Eligible Bachelor - Episode 21 And 22 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 21 And 22

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 21 And 22

Chapter 21

Aastha was pacing around in her room, as she was not able to sleep. Every word Samyak spoke on in the cruise has touched her heart. Now she knew exactly what Samyak thinks and how serious and sincere he is about her. But what about her? What are her feelings for him? Is she ready for this second chance? Does she also love him? Somewhere her heart knows that Samyak is the perfect partner for him. The way he treats her, makes her feel special, he wants her to come out of the past and embrace the life once again, all are making Aastha realized that she also reciprocates those feelings for him. But still, something is bothering her to accept it. She is very confused and disturbed. To get some fresh air, she came out of her room and went to the hotel’s garden. She sat on a bench there and a fountain was running in front of her. Cool winds are flowing. She closed her eyes. It was a calm night. Suddenly she felt a touch on her shoulder and turned around to see.

“Chikki… what are you doing here? You haven’t slept yet.” Mohit was standing there.

“Mohit… ya, I was not able to sleep so thought of coming out here. I thought you all were asleep.” Aastha replied.

“Ohh yes… As soon as we came back from the cruise, Kavya slept. She was very tired. I was also sleeping but got a call from the office. Something urgent came up so came outside to take the call. Then I saw you sitting here.” Mohit came in front and sat beside Aastha on the bench.

“Ok…” Aastha said.

“So tell me what happened? Something has happened… I know.” Mohit questioned her.

“Nothing happened… just not feeling sleepy so came out.” Aastha tried to hide the conflict of her feelings.

“See I can feel something is there. After the cruise, you were lost in thoughts. All over the way back you hardly spoke anything. You can share with me if there is anything bothering you.” Mohit tried to dig a little bit.

Aastha needed someone to talk at this moment so without much more resistance she decided to tell Mohit everything.

“Samyak proposed to me.” She said softly.

“Whaaaat…..??? Realllyyyyy…” Mohit’s voice raised with excitement.

“Shhh… ” Aastha gestured her hand to make his voice low.

“Ohh Sorry… but this is such great news that I couldn’t control. So what did you say?” Mohit asked with curiosity.

“Nothing,” Aastha said.

“What? You said nothing. Why? You don’t like him?” Mohit asked with disappointment.

“No… I like him but…” Aastha couldn’t complete her sentence.

“Ohhooo so you like him… means fire sparks are equally on both sides.” Mohit teased her with a smile.

“Offo Mohit… It’s not that simple. I don’t know what to say. I was so surprised when Samyak shared his feelings and couldn’t say anything at that time.” Aastha said.

“I understand it is complicated but that’s what you have to do. You have to sort out your feelings and share them with him. He must be waiting for your answer.” Mohit said calmly.

“I know… but I am very confused. I know he is very nice, caring, affectionate. He understands me, respects me, and loves me. He would be the perfect life partner for me. But…” Aastha took a pause.

“But what?? If you feel this way for Samyak, what is that which is stopping you from going ahead?” Mohit couldn’t understand.

“But you know what happened in the past. It all comes to my mind unwillingly. It pulls me back and I am afraid if something happens. I would not be able to take it.” Aastha’s voice broke.

Mohit took her hand and said, “Look Chikki… I know it was a harsh and terrifying part of your life and it keeps haunting you but that is what you have to come over. And Samyak who knows everything about it wants to be with you. His love, care, and warmth will give you strength. He has stretched his hands towards you. Just hold his hand and move ahead. I am sure he will never leave it. And your fear of what happens in the future will also fade away with his tenderness.”

Tears are rolled down from Aastha’s eyes. Mohit wiped her tears and said again, “Chikki… you are an amazing person and you deserve all the happiness. I know Samyak will always keep you happy. Don’t think what had happened or what would happen. The most important thing at present is to answer one question… “Do you love him?”…. Don’t give me the answer. Give it to yourself.”

Aastha looked at Mohit and thought for a while. Her heart got the answer and so was Mohit looking at her face.

The next morning, Kavya and Mohit were sitting at the breakfast table. They are all set for the exciting day as they are going to visit Eiffel Tower today. Aastha came after a few minutes and joined them. She was wearing a blue dress with white flowers printed on it. A stone-studded belt is tied around her waist. She left her hair loose and wore heart-shaped hoop earrings.

“Good Morning…” She wished them.

“Good Morning… Wow Aastha, you are looking very pretty today.” Kavya said looking at her smiling. Mohit also wished her.

“Thank you.” Aastha smiled.

“Where is Samyak? Today he is taking so much time to get ready.” Kavya said looking at her watch and taking out her cellphone to call him. Hearing Samyak’s name has increased Aastha’s heartbeat.

