Your brain is garden in English Motivational Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Your brain is garden

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Your brain is garden

The most important part is brain of human being. We are very sleepy person. We never thinks too much about our real life problem. We all run after money, mane, fame , power and prestige. It is not bad, it is necessary to have more but the best part of our life is happiness which never lies in all money, power, fame and all.

If some one tell you that everyday in the morning my hand is slapping me and I can't do anything than you will laugh and you will say are you mad ? How your hand can slap you without your permission. If he says like daily to you than sure you will admit him in mental hospital. But if sombody will say you that I am suffering from mental weakness and everyday negative thoughts are coming and I am feeling nervousness than you will give him sympathy. Most of people thinks negative thoughts are coming from outside and we can't do anything about that and most of people thinks negative negative and negative and go in depression.

We never understand that as we have hand and legs, as we have mind. We can use our mind as we want but we never aware of that. Great philosopher j. Krishnamurti always says be aware of your thought from moment to moment.

Take little example suppose at night you have decided to go for morning walk or decided go to gym in the next morning. When you wake up in the nexr morning, first of all thoughts are coming yaar today I am tired, I can't go today, I will go from tomorrow. Now think really are you tired? No I am saying you with confidence that you are not tired, this is only your thought and it is not coming from outside. This is your thought and you are postponing to go to walk or gym. You have ruined a beautiful time and it is responsible only your thought. Actually we are not aware of all this things. If you little bit aware of your this type of thought than you will never do this type of mistake. You brain is really a garden what you give it will give you back the same thing. If you say I am tired than you will be tired. So whenever this type of thoughts come, be aware and tell your mind no nothing doing I will go. And you should tell your mind that I am not tired I have too much strength and I know if I will miss today than this is my cowrdness.And you will see this type of positive thought will change so many things.

Mohamed ali was great boxer. Before starting his boxing round, he always told himself that ali, you are great boxer in the world, nobody can beat you, you are really greatest boxer in the world. This type of sentences gave him good strength and most of time he succssed.

Friends, our mind is really a garen. What you sow you will reap and remember one thing your mind is your servant but because of unawarness it becomes our master. So whenver this type of thoughts comes be aware of your thoughts and immediately turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Our life is totally dependent on our mind.Be careful of your thoughts not only in the morning only. But from moment to moment. If you controll your mind than it will be easy for you to live happily.

Thaml you...