Eligible Bachelor - Episode 19 And 20 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 19 And 20

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 19 And 20

Chapter 19

The next morning Samyak reached the office at the regular time. He kept his backpack on the desk and went to see Aastha. Aastha has also reached the office and was working on her computer.

“Good Morning.” Samyak wished her from the back.

Aastha turned around to see and found Samyak standing. She smiled and replied, “Good Morning.”

“Work started?” Samyak asked pointing towards her PC.

“Ohh yes… there were few emails that need to be sent. After a fun-filled weekend, sometimes Monday seems so boring.” She made a dull face.

“That’s true. I also wanted this weekend to never end.” Samyak said softly.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Aastha couldn’t hear him properly.

“Nothing. Anyways you continue. Will see you in the evening for coffee?” Samyak is now quite comfortable and asked her to join for coffee.

“Ya ok… sounds cool.” Aastha also agreed without thinking much.

Samyak waved at her smiling and returned to his cubicle.

They met in the cafeteria and Samyak bought coffee and bagels for both of them. He kept the tray on the table and sat opposite to Aastha.

“Here is your coffee.” Samyak handed her a cup.

“Thanks” Aastha said courteously.

“Hmmm… It's nice.” She took a sip.

“I didn’t make it. I just bought it from the counter to the table.” Samyak joked.

“Very funny. So how is work going?” Aastha asked him having a bit of bagel.

“Hmm.. it is going on. A long weekend is coming up so trying to wrap up a few things with them. Many of my teammates are taking a whole week off. What’s your plan for the long weekend?”

“I haven’t decided anything yet, let's see. Are you going anywhere?” Aastha replied.

“Same here. Haven’t planned anything. If nothing, I will watch football.” Samyak said.

“Hmm… you love football it seems. Do you play as well?” Aastha asked.

“Yes, back in India, I used to go every weekend with my friends. But here I watch on TV only. Do you like any of the sports?” Samyak asked.

“I would say a few indoor ones. Not much of an athletic person I am.” She said smilingly.

“Hmm… let me guess, you must be a creative person.” Samyak was looking at her sipping his coffee.

“Alright… and what made you think this?” Aastha looked at him adjusting her glasses.

“I mean you do photography, love to visit different places, do volunteer work, and of course you dance really well as well and I am sure there must be more on the list.” Samyak praised her.

“Ohhoo… You know quite about me I would say. But nothing much left on the list. I am not sure how good I am on it but I enjoy doing all these things.” Aastha replied with surprise and a happy face. She realized Samyak has noticed and remembered everything that happened till now.

“See and this one is your best quality. You always talk inspiring.” Samyak gave a salute gesture to her.

Aastha smiled and said, “Ok enough about me. You tell me now, what do you like apart from football?”

“Ohh me… I don’t have any such interesting hobbies like you but now I would love to have one. Why don’t you help me with it?” Samyak looked at her with a question mark and a hope that she will agree.

“Me…? I don’t understand. How can I help you?” Aastha looked at him puzzled.

“Actually there is a book fair on Wednesday. It would be nice if you can also join. We will go after the office. I know its a weekday but we will spend an hour or so and then I will drop you home. It is not very far. I heard it is quite famous and would be a totally new experience.” Samyak tried to cover all the things, which could cause a negative reply from Aastha.

Aastha hesitated a little bit. She became quite comfortable with Samyak by now but still, there is a hunch in her heart. Samyak’s eyes are looking at her in hopes and he is waiting eagerly for her reply. He crossed his fingers as she started speaking, “Well… I have never been to a book fair before but…”

“Ohh… then you must come. I think you will like it.” Samyak tried to persuade her.

“Alright… I will join you.” Aastha agreed.

“Really… That’s great.” Samyak opened her fingers secretly and tries to hide his excitement.

“Shall we go now back to the office?” Aastha asked.

“Yes sure” Samyak replied.

Samyak returned to his desk and his enthusiasm is reflecting on his face. He started working but can’t stop smiling.

