The Emperor (Novella) - Chapter 5 in English Mythological Stories by Mrunal Shukla books and stories PDF | The Emperor (Novella) - Chapter 5

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The Emperor (Novella) - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Post Graduation at Cambridge

Now I was married and we had our own family business of hotel that was managed by our trusted relatives and employees. I had completed Zoology that was completely different from my business and I had an interest in zoology only and I wanted to go for my master’s. For that I wanted to go abroad so I could see how beautiful world is and explore it not only geographically, but also explore to reach the horizon of knowledge. I decided to go to Cambridge, and I wanted to do my post graduate in zoology at Cambridge.

I started searching on internet and tried to find out the procedures, exams and other requirements to get admission at Cambridge University. I knew I had a big dream, but that was I supposed to do. Now, I was married so it was obvious that there was a person who was taking care of me, and I had to take care of hers at the same time. But, you know a man needs inspiration and that he would be able to get from a woman. I was not so sure even about myself as I don’t know my own strength, but Roshni motivated me to do that and I started my preparations for entrance exam in full fledge.

After few days it was declared that I was successfully selected for the postgraduate program in zoology. Now, I had to start process to get student visa to Cambridge. Therefore, I applied in immigration department after receiving offer letter from University, and I got Visa within 21 days and then after began my journey. It was student visa. Hence, I had to go there as a student. I persuaded my wife Roshni to come there along with me. She got visitor visa.

It was first time I sat in a plane. Though we were from Royal family, as I told you my grandmother had said that we should live life as an ordinary citizen and at that time an ordinary citizen was not being able to afford the flight. So, we didn’t go to other Indian cities by plane in domestic flights and in place of that we were going by train. There wasn’t any requirement before to travel internationally. Therefore, it was first time I sat in plane with my beautiful wife Roshni. I was missing my grandmother. I asked her to come along with us but she refused me and I didn’t insist her because of her health issues.

When plane took off the noisy sound generated and at that time I felt little uneasy, and when I looked at Roshni she was frightened and she squeezed my hand in fear. I told her to be calm and relaxed as I was along with her and she felt okay when plane took off and went on completely in air. Good Indian cuisine was served and great hospitality was shown in the plane. Same thing was happened when plane was landed. It was jerk that made us uncomfortable. We were outside India for the very first time, and it was London. It was feeling something different.

Cold breeze was blowing, and it was raising our excitement. We were really very happy there. There were seven days in between the day of my arrival to London and last day to report to my college. Hence, I decided that we would travel across the city and spent 2-3 days over there in London. I checked before that Cambridge was approximately 100 kilometers away from London and I didn’t need much time to reach to Cambridge thanks to fastest transport facility of United Kingdom. We reached to a hotel which was near to airport for the halt. On next day we started roaming around the great city London.

It is said that London was founded in 1st Century by Romans who named it Londinium and then after United Kingdom founded it in 1535. By visiting some of the places, I was being able to know that the emblem of city was Dragon. Roads and streets were thronged by people from all around the world. We explored London by foot. We visited tower of London which gave reminiscence of rapid expansion of London during industrial revolution.

We visited Big Ben tower known as Elizabeth tower then after we visited to Buckingham Palace which is official residence of monarch of United Kingdom. Actually, we saw it from outside. Wow, that was really nice palace. I wished my ancestor would have built that kind of palace.

Now, we were passing through Royal park. The park was now open for common people as well. We started walking inside the park, and we saw that a couple was cuddling and kissing each other. That spectacle was very beautiful. Roshni and I looked at each other and there was no one over there from our family to look at us. We osculated each other. I kissed her so deeply and with a great intensity. We felt like we were suppose to become one from two. I felt my honeymoon was started now. Then after we started walking around to see skyscrapers, and after that we wanted to finish our journey as it was night now and we wanted to reach at home. Over all I found that London was a city looking towards past and future in equal measure.