“No need to call… he is coming.” Mohit pointed towards the door from where Samyak was walking towards them. He was wearing blue jeans and a white polo t-shirt. He came to the table and sat beside Aastha as Kavya and Mohit were sitting opposite to them. He looked at Aastha. She was looking beautiful and he was dying to compliment her but he held back.

“So what’s the plan?” Samyak asked Mohit sipping his coffee.

“We will go to “Saint Chapelle” first and from there the “Louvre” museum and lastly the Eiffel Tower” Mohit explained pointing on a map.

“Sounds cool. Let's get started then.” Samyak said excitedly. He looked at Aastha with the corner of his eyes. He is nervously waiting for her answer.

They all took the cab and reached Saint Chapelle. It is a beautiful church and a must-visit place in Paris. When they walked inside, the colorful large stained glass windows took their breath away.

“It's huge. Look at the depth.” Kavya said with wonder.

“It is the prettiest church, I have ever seen” Aastha said in agreement. She started taking pictures from her camera.

Mohit held Kavya’s hand and they went ahead looking around leaving Aastha and Samyak behind.

Aastha was focusing her camera at different angles and at one point, it captured Samyak who was sitting on one of the benches and looking at the huge ceiling painted colorful. She stopped it there and focused him and clicked a picture. She went towards him and sat beside. Samyak looked around and surprised to see her.

“Ohh Hi… I haven’t seen you coming. So done with pictures?” He checked.

“Yup… took so many but finally got the one I was looking for.” And she showed him his photo.

Samyak is amazed as he couldn’t believe what she just said and what is she showing is actually he himself. He was not able to speak anything but his eyes are radiating with happiness. He wanted to listen from Aastha’s mouth so he tried to act naïve and looked at her questioningly.

“Yes… It’s you and I am… I am ready to hold your hand and want to be part of your life.” She said looking into his eyes.

“Really…. I …. I can’t tell you how I am feeling right now. You have given me the best present of my life and that’s you.” Samyak was ecstatic.

“No Samyak… I am fortunate that you came into my life. You have given me the confidence and strength to overcome my past and move on. The fear, which was holding me back for so long, you have made it disappear with your warmth and care. Every time when you were with me, you instilled faith in me. You always make me feel special and good about myself. Thank you so much for being in my life.” Aastha’s eyes and her heart filled with emotions.

Samyak with little hesitation gently held her hand and said, “You need not thank me. I am and will always be there for you and it is totally my pleasure.”

They looked into each other’s eyes and the rest of the conversation was done through the eyes. Mohit and Kavya saw everything from a little far and after some time stepped towards them.

“Ahem Ahem…” Mohit and Kavya teased them.

Suddenly they realized their presence and Samyak and Aastha leave hands but Kavya came forward and put their hands together again and said, “Don’t leave it ever. We are so happy for you guys."

Chapter 22

The next stop was the world’s largest museum Louvre, home of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. There are hundreds of artworks and masterpieces kept around the place. All four of them are enjoying the beauty of the art. After Samyak and Aastha have spoken their hearts, now they are feeling at ease. No more confusion, hesitations, and uncertainties. Everything seems so perfect. They kept looking at each other and smiles covered their faces, which are radiating with happiness.

“Ok guys… so next place would be our last but not the least destination of this awesome trip… Eiffel Tower.” Mohit said excitedly.

“Yes, so let's make it the most memorable one” Kavya added with zeal.

Samyak wanted to do something special for Aastha and what location would be better than Eiffel Tower. He has very little time to think over it. When they all reached near the tower, he excused to buy some water and snacks and went outside. Meanwhile, Mohit went to buy tickets. Kavya and Aastha sat on the grass relaxing and waiting for them to come back.

After a while, Mohit came back with tickets. They waited for Samyak to come back. After around 15 minutes, he came running and panting.

“Sorry Sorry… Let’s go.” He said hurriedly.

“What took you so long?” Kavya questioned him.

“Ohh I couldn’t find my wallet when I have to pay for water. I thought I dropped my wallet somewhere. So I emptied all my bag pack and checked again.” Samyak made an excuse.

“Did you find it or not?” Aastha asked worriedly.

“Ahem Ahem… so caring.” Kavya and Mohit teased them.

“Yes, I found it. It went under the stuff.” Samyak said smilingly.

“Let's go then” Mohit said. They all moved towards the tower. After looking at the Esplanade, enjoying the views from the 1st and 2nd floor they finally reached the top. The views are breathtaking. The whole Paris city is visible from there. A panoramic map helps in locating famous sights. They were all mesmerized and praising the beautiful sights. By the time they reached the top, the sun was setting and the city was started lightening. Suddenly Samyak came in front of Aastha and smiled. Before she can understand something, Samyak was on his knees. His hands were behind its back. Her heart started beating fast. Winds are flowing and it is a perfect setting for this romantic moment.