On the other hand, Aastha can’t stop thinking about Samyak as well. She likes to spend time with him and when he asked her to come with him, she couldn’t deny it. She is never been so comfortable and open to anyone except her family after that incident. Each time they have a conversation, he always makes her feel special, confident, and great about herself. But still, she felt, it must be Samyak’s gentle and caring nature and not able to gauge his feelings for her. She was still not able to understand her feelings as well that it could be something more special than just an office colleague, her sister-in-law’s brother, and maybe a budding friend.

Wednesday Evening Samyak was waiting outside his office building. Today he was wearing a Light Pink Formal Shirt with silver cufflinks and black trousers. Aastha was on a call so she asked him to meet at the exit directly. After 15 mins, Aastha came running looking at her watch realizing that Samyak must be waiting for some time. She was wearing a crimson red short sleeve shirt and a formal black skirt of knee length.

“I am sorry. The call took a little long.” Aastha spoke panting.

“It is ok… You can breathe. Have some water.” Samyak offered her his water bottle. He could have waited for another hour for this outing.

“Ahh… Thanks.” She gulped some water and relaxed.

“Shall we go? The cab is here.” Samyak has already booked the cab. He opened the door for her.

She looked with little surprise and then sat inside smiling. He entered the cab from the other side and the trip started. It took around 20 mins to reach the place where the fair was going on. It was a huge hall with lots of people and booths. The hall is heaving with stalls based on genres, countries, and publisher. There are few guest authors as well who are signing their new book and meeting with the readers. There is a stage in the center where a musical band is performing. In another corner, there are 3-4 eatery stalls. Samyak and Aastha started roaming around to various stalls and looking at the books. They were discussing a few books they have read or heard about. They even discussed some movies based on books and started comparing their characters. They were enjoying the ambiance, music, books, talks, and most of all each other’s company. They haven’t realized an hour has already past. Samyak was looking for a book, which he wanted to gift Aastha. He wanted a book, which helps in conveying his feelings. He was passing around the booths and his eyes set on one of the books. He smiled and took that one when Aastha was busy choosing other books. Aastha has also brought a few books.

“Ohh you got so many books.” Samyak looked at the bag Aastha was carrying.

“Ohh yes… It is a classic place. I was wondering what if I would have missed this. Thank you so much for bringing me here.” Aastha loved the fair and looking her happy, Samyak felt contented.

“My pleasure.” He said with a smile.

“Where is your bag? Only one book?” Aastha looked around Samyak.

“Ohh I got so confused that I couldn’t buy anything. You know so many choices make it more complicated.” Samyak’s motive was to just spend time with her and that is going on perfectly.

“No problem. I have many. We can both read.” Aastha pointed towards her bag.

“So shall we go then?” Aastha asked him.

“Yes… Let's go. I will drop you.” Samyak followed her towards the exit.

They sat in the cab. Samyak’s phone rang. It was Kavya’s call. He answered the call.

“Hi Samyak… What’s up? Reached home?” Kavya asked.

“No… I am outside. Will reach in another an hour or so. You tell?” Samyak replied.

“Ohh… then you carry on. I will call you later. I want to ask you about something.” Kavya said.

“Is anything urgent? Tell me.” Samyak asked. The cab driver asked Aastha about the apartment number and she started explaining it to him at the same time.

“Who is it?” Kavya asked suspiciously listening to Aastha’s voice.

“It's Aastha. We went to the book fair. I am dropping her home.” Samyak explained to her.

“Ohh Aastha… Nice. Ok then put me on speaker. Anyways I was going to call her as well. I can talk to you both at the same time.” Kavya told Samyak.

“Ok… Aastha, Kavya is on the call. She wanted to talk to us.” Samyak put the phone on speaker.

“Hi, Aastha… How was the fair?” Kavya checked with her.

“It was great Kavya. You and Mohit should also visit it. There were so many books, it was worth visiting.” Aastha said excitedly.

“It seems, you two have enjoyed a lot.” Kavya’s tone started changing mischievously.

Samyak understood her expression and diverted the topic before she could speak any further, “Kavya, you want to talk about something.”

Kavya understood Samyak’s intention. She started speaking, “Ohh yes. Actually, we are planning something for the coming long weekend. We are planning a trip to Paris. Do you guys have any other plans? If not then we can all go together. It would be great fun. What say?”