After staying there for one day we started moving to Cambridge where I had to report, and I had to be present to attend the college. We reached over there, and I made arrangements to stay as I had to stay over there for two years. Roshni could stay with me for 6 months as her visa was getting expired after that. She stayed with me for 4 months. I enjoyed that period as we came closer to each other, as we had spent quality time with each other. Then after she left for India as she had to take care of my grandmother. During that period I was talking to my grandmother over phone.

Technology is the greatest invention to connect two people and to connect two hearts, and for staying in touch with beloved ones. It may be started when Graham Bell would have said “Hello” over the phone for the first time. Now, it was possible to talk on computer. Hence, I told Roshni to install Skype in PC. Therefore, we could talk face to face on the computer. I came back to London & dropped her to one of the busiest airports of the world and said her “Bye” by waving my hand. At that time I had mixed feeling. I was far away from home, and was getting away from my better half by leaving her to airport. That was feeling of loneliness, but at the same time I was happy because I was going to study zoology in one of the top 10 Universities of the world. It was really proud feeling moment for me. There is proverb there “If you want to achieve something then you have to sacrifice something”. I was sacrificing as I was living away from my home, family, and my beloved ones, and in front of that I was going to study what I had desired. As I told you before that technology can connect us, but at the same time it is also fact that technology cannot bring the real feeling to be with our beloved ones even in the era of this virtual world. With all such thoughts, I moved back to the house where I was supposed to stay. I went for sleep as it was a midnight there, and I had to leave for college to reach early in morning to attend lectures.

Studying over there was great experience. I found too many types of equipment which I hadn’t seen before earlier. So it was wonderful experience for me. Zoology is detailed study of animal kingdom including structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits and distribution of all animals and how they interact with ecosystems. I had to perform dissection over there. I had to perform dissection of an animal which belongs to amphibian class amongst animal kingdom. We were explained about the body parts of frog first after that we each had to perform dissection of that. Though it was basic, but at the same time it was also very important task we had to perform at inception of journey of detailed study. I dissected it appropriately, and I was very much satisfied with that.

In study, my progress was very good and I was going very well. I was becoming more and more confident. The reason behind that was my persistent effort towards study. It was necessary to get desired marks. I had good friends now. They all were study oriented, and there were many friends who were from United Kingdom. When I explained them that I was heir of royal family they felt good and whenever we were on hang out or at campfire or something like that they were saying that they were in company of a king, and there was a royal court and they were ministers. I just laughed when they said so as they were just kidding me.

Over here where I was living I had to shift several times because of one or other reason and I shifted where I got a new neighbor who was studying some course at University. He was looking very smart and attractive in personality and persuasive in speech but later on I knew after staying for more time with him that he was not a brilliant fellow. I wonder how did he get admission over there ?

As I explained you earlier that I was alone, and I had not much friends. Friends I had were confined to University only and they all were busy in their own life. Therefore, post study we couldn’t share much time together. Everyone was in relationship with other person to whom they were dreaming their life partner. So, they were busy in their own personal life. But they sometimes offered me to come to pub, and some other places for fun at weekend. I simply refused them as I hadn’t much habit of that and I never wanted to adapt that. I was free for some time and I was alone as well and the guy who was my neighbor whose name was Robert knew that. So, he asked me for friendship.

One day he came to my room and uttered

“Hey. How are you buddy?”

“I am fine. You?” I asked for formality.

“What is your good name? You are from India right.”

“Yes I am. My name is Suraj and Yours?”

“My name is Robert and I am over here for a study program at University.”


“What are you studying now?”

“I am over here to study Masters in Zoology at University.”

“Ok.” he shook his head.

“I am over here in independent college for six months. How long would you stay over here?”

“I would stay over here for two years as it is two years study program.”

“You have got large room and you are living alone.” he came inside without seeking for permission.

“Wow. It is a large room. Aren’t you getting bored over here. You must have some fun over here.”

“Brother I am not over here for fun.” I frowned.

“It seems you haven’t stayed outside of your home for longer time or not over here in UK. right?”

“It isn’t like that.”

He continued his arguments to convince me what was right and what was wrong as I frowned, he discerned my mood and he left my room.

