Rhythm of Life - part 2 - episode 8 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | Rhythm of Life - part 2 - episode 8

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Rhythm of Life - part 2 - episode 8

A month has been over. For our people, a month is more than enough for gossiping...

"I don't know, they said some 'wondo' I think" Anitha was searching something in her computer, Gayatri was reading some file, while Aparna busy with her mobile. It was past 3 in the office.

"What?!... I knew there is karate, judo and even Kung Fu, but what about this 'wondo', I haven't heard of this?!" Gayatri furrowed.

"Yo, ladies.. that is 'taekwondo' ... Aparna said with a smile. "So it seems, one 'taekwondo' champion is getting ready for a mission" she added, hiding her smile.

Gayatri also smiling while Anitha rolled her eyes. "He is so adamant that I have to get trained..you know one thing, he just like that handled our apartment secretary" anitha added. "He has some guts"Gayatri admired, "Come let's go, have some coffee" she said. They started towards the coffee machine.

Already two guys were standing near the machine, brewing their coffee and seriously talking about something. They didn't notice both Gayatri and anitha were standing behind them.

"I think her name is Anitha.." first guy said.

"It seemed that 'Twitter famous guy' was staying with her for the past one month, they are sharing the single bedroom apartment, it's a kind of 'live in' relationship I swear" the second guy was talking casually and both of them left the place.

Anitha was in utter shock, whereas Gayatri already knew this gossip is going on in their office.

"Anitha.." Gayatri touched her shoulder gently.
Without a word anitha returned to her desk.


Gayatri already informed Vijay about the office incident and Anitha's mindset through phone. Vijay was on his way home. He was deeply thinking about the possibilities of Anitha's reactions. "Mostly it's a 'get out from here' reaction, I have to be ready to pack up myself from there" he expected.

When he reached home, it was frighteningly calm. Anitha was looking quiet normal and doing her house hold activities. He expected, she must be weeping inside her bedroom. He somewhat relieved looking at her being casual. The women are always unpredictable, he thought.


Next day in office, during lunch time, Gayatri selected a corner seat, so that she can bring up the topic for discussion. Anitha was eating silently.

"So... you don't care about the 'gossiping', Gayatri started.

"Why should I ?!" Anitha replied nonchalantly.

Gayatri said nothing, waited for Anitha to come out.

"Why people are like this? How can they talk like this? Without knowing anything, they are swearing on it. It's totally a wrong assumption, not having any base. An absolute nonsense. I can't believe, they can talk about somebody, whatever they want!! They should know their limits. This is absurd, I don't think we should waste our time on discussing these useless things, it's just disgusting..." Anger, frustration, fear, tear everything mixed up and coming out from Anitha like a gate has been opened in a dam full of water.

Gayatri was keenly observing her face, whereas Anitha was trying her level best to control her emotions to keep a blank face.

There was silence for few minutes. 'It's a sensitive issue, handle it with care' Gayatri's mind was instructing her. She let out a sigh.

"Good...I appreciate, you are stubborn in this issue. After a minute, she asked,

"So what's your decision?!"

"About what?!"...

"About your future!"

Anitha fell silent and just mixing the food without eating.

"I don't think I have a future, it has ended long ago" Anitha's tone filled with self pity.

Gayatri got furious with that reply, but she controlled herself since the lunch time was over. I have to deal it with later, she thought.
"Come let's go" was all she said finally.


Gayatri able to caught hold of anitha only after 2 days in a evening at Anitha's house. She asked Vijay to come late, so that she could be able to tackle anitha in her own way.

Both are sitting in the balcony with tea cups in their hands. Anitha knew her friend had something in her mind but she haven't had a single clue why she is here today. she waited to Gayatri start on her own.

"So...why don't you marry him?" Gayatri straight away came to the point.

"Marry who?! Anitha got confused.

Gayatri thought for half a second, 'irritating the opponent is not a good idea to start an argument, but here a little stimulation will be helpful...'

"I am saying, marry the person with whom you are in 'live in relationship' and put a fullstop for that gossip".

Anitha can't believe her ears. She confirmed by touching them, whether they are in place. "You also believe something is going on between us?! Not sure of herself being mad or sad.

"No.....I swear, I don't... Gayatri said firmly. I believe in you guys..But the world is believing something else".

"I don't care about the world" Anitha snapped back.

"You don't?!! Then it's good, I could appreciate on that., But my sincere advise is both of you get marry and ...

" And make the gossip come true instead of omitting that.,right?!! That's what you want to tell me as a friend?" Immediately interrupted by anitha.

"That's not what I meant Anitha... considering your future, this is the best decision we could take.."

"What are you talking about ?! Are you in your sense?! Are you aware of what you are suggesting me?! How is that possible? It's just unthinkable!! Thank God, Vijay is not here, otherwise what will he think about me?

"He is always thinking about you", Gayatri muttered.

Anitha blinked as though she couldn't understand what Gayatri said just now, "that means..." She asked.

"That means........he wanna marry you" Gayatri broke the matter suddenly.

Anitha was speechless as she didn't expect this. It took sometime to regain herself. She actually doesn't know what to say.

"No.. it couldn't be... You are lying...is he mad?! I am a widow, do you people remember that?!"

"Ya...we do... but what is the problem in that? Can't a widow remarry again?!

"No, I didn't mean everybody, but here, it's all about me, I just don't want.."

"You just don't want a remarriage or you just don't want to marry Vijay?!".

"Both" anitha somewhat shouted.

"But why? What's the reason?"

"Do you want a reason for it?!...then have it... I am in my late 20's and a second hand version, he is an youngster in his early 20's and also a fresher.., he is hardly 23 or 24, even this is not the right age to think about his marriage".

"I do agree... that's the reason, he is so reluctant in bringing out this topic......see Anitha, he doesn't think age difference is a problem, even I also think the same, there's no point in denying this".

"No...I can't accept it".


"Because he deserves better even 'the best', I am not the right person for him.

"So......"Gayatri waited Anitha to finish.

"We could find a suitable girl for him when his age comes.."

"Vow.... super... So you want to select an eligible bride for him later on right?!!... Ok then answer me..,what about you?!... Moreover who will accept him as a groom?!..., which parent will select an 'orphan' as a bridegroom for their child? That too, that guy went to prison earlier, and also having a 'live in relationship' with a widow...."

"That's all wrong...." She nearly shouted.

"Who will believe....you wanna go to everybody and explain yourself?!"

Anitha fell silent, she looked exausted.

"I am sorry anitha, I didn't mean to hurt you... but this is the truth..., you have to digest it...the best possible decision is, you accept his proposal and start your life with him, that's all what I wanted to tell you....
I am leaving, think about it.... take care of yourself.." Gayatri waited for a minute and left the place.

Anitha barely walked, fell on her bed and started weeping...

To be continued.....