Samyak and Aastha looked at each other. They have not any plans yet and Paris sounded exciting to them. Samyak thought if Aastha said yes, he would join them. So he waited for Aastha to speak first.

“Kavya, I don’t have any plans as such. I think it will be nice. I will join you guys.” Aastha has Paris on her checklist to cover so she agreed without much effort.

“That’s great. What about you Samyak? Don’t tell me you have to work on a long weekend as well?” Kavya said sarcastically.

“Hmm… I have some work but I will manage. I will also come along.” Samyak said casually hiding his excitement for another opportunity to be with Aastha.

“Really… I was afraid that you will say no and I have to persuade you to come. But you agreed so easily.” Kavya teased him.

“Ok Ok… When are we planning to leave?” Samyak interrupted her quickly.

“Ya Mohit will send all the details to both of you. Ok then.. see you guys soon.”

“Bye Kavya.” Aastha and Samyak said together.

“Bye. Good night.” Kavya hung up the call.

“Ok Samyak… Good night. Thanks once again.” The cab has stopped under Aastha’s building. Samyak and Aastha came out of the cab and Samyak handed the bag of books to Aastha.

“Aastha one minute” Samyak called her from the back.

She turned around and looked at him questioningly “Yes?”

“This is for you.” Samyak gave the only book he bought to her.

“For me? But I already got so many.” Aastha said with surprise.

“I know. But this one I bought for you. Please take it. It is a small gift from my side.” Samyak insisted.

“But Samyak… I can’t take it.” Aastha was very hesitant to accept a gift from Samyak.

“Ok fine… wait a minute.” Samyak took out one book from her bag and keep it with him.

“Now fine? I took one from you. Please take it.”

“Ok fine… Thanks.” Aastha accepted it still hesitating.

“See you tomorrow. Good Night.” Samyak waved at her happily and went back in the cab.

Aastha waved at him and looked at the book. The title said “Second Chance."

Chapter 20

Aastha was sitting on her bed with a pillow supporting her back and staring at the book’s cover. A boy was knelt down in an open farm covered with yellow flowers and a girl wearing a light blue dress standing in front and they both holding a rose. Both the cover and title of the book are indicating that the book is about Love. She tilted her neck and closed her eyes and the whole scene starting from her first meeting with Samyak to the moment he gifted this book to her, came in front of her. A thought strikes her mind whether Samyak has developed feelings for her. Still, Samyak has not spoken anything distinctly, but today his actions, his way of talking to her, and now this gift made Aastha think about it. After knowing him these days, Aastha felt that he is a great guy and a caring person and she likes to spend time with him. But is there something more other than that, any special feeling, she is not able to decipher that. What if this book is a way of conveying Samyak’s feelings to her? Is she ready for a second chance? She dozed off amidst all these thoughts.

Finally, the most awaited long weekend started. All packed their bags for the most exciting journey which began with a train ride from London to Paris. It will take around 2.5 hrs and they have decided to stay for 2 days and will be back on the 3rd day. They have planned to explore the city on their own.

“Wow, I am so excited. I am sure this is going to be a memorable trip for all of us.” Kavya said sitting on the train looking outside the window.

“Yeah… we will have a lot of fun.” Mohit gave a hi-five to everyone.

Samyak and Aastha are sitting opposite to each other. Samyak looked at her gently. She was wearing blue denim and a yellow chiffon floral top. She kept her hair loose. A thin eyeliner and light pink gloss are adding the perfect touch to her pretty face. Samyak is eagerly waiting for this trip and now she is sitting in front of her. Samyak wanted to spend every moment of this trip with her and is eager to know what she thinks about him.

Aastha knew Samyak is looking at her but she was trying to avoid eye contact. So she was talking to Kavya and Mohit, looking at the map, checking her cell phone. And if suddenly her eyes met with him, they just smile at each other. Kavya opened a bag of chips and offered everyone. Unintentionally Samyak and Aastha put their hands together in the bag. A momentary touch raced their heartbeats. They both looked at each other and Aastha hurriedly took out her hand. Samyak took a few and pretend to look at his cellphone.

