Eligible Bachelor - Episode 23 And 24 in Hindi Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 23 And 24

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 23 And 24

Chapter 23

“Hey here is your coffee. The flight is delayed by 30 minutes.” Samyak passed a cup of coffee to Aastha. They were sitting at the airport.

“Thanks” Aastha replied in a low voice.

“Aastha… She will be fine.” Samyak was consoling her but she is terrified.

“I am scared. I don’t what happened suddenly. I talked to her 2 hrs before she...” Aastha was not able to believe that her mother has suddenly collapsed. She got a call from her sister Jiya that they are taking her to the hospital and she comes to Mumbai as soon as she can. She immediately called Samyak as she is not able to think anything. Samyak booked next day flight tickets and also took Aastha to the office and helped in completing all formalities needed to travel back. He took her to the airport. He informed Mohit as well and ensured that everything is arranged.

“What did Jiya say?” Samyak checked as Aastha was talking to her sister when he went to get coffee.

“She is still unconscious and in ICU. Doctors are saying the next few hours are very critical.” Aastha’s hands are trembling thinking about her mother.

Samyak holds her hand tightly, “Hey don’t worry. If you get weak like this, who will handle everything there. Aunty is going to be fine.”

The security check announcement started for Mumbai’s flight. Aastha and Samyak got up and moved towards the security check line.

“I can’t come ahead of this but always remember, I am with you. If anytime you feel, you need me there, I am just a call away. Just let me know and I will do whatever I can.” Samyak kept his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

“Thank you Samyak… From the time I had called you, you haven’t left me for a minute. You arranged everything so quickly. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Aastha’s eyes are wet.

“Shh… You and I are not different now. Now you just go there with positive thoughts like you always do and take care of your mom. Keep me updated.” Samyak hugged her gently.

Aastha felt safe and hopeful listening to Samyak. She held her bag and moved towards the security check line.

“Aastha… I love you.” Samyak said trying to smile but his heart was heavy and emotional.

“I love you too.” Aastha also said with a heavy heart and waved at him.

He waved her back and they kept looking again and again to each other until Aastha gets finally disappeared through the gates.

Aastha’s flight took off after some time and Samyak reached back to his house. He sat down on the couch and prayed to God for Aastha’s mother’s fast recovery. He was already started missing her. With all these thoughts going in his mind, he slept on the couch itself.

After 10 hours of a tensed journey, Aastha landed at Mumbai airport. She rushed through every counter and collected her luggage as soon as it arrived. She booked the cab and drove directly to the hospital. She has no network on her cell phone so couldn’t message or call anyone.

Samyak is checking his phone every 10 minutes. But there is still no message or call from Aastha. He is not able to concentrate on his work. He checked the flight status and it is showing landed.

“By now she must have reached the hospital or her home. Hope everything is fine. I don’t have anyone else’s number as well.” He was thinking and sent her a message on every possible communication apps to call him back or message as soon as she can.

Her empty desk in the office keeps on reminding him of her absence and it was making him more restless. Only a call or a message can make him feel relieved. He tried to finish his work and thought of waiting for some more time. He wrapped up his work and started for his home in the evening. On the way back, he was thinking about how to contact her and suddenly his phone rang.

“That must be Aastha.” He quickly answered the call without looking at the number.

“Samyak…” that was not Aastha’s voice.

He looked at the screen and saw Kavya’s name on it.

“Hi, Kavya… How are you?” Samyak said with disappointment.

“I am okay. Have you reached home?” her voice is sounding very serious.

“No, just on my way. I was thinking to call you. Do you have any alternate number of Aastha? I haven’t heard back from her. I am getting worried. I wanted to talk to her once.” Samyak thought Kavya must have Aastha’s house number.

“For that only I called you. Aastha’s mom is passed away.” Kavya’s said in a low voice.

“Whaaaat...??? When???” Samyak couldn’t believe it.

“Yes… actually, it happened when Aastha was in travel. She couldn’t meet her mom. Doctors kept her on the ventilator but she suffered organ failure and couldn’t survive. Mohit’s mom called and told us.” Kavya explained.

“Ohh my God… All of a sudden… I was hoping she will recover soon.” Samyak was in shock.

“Yes, no one is able to believe. She was all good and healthy till a few hours back and suddenly all this happened… they all are devastated and shocked. Kavya told.

“Ohh God… I still can’t believe it. Aastha must be shattered. Ohh I wish I would be there with her.” Samyak knew how painful it would be for Aastha.

“Hmm… I know… As soon as she reached the hospital, she got to know about it. They were just waiting for her to come. My in-laws also reached in a few hours.” Kavya told him.

“I so wanted to talk to her right now.” Samyak murmured.

“She is the one who has to handle everything there. Her father is in shock. I will talk to her after a day or two. Right now they are not in a state to talk or say anything.” Kavya told.

“Please let me know once you talk to her.” Samyak requested.

“Of course. I will let you know and will try that you can also talk to her as soon as possible.” Kavya assured him.

“Thanks, Kavya” Samyak replied.

“You take care. I will talk to you later. Bye!” Kavya said.

“Bye.” Samyak disconnected the call.

Chapter 24

After waiting for around 4 days, Samyak’s phone rang.

“Hi…” Aastha spoke in a low voice.

“Aastha… How are you?” Samyak was finally relieved listening to her voice.

“I am okay. How are you?” Aastha said sadly.

