Rhythm of Life - 7 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | Rhythm of Life - part 2 - episode 7

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Rhythm of Life - part 2 - episode 7

In the following week, one evening Vijay asked anitha to come out with him. She asked where, but he refused to tell.

"Where are we going?" Once again She asked while on their way.

"Let's go first, you Will know by then", he replied.

"The king's academy of Martial arts" sign board welcomed them. While entering inside anitha was thinking why they are here. She noticed people in small groups were practicing karate or something like that in a big ground.

Vijay went to the office room followed by anitha. A lady looks like 40 year old, asked them, "yes... what do you want?"

"She would like to join here" Vijay answered that lady showing Anitha.

"What?!!.... No.. I don't.. Anitha started, but was interrupted by Vijay, " you just wait outside, have a look around". Anitha rolled her eyes, Vijay said, "please". Anitha went out.

She was confused and a bit furious waiting outside, after 15 minutes Vijay came out, and said "come let's go".

"Vijay what is this? I am not going to join here..... Anitha started loud but mumbled after that because of the surroundings.

"Come let's go home, will discuss there" Vijay cut down her.

In home, Anitha was asking, "who said I wanna join there?! I am not interested in fighting with people...I don't want..

"It's not a wish, it's a need.. more over it's not for fighting with people, it's for self defense.."Vijay interrupted her.

"But Vijay...

"I think you didn't forget what happened that night.. Can we assure it won't happen again?! What will you do then?! You want me to come there every time to protect you?!" His voice was cold enough to shut her down.

Anitha's face shrunk, as though she is going to cry.."I am not going to live after that if it's happen again" she thought herself.

"I know what you're thinking..see that's not the solution for a problem like this.., all you need is courage and strength and a bit presence of mind. Trust me, this training will definitely help you " his voice softened now.

Anitha thought a bit while..then she nodded 'ok'..

"Are you telling me that I am stupid with lack of presence of mind?!", Anitha searched for something to beat him with a naughty smile.

"No doubt in that..", Vijay escaped at once laughing.


A week has been over since Vijay came here. It was a wonderful evening, the house was filled with sweet aroma of coffee and a nice music. Vijay is very fond of music. Whenever he is around, songs will be playing either in the TV or in system.

The door bell rang. Anitha was in the kitchen, so Vijay opened the door. Parvati aunty was standing at the doorstep along with her daughter Swetha. She saw Vijay with suspicion and he noticed her measuring gaze.

"Where is Anitha? She asked.

"A crow took her away, I am searching for that crow", he wanted to reply, but didn't say that. Instead he replied, "she is in the kitchen, may I know who are you? And what do you want?"

This boy knows some manners, she thought, "I am Mrs Parvati, this apartment secretary" she announced with pride.

"Oh.. sorry mam, I don't know, please come in...and she..?! Vijay asked.

"She is my daughter, Swetha"

"Don't lie madam, I thought you both are sisters, you look so young" he lied profusely.

She was overwhelmed with this sudden unexpected compliment, "everybody used to tell like that only" she said with an ear to ear grin.

Swetha was very much annoyed by this conversation, more over she is not interested in what they are talking as she was busy in sighting this new fellow. "Vow!!! So manly!!" She was thinking.

By this time, Anitha came there and greeted them. "who is this anitha? I haven't seen him before?" Parvati aunty started fulfilling her purpose of visit.

While Anitha was thinking what to say,

"I am Vijay, Anitha's distant relative" he replied in a firm voice.

" Relative?!.... what relative?! she said she has nobody when she came here", Parvati aunty started nagging.

"Ugh.. these women..." Vijay got irritated, but he didn't show, "I am her cousin" he muttered, with a blank face.

"Which Cousin?!.." at times she can be irritable to the core.

"You want more details?! Then let me explain to you. I am her father's wife's brother's daughter's brother's son".

"What????... Parvati aunty's head started spinning... Anitha ran to kitchen to control her laugh.

"You want once more?!...then ok.....That means I am her..

"No..no..it's enough, I understood" she managed a smile. "Come let's go, I need some rest, my chest is palpitating...", she caught her daughter's hand and dragged her to the way out.

Anitha still laughing inside the kitchen.

"Very nice to see.., your laugh...!!" He said in a deep voice.

She didn't realize his compliment.

" You only hopped half of the well, the second half is eagerly waiting for you", Anitha said with a sheepish smile.

"What?!.. Vijay narrowed his eyes.

"Swetha.. actually she was drinking at you through her eyes., you are in queue.. you must be more than 100, I think..".

"That means...?!"

"The no of boyfriends she had previously...I am sure... she won't let you free..." Anitha's eyes were grinning at him.

"OMG... please save me from these women..."Vijay let out a sigh.


Days were passing by. That evening filled with joy and happiness everywhere. Apartment people were celebrating jenmashtami in the garden. Small Krishnas and Radhas running here and there. Their moms were busy in make upping them.

Anitha was sitting alone in a corner watching the kids and admiring their luties. One kid, who was running near to her, fell down at her feet, as his legs stuck by his weird costume dhoti.

The boy started crying. She took him to her lap and started consoling him. At once his mother came, out of nowhere and literally snatched her boy from anitha and took him away to console.

Anitha's face lost its brightness. She understood the mother's agitation. But still, her heart ached for a baby of her own and for the very feeling of motherhood.

Vijay was watching her throughout, from the balcony. He able to feel Anitha's longing for a baby. He thought, " I have to start soon, but how...."

He yet to find out the way.

To be continued.....


My sincere apology: I am sorry, there was a typing error in previous episode. "That girl married to her mother's nephew ( her maternal uncle's son) the word 'mother's' was missing, please forgive me. Thank you.