge responsibility here. You can’t leave anything. But I can move here. You need not leave anything and I can take a transfer or maybe look for another opportunity. See problem solved.” Samyak suggested and smiled.

“No Samyak… It’s not just about me or my family. What about Uncle and Aunty? They also have some expectations from their daughter-in-law. I don’t know if I will able to meet it with all these responsibilities. Staying here with my family doesn’t mean that I make you leave your family. That would not be correct. Even before I become a part of your family it would look like I take you away from them. And you know how social norms are, if my Papa will come to know about us, he will surely force me to leave everything here. He will never accept this that he stays with us after our marriage and I don’t stay with my in-laws. Jiya is there with him now but after her marriage, he will be all alone. He is not able to handle himself now when we are here, what will he do afterward. If he comes to know, I am sure he will show he is strong and capable but I know he is not.” Tears rolled down from her eyes and she couldn’t control herself.

Samyak was looking at her without blinking his eyes. It seems like someone wakes him up from a beautiful dream and showed him the reality. He never thought about it all this. But thinking about Aastha, not with him shook his soul and he started, “Aastha nothing like that happen. We will think about something. Please don’t give up like this. We will do something to sort it out. I can’t even imagine myself without you. We will figure out.”

“Samyak, saying all this is not easy for me as well. I am going through such a pain thinking about all this for so many days. I never thought such a turn would come to our relationship. You have always been my support throughout and I don’t want to lose you either. Without you and your love, I don’t know what would I have done, and thought about you not being there makes me restless. But when I think about our families, I don’t know what is right or wrong. Will it or not be selfish just to think about us at this point? I don’t know… I don’t know anything….” Aastha covered her face.

Samyak understood what Aastha is talking about but he is not getting convinced. The conflict between practicality and emotions, mind and heart, responsibility, and love is continuously going on. They both looked at each other clueless who is going to win and what would be their future.