It is 10 Oclock - 14 in English Love Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | It is 10 O'clock - 14

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It is 10 O'clock - 14

To bare the rejection and come out of this rejection without being ended in the vicious cycle of depression is extremely important. But very few can do it successfully like Krishna. He had come out of that deep dark well of depression with the help of his best friend and his family. Almost everyone passes through this phase in his or her life. This pain of departing with someone is inevitable. Krishna was brave enough to bare and came out of that idea of killing himself and end all the sufferings at once. But bravo that man took a different and painful path. He chose to live and move on.

Krishna was waiting for Priyanka’s call regarding the land. Like the phone has read Krishna’s mind and asked Priyanka to call. Priyanka called with a tone of happiness in her sound and said,’ Krishna we can go to see the land today and then you can apply for loan as soon as possible.’ Krishna’ heart was about to pump its way out of the chest cage. Krishna went to Priyanka’s place to pick her. He was waiting outside pacing near his parked bike. The door opened and Priyanka came out in a pure white dress with a green “bindi” on her forehead. She had a ponytail today and her face was looking so marvelously beautiful that Krishna’s eyes were literally glued to her face. She took the first step and door was closed behind her. There was no movement of the wind too as if it were stopped to see a glimpse of Priyanka the goddess of Venus herself.

Both got into the car and started towards the farm of Priyanka’s father. They reached there in an hour and the farm was a perfect place to start the organic farming. Krishna got a very positive feeling and he felt overwhelmed. Showered in these feelings out of no where he just hugged Priyanka tightly and just said thank you thank you and thank you. You are my savior. Priyanka felt that her heart was beating on the tunes of Krishna’s heart. She knew that Krishna is not having that sort of feeling for her but still she was happy. As a little flower of love was blossoming in her beautiful heart which was filled with immense amount of love for Krishna.

Soon, Krishna realized, and he let go her. Both felt awkward for a little while and then they laughed and danced over it. It was a joyous moment for them. They came back and then after dropping Priyanka home, Krishna went to his home to study the papers, he prepared again. Then he added the details he got from Priyanka’s father. Priyanka’s father knew deep down his heart that his daughter loves Krishna and that is the sole reason to give the land to Krishna and help him anyway possible. But the fate is a tricky magician. It plays its own tune and make us all dance accordingly. Priyanka was daydreaming about her future with Krishna while a new leaf was about to be turned in Krishna’s life.

On the very next day, Krishna got ready and with full of excitement and hope he left for the bank to apply for a loan. He reached the bank and parked his bike. He was greeted by the doorkeeper and he went in. He inquired at the help window and was guided towards the manager’s cabin. He knocked and entered. As soon as he entered, his jaw dropped. His eyes were wide open, and he could not believe what he was seeing. On the other side, the situation was pretty much similar. There was a gorgeous girl sitting on the chair and staring Krishna without blinking even once. Suddenly, both shouted each other’s pat names simultaneously – Monki, Kishu… Monika Dave was the manager of the bank and she was the oldest friend of Krishna while he was in primary school. Both lost touch with each other but recognized immediately, may be because they had a very deeply rooted relationship.

Monika looked at Krishna and said, ‘wow handsome, looking fit and fine.’ Krishna blushed and said, ‘you are too looking very beautiful.’ Monika looked down but she was very happy to meet the crush of her childhood again. Her heart was out of her control, she wanted to sing and dance, but she could not. As she needs to first confirm that the feelings are mutual or not. Krishna said, ‘Monika I want to start my business of organic farming and I want to apply for a loan. Please look at the papers and let me know it is possible or not.’ Monika said sure and took the papers from him. She rang the bell and a peon came in. She ordered snacks and tea for Krishna and said, ‘Kishu give me a couple of days. I will check this and will try to make this possible as early as possible. I promise.’ Normally the bank procedures take weeks, but Monika wanted to meet him early and wanted to spend some time with him too.

In the next episode, Krishna and Monika will meet and discuss. Will this be a new turn in Krishna’s life? What will happen to his relationship with Priyanka? To know more, please read the next part and whenever possible please review and rate.