The next day he came outside with a grin and he didn’t say a single word, and he started walking outside the building. This happened repeatedly for 4-5 days. He was looking much more disciplined now, and he was behaving like a studious guy. I had faith in him now. I felt that on that day I behaved inappropriately, and that was my fault not his fault. He might have said everything in excitement after watching my luxurious room. I was also seeking for good friendship, therefore next day I decided that I would stop him, and make conversation with him. I was aware of the time when he was leaving. So, I stood up at my door and I asked him,

“Hello brother. How is going on? You are not talking since last four-five days.”

“Hey dude. Sorry I was busy that is why I couldn’t talk to you.”


“I am focusing on study as they are conducting weekly exams nowadays.”
“Ok. That is really great. Keep it up brother.”

He took a pause and said me “Hey actually I wanted to take a short break. What are you doing this weekend?”

“Nothing. My assignments have been completed, and I am free but what happened. Why are you asking?”

“I am asking you because I want to hang out at night. Let us enjoy this weekend.”

“But where are we supposed to go?”

“We will go to streets of city, we will wander around the whole city and yah we will go to pub. Over there I will introduce you my all girlfriends, all girlfriends haha ex and current.” He smiled lasciviously.

“So you are coming right? Common now, do not say no to me brother.”

I resisted myself but at the same time it was fact that I was bored in weekend as most of my friends from University were busy with their own life in weekends. I had discombobulation to go or not to go. Actually, I was impeccable and it was easy to coax me. He was doing same thing.

He also knew that I was naïve, but till now his intensions were not clear to me.

“Common brother. Be a man now.”

He looked at his wrist watch and said “I am getting late for lecture. I have to leave now.”

“I will meet you in evening. We will discuss on that in evening.”

“Okay” I nodded.

I don’t like to meddle in others’ lives, and the same thing I was expecting from others to me.

I didn’t think much after that as I was also busy, and I had also no time to think over that. Life is fast when you are along with your beloved ones and busy in spending time with them. However, life is so slow when you are in solitary, and no one is with you to spend your time with. This is bitter truth of life.

In evening that fellow named Robert met me again and he told me about his weekend plan.

“See. I believe in enjoyment. I have already saved money for tuition fees of University. I have extra amount in my hand.”

“Oh that is great. That can be kept for future expenses.”

“No, I want to spend them now. I have few more friends, my childhood friends. We all can go along with them. You can tell your friends to join our company. Are you ready for that ?”

“Ok. Yah I will come, but only if you assure me no illegal activity then only I will be able to come because I don’t want to involve in any kind of offensive activity”

“See brother we are going over there for fun. Ok. So, we will have fun and then we will come back after that. We are not terrorist. Haha. Don’t be silly?”

“Ok. We will go together.”

He smiled and then took phone in his hand by bringing outside from his pocket. It was polyphonic phone. He called to a person and said, “Hey. Amy how are you beautiful. What are you doing now? I am stressed now. Can you come here to relieve my stress? I am waiting for you.” He disconnected the phone and then he looked at me as I was stood still outside my room. He winked at me and went inside his room.

I was still standing outside the room curious to see whether so called Amy was coming or not. Here, she was arrived and closed the door may be invisible tag outside the door “Do not disturb” at that time I could know important part of human nature that a man is more happy to flaunt something to others rather than actually enjoying it. Though I was living life like hermit, I was also affected by his activities. I was also craving for my girl that means my wife to really love herself.

That day if I remember was a Monday, was passed and I was again busy in my routine for the rest of the days of week and then after Friday was over, finally Saturday came, and as we had decided to go outside for hangout night. We did so as there was a Sunday after that so I wasn’t worried about anything because I could rest whole day.

At that night of Saturday we came outside after finishing all the shopping and cleaning and doing other household stuffs as after that new week would come, and I had to prepare for that. We all know weekends of Saturday and Sunday are sweeter than honey for us whether we are student or we are jobber. We always love Saturday and Sunday because it is nectar for us. We all hate Monday and the day which gives us anguish in the morning when try to get ready for work or for college.