“I am okay but I know you are not. I don’t know what to say. I was completely shocked when I heard it. Aastha…” Samyak heard her crying.

This is the first time Aastha was able to vent her emotions. By the time, she reached the hospital, she was handling everything. She took care of her father and sister as they were totally shocked and devastated. After that, she has to take care of all rituals. A lot of relatives visited them in the first three days. Now only Mohit’s mother stayed back and all other went. Amidst all this, she was not able to feel her grief. When she heard Samyak’s voice, she couldn’t control herself and burst into tears.

“Mumma… Why did she leave us like this? I couldn’t be with her in her last moment. I couldn’t reach on time. I am missing her so much. The whole house is scattered without her. There is a strange silence everywhere.” She was saying and crying.

Samyak didn’t interrupt her. He wanted her to speak out. Her tears are killing him inside but he also knows to keep grief and emotions in heart will not be good. It's better she cries out.

“I don’t know what I will do without her. She was a pillar of our family. She takes care of everyone and everything. We never have to worry about anything. She always knew what we want even before we say it.” Her tears are not stopping.

“Hey, I know what you must be going through at this time. It is a void which no one can fill in your lives.” Samyak consoled her.

“Yes… Papa is completely shattered. He was the one who was most dependent on her for everything. She used to take care of everything for him not only in the house but even in the office. They go to the office together every day. They were never been apart from the time they got married. He has hardly spoken anything after she left. He comes out of his room for few minutes if anyone comes to meet and then goes back to his room again. I am getting worried about him.” Aastha’s voice was trembling.

“Hey… Don’t worry dear… You are there with him. It will take some time for him to accept everything. It all happened so suddenly.” Samyak tried to calm her.

“I don’t know how will I do all this. I am terrified. If I would not be able to manage everything… ” Aastha was tensed.

“But I know and I am confident you will handle everything. And you are not alone in this. I am always with you. It is our responsibility and we will cater it together. And therefore I am coming there.” Samyak assured her.

“I know Samyak that you are always by my side. But you need not come here now. I will be fine. We haven’t told anyone about us yet and you still have a few months left for your assignment. I know you want to be here with me and even I want you to be with me. But I think…” Aastha was trying to convince Samyak as she thinks this would not be the right time for them to let their family know about each other.

“I understand what are you saying but I want to meet you desperately. It is killing me that I am not with you at this time.” Samyak said with concern.

“I know… it is difficult for me as well but it is just a matter of a few more months and then you will be back” Aastha explained.

“Hmm… okay but you remember I am just a call away. If you ever feel you need me over there, you have to tell me instantly without any hesitation. Promise me.” Samyak asked.

“Ok… I promise… Samyak I love you.” Aastha couldn’t say anything more as her voice turned heavy again.

“I love you too. You take care of yourself.” Samyak is also emotional.

“Hmm… Talk to you later. Bye.” Aastha said sadly.

“Bye.” They hung up unwillingly.

Few more days passed and all other rituals are performed. Now there are only 3 of them in the house. Aastha’s father is kind of lost interest in everything. He misses her wife badly. They were so attached to each other over all these years that her absence has affected him critically.

Aastha joined her company. Jiya is also getting busy with her studies. Aastha took charge of the house like a responsible daughter. She takes care of the house, Jiya, and her father. She tries that her father gets back to normal so she forced him to join his office. She felt that maybe work can help him to reduce his pain and agony. Amidst all this Samyak is constant support for her. He always encourages her, boost her confidence and if any times she feels low, he always cheers her up. Their love is turning deep with time.

2 months have passed. Everything seemed to get back on track until one day Aastha got a call from her father’s office. The manager asked her to come to the office as soon as she can. She wrapped up her work and reached the office.

“Hello, Aastha.” Mr. Sanjay, the manager and the oldest employee of her father’s office asked her to sit.

“Hello, Sanjay Uncle. What happened? Is everything okay? You called so urgently. Where is Papa?” Aastha asked in one go.

“Sir is fine. He went home with the driver. There is some problem going on in the office and that’s why I have called you.” Sanjay answered.

“What problem?” Aastha asked worriedly.

“Look Aastha, you know after Ma’am death, Sir is not like before. He lost his willingness to work. The whole day he sits in the office and lost in his thoughts. And now it is impacting the work. We have started losing clients as they think if the owner is not able to handle, how they can trust us. I and other employees are trying hard to convince them, but it is getting difficult. Even we are suffering some financial losses. You know Aastha if this would go on we can start loosing our efficient employees as well. Your parents have established all this with their hard work and dedication and now it is tearing apart.” Sanjay said with concern.

“Ohh, uncle. I had no idea about all this. I thought Papa will get better once he starts working. I know Mumma’s absence has impacted him badly. Does Papa know about all this?” Aastha asked.

“I tried to tell him not directly though but I didn’t get any response. That’s why I thought, I should call you and let you know about it.” Sanjay replied.

“Hmm… Thank you, uncle. You have been a great support to us. I don’t know what can be done at this point.” Aastha was thinking hard to find any solution.

“Aastha I have something in my mind…” Sanjay told her about what is he thinking. Listening to that Aastha looked kind of puzzled.

“Just think about it and let me know.” Sanjay gave his suggestion.

“Okay, uncle. Thanks so much for everything. I will let you know.” Aastha took her bag and came out of the office.