“Aastha… the whole city is lighted but my heart is lighted with your smile. I want you to smile forever and I want to see you smiling for the rest of my life. I love you.” Samyak moved a bunch of red roses towards her.

Aastha was not expecting this at all. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She was blushing. Her cheeks turned red. She nodded her head and took the roses. Mohit clicked a picture. Kavya and few other visitors who were on the roof at that time started clapping. Samyak was delighted looking Aastha happy and surprised. Aastha is feeling she is on cloud nine. She gently stretched her hands towards Samyak and said, “I love you too.”

Samyak held her hand and got up and they hugged each other. This couldn’t be more perfect. Sun was totally set and Eiffel Tower is lighted and so are their hearts.

The next morning they catch the train back to London. An unforgettable trip is about to end but a new journey of love has started. These three days have changed Samyak and Aastha’s lives. Now it is filled with cheerfulness, hope, and affection.

They arrived at London Station.

“Aahhh… it was one memorable trip” Mohit said as they kept their luggage in the cab.

“Yeah… indeed.” Samyak nodded looking at Aastha.

“Ok then… will see you guys again.” Kavya hugged Aastha and waved at Samyak.

“Yes, we will plan something for next weekend” Aastha said.

Kavya and Mohit took the cab and drove away. Samyak will be dropping Aastha to her house so they also sat in another cab.

Aastha was showing pictures from her camera.

“You are looking so pretty in all the pictures.” Samyak praised her.

“Thank you” Aastha said shying.

Time passed looking at the pictures and the cab stopped outside her house after a few minutes. They got down and Samyak pulled out her luggage from the trunk. She took her bags and looked at Samyak, ”Time to go.”

“I will miss you” Samyak said.

“I will miss you too” Aastha said.

“Can’t wait for the office tomorrow” Samyak said smiling.

“See you tomorrow. Bye, and call me once you reach home.” Aastha instructed him.

“As you say, Ma’am.” Samyak waved at her and sat in the cab.

Aastha kept standing there waving until the cab disappeared.

Now the office routine has also changed. As soon as they reach the office, the first thing they do is seeing each other. Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee everything together. As soon as their work gets over they don’t miss a chance to catch up. Three days have passed after they came back. Today Samyak asked Aastha out for dinner. So after the office got over they went to a Thai restaurant for dinner.

“Hmm… food is nice” Aastha said tasting the curry.

“Yes quite spicy still yummy… Just like life.” Samyak said drinking water.

“Ahh… Philosophy…” Aastha teased him.

“Yes… see your influence. In just a few days, you made me think like a philosopher. What would I become in the future?” Samyak said smiling.

Listening to the future, suddenly Aastha turned a little serious.

Samyak looked at her and asked, “What happened? Your mood changed suddenly.”

“Nothing you said future… so it just comes to my mind… what next. You know I will be flying back in one month and you have to stay here for another few months.” Aastha said with a low voice.

“I know… I am afraid to even imagine how will I pass those months without you. I can’t even imagine not seeing you for one day. I will try to cut it as short as possible and come back to you.” Samyak also realized only a few days left for Aastha to go back.

“When you come back also, I will be in Mumbai and you will be in Hyderabad.” Aastha sadly said.

“Hmm… I know. But I have a solution to all this. As soon as I come back I will talk to my parents about us. They will talk to your parents and then you know….” Samyak gestured “Shehnai” with his hands and made a sound as they played at weddings.

Aastha smiled looking at him, “Wow you play very nice. But…”

“But what?” Samyak looked at her questioningly.

“Do you think your parents will agree? I mean you know whatever happened in my past will not be easy to accept for them.” Aastha said worriedly.

Samyak understood her fear. He held her hands gently and looked into her eyes, “Listen Aastha, I want you to promise me for one thing that you will not remember your past… never ever. Whatever had happened, it was no one’s fault. And about my parents and their reaction, you don’t worry. I will handle everything. I know them. For them, nothing else matters more than my happiness. And I would be only happy with you. Ok??”

Aastha’s eyes turned wet and she nodded, “I promise and I trust you.”

“Good… That’s like my girl. Now to celebrate this we have delicious mango rice here for the desert.” Samyak filled a spoon and fed Aastha lovingly.

Samyak dropped Aastha back home and laid on his bed after reaching home. He was thinking about their previous conversation and started planning how will he tell his parents about her. He is hoping that they will agree. He was submerged in his thoughts and suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the screen and smiled. He answered the call,

“Hmmm… so missing me huh??” Samyak said teasingly.

“Samyak… Samyak…” Aastha was on the other side sobbing, crying, and not able to speak properly.