After all, we have to manage all these things and we have to move on and on, that is called as rhythm of life. So where was I, yah we met at Saturday night Robert introduced me to all his friends.

“Meet this guy Harry the great Potter, this man is David one sipper who drinks whole whisky in one sip.”

“This is my friend from India Amit with whom you can talk in your language.”

“kaise ho ?”Amit asked generously.

“I am fine. Tum kaise ho bhai ?”

“Bas badhiya.”

“Kaha se ho Aap?”

“Me M P se hu. Aur tum?” I said

“Me Ahmedabad, Gujarat se hu.”


He introduced his few more friends to me. I found that guy named Amit was sincere among them.

“Ok. So, we are moving to pub first and then after we will go to disco and then finally place to rest at riverside.”Robert elaborated his plan.

“Right, we will go for that.” All said together.

We moved to pub first there I saw enormous varieties of alcohol which I hadn’t seen before. I was looking at them astonishingly. All others had already started drinking. I was standing on other side away from them.

Robert came closer to me and uttered.

“Common man, take a drink.”

“No I don’t”

“You have to take it. See, Amit, your friend from India, is also taking drink.”

He insisted and dragged me forcefully.

“Ok. Ok. I am taking it. Give me with its minimum percentage as I haven’t drunk alcohol before”

That time was the first time I took alcohol in my hand. I drank it for the first time.

It was a totally different feeling I can’t express it in words. I felt little dizziness. I was inebriated and we had to move on to disco, but my legs were already dancing on the floor.

Amit and Harry gave me shoulder to hold me, and in that situation we went to disco. From that day onwards, I learnt that whenever I become tipsy I lose my consciousness, and that becomes hard to handle.

We reached to Disco, and over there I saw girls were dancing. Some of girls were dancing without top and dancing like seducing viewer standing in front of them. Harry and Amit carefully put my unconscious body on a sofa in corner side of disco. I was away from the place where my friends were dancing, and they were enjoying company of girls.

I was almost unconscious. However, in that situation I observed that Robert first walked inside the door in which only staff members were allowed to enter. He came out with some plastic zip bags in his hand. I couldn’t recognize it as he was far away from me, and I was not in proper position.

Robert came closer to me. There was a sofa, and near around it table was there. I was lying on sofa. He sat with support of his knees, and brought out some powder like material out of that small plastic bag. He brought out that powder on the table and sniffed that powder intensely and that powder was disappeared and he felt exhilarated and expressed pleasant feeling. I saw it first time, and thought how a powder can give such a great pleasure.
He came closer to me and said,
“Hey brother. I have brought something for you and that is very costly, but as you are my best friend I am offering it to you.” He smiled cunningly and spreaded that powder again on the table near my chair. I felt some smell.
Then he pushed me and said, “Go for it.”
For the first time I inhaled it inside my nose, and wow I was delighted. I asked him to give me that again.
“I told you. You would love it. See you are asking me that again.”
Sometimes You may think that it is simple to do such things and it is easy, and what is wrong in doing that, but fact is that when you accept vices, and you just try it for first time then that initiation will slowly gradually convert into addiction, and you will not be able to come out of it.
It is rightly said when you adopt vices surrounding you, you may lose your identity.

For that particular moment you would not believe, I forgot myself, and I was completely different man.

“Give me more.” I demanded for more. He gave me for several times until that plastic bag was empty.

He was surprised that I alone finished it completely.

“Hey dude. You finished it completely. Now, I have to go back again to get another bag of it.” He said.
“You know what was that?”
“What?” I asked unconsciously.
“That was heroin and it is too costly, but I will get in another one. Anything for you brother”
“And yah I appreciate it. Now, you are man buddy.”
After saying it, he patted my back.
I wasn’t feeling anything at that moment, no anxiety, no pain, nothing. It was completely different experience that I hadn’t felt that before. I felt I was in different world. Then after what happened I didn’t remember, but after that it was a deep sleep. I have never slept like that before.
On the next day I found myself on my bed, and when I looked at wall clock it was 6 o’clock of the evening. Usually I wake up early in the morning at 6 o’clock but on that day I woke up at 6 o’clock of evening. I then quickly moved to my phone, and pressed a key. Surprisingly, it was showing Sunday. That gave me sigh of relief that whole day wasn’t passed.
I tried to walk as I was thirsty but I felt dizziness and I couldn’t walk properly. I reached to a table after crawling where there was a jug containing water, and I took a glass on my hand poured water in it, and drank it that gave me relaxation. I understood that hangover wasn’t completed. So, I sat over there on the floor for half an hour. After that, I could stand up on my feet then I walked little bit, and I felt good. I took fruit juice from fridge and drank fruit juice.
“Where is Robert and how I came over here?” I was thinking.
I was in a very bad condition. I didn’t remember any moment after I inhaled that substance. There was severe pain in my head. So, I decided that I would make coffee first that may be helpful to me, and by that way I could relieve headache.
I went to kitchen and I prepared a coffee. After grabbing a cup of Coffee, I moved to my computer which I had installed over there in the corner of the room. I opened Skype, and I observed that I had received too many missed calls from my wife Roshni, but as I was offline I couldn’t listen any one of them.
I called her back, but she might be offline so it wasn’t possible to make conversation. Now, I hadn’t any work to do, therefore, I came outside to see where Robert was, and I wanted to ask him what was happened after I lost consciousness. I looked at Robert’s room, but I found that his door was locked. So I came back to my room again, and took my dinner early at that night, and went to bed to sleep. I slept at that night by scolding myself and asked enormous times that why did I do that?
On the next day I woke up at routine time, I was feeling relaxed now and after getting ready, I moved for my class. On that day when I came back to my room while I was opening lock I found that Robert’s room was opened, and he was over there inside. I reached inside curiously. I saw that Robert was packing his bag.
“Hey. What happened? Where are you going?”
“I am moving to London. I got a nice job in an automobile company.”
“Then what about course?”
“I am leaving it incomplete.”
“Ohhk brother.”
“See you in London. Come to meet me over there in London.”
“Ok. Sure. I will come to meet you.”
He left in the next night. I didn’t know the actual reason behind that, but as he told that he was leaving for job. I accepted that it would be real cause of his leaving.
There was still one year left in completion of my Master’s of Zoology course, therefore, I had to continue on. It is the fact that we can’t stop at one particular phase otherwise we would be trapped. Once one phase is finished then next phase comes in our lives, and we have to shift into that. Generally, I was purchasing grocery and other necessities on weekly bases to store it appropriately. Hence, after 5 days when weekend came again I reached to one of grocery stores to purchase them. I reached to billing counter, and when I gave my credit card to that lady sitting on the billing counter, she swiped it at once, and some tone was heard from it. So, she swiped again, the sound was heard again. Therefore, she returned me back my card and said that,
“Sorry sir, but, your card is out of credit.”
I was shocked.
“How is that possible? Can you please check again?”
“I did it sir. I have checked it twice but your card has reached its limit. That is why it is refusing to accept.”
“Ok. Let me check how much cash I have.”
I checked in my pocket and there was money inside it and that was enough to purchase grocery.
“Ok. No problem. I have cash.”
“Thank you, sir.”
I paid that money by cash, and came out of that grocery store.
After coming out of the store I started thinking about my credit card as my card had a limit of 5000 £, and it couldn’t be over as it was just starting of the month. I thought there would be some error or there may be some technical issues with company or financial service which provided me credit card. Thus, I reached to my room and called to that financial service providing company what was the actual cause of rejection of card. They provided me the details where my card was used. I received an email on my registered email address.
I opened my email address, and checked the details containing statement, I found that there was 100 £ used before six days, and rest of 4900 £ was used on the night when we went for hang out. When I checked its more details I found that mostly they were paid on pub, disco club and some other places similar to it. So, I was in a huge shock. I understood that I was badly cheated and my trust was broken. On that day I understood that how much it costs you when you have a friendship with a guy who is having traits of Robert.

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