“Let's click some pictures.” Aastha tried to divert the awkwardness and took her camera out. She clicked some pictures of the outside scenic beauty. Mohit and Kavya posed for a couple of pics. She asked some other passengers to take a group photo. Samyak felt something is going on another side as well. He smiled while posing for the pic and smiled into his heart as well.

The train journey came to an end. They are standing at Paris Gare du Nord station. An energetic, lively, and beautiful French city welcomes them. They all took their bags and decided to go to the hotel first. They dropped their luggage in the hotel and thought of strolling around the city for some time and have some food.

“Wow, it is such a beautiful city.” Aastha looked around with her hands stretched standing at “Place de la Concorde”.

“Very beautiful” Samyak said slowly looking at her but Aastha heard it. She blushed and turned her face to the opposite side.

“Hey look at the fountains. Let's go there.” Mohit pointed towards the two fountains located on the other side. They all went towards the fountains and clicked photos. At the center of the place, there is an “obelisk” which is decorated with some ancient Egyptian writing. They all leaned with one leg bent and asked another tourist to click their picture. They roam around the place for another half an hour.

“I am hungry. Let's eat something first.” Kavya sat down and looked at Mohit.

“Yes, I am also tired.” Aastha also sat down.

“Ok fine… let me check on maps for nearby restaurants.” Samyak took out his phone and started looking.

“This one looks good. We will get some salad and sandwiches.” Samyak showed it to Mohit and they all started following the route shown by maps.

“Nice place” Mohit said as they sat on the table in the restaurant. They placed their order and sat relaxed.

“So what are we going to do next?” Aastha asked.

“Shall we go to the Eiffel Tower?” Kavya suggested.

“I think we should go for the cruise today. Tomorrow we can visit the tower. We can relax on the cruise and enjoy the night lights of the city.” Mohit said.

“Ya, that sounds cool.” Samyak also agreed.

“Ok fine.” Kavya and Aastha also nodded and started eating their food as it is served.

They all finished their food and regained energy. They walked towards the avenue of Champs-Elysees. There are theaters, cafes, various luxury shops, and gardens. They all were enjoying the views, architecture, and beauty of this location. Sometimes Mohit and Kavya started walking hand in hand and go ahead and Samyak and Aastha left behind with each other. They just exchanged glances and smiles. Samyak wanted to talk to her but he is not getting the appropriate chance. After spending an hour there, they reached to the riverside where the cruise has to start. By the time they reached it's already evening. They opted for the night cruise of an hour. It was an all-glass boat with a beautiful ambiance. The seats are like 2 people can sit together. Kavya asked Aastha to join her but Aastha insisted Mohit to sit with her. She doesn’t want to ruin their moment. She sat on a different side. Mohit also agreed as he thought, it will give Samyak and her some time together. Samyak was the one who was most excited and cheerful as he finally gets to sit with Aastha for an hour and cherish this enchanting cruise.

Samyak sat beside Aastha and looked at her. Aastha was looking outside the glass. Cruise has started. Light music was playing in the background.

“It is such a lovely evening.” Samyak started the conversation.

Aastha looked at him and nodded. She is feeling butterflies in her stomach. She is confused about why her heart is racing so fast when Samyak sat next to her. She couldn’t understand but she is feeling nice that he is here with her.

“So how do you like the place so far?” Samyak asked her again.

“It's awesome. I have seen Paris in few movies but being in person here is just amazing. The architecture, buildings, greenery everything is breathtaking. I just love…. ” She turned to him and their eyes met closely and she couldn’t complete her sentence.

Samyak also couldn’t take his eyes off and wanted badly to complete her lines “I just love… you”.

Aastha took her eyes off and started looking outside the boat and her face turned red.

Samyak also started looking out and smiling at the moment.

“Have you read the book?” he asked.

“Yes, I started. Not yet finished.” Aastha replied. “May I ask you something?” Aastha said after a pause.

“Yes, please. I would love to answer.” Samyak was eager to listen to her.

“That book… I mean why did you give me that book?” Aastha asked.

Samyak understood that Aastha wanted to know what is going on and he also wanted to convey his feeling to her now. So he cleared his throat and started, “Aastha I haven’t given you that book just like that. When I saw the book, your face came in front of me. The book is about how we should take another chance in our life. As you always believe, life is such a beautiful gift given to us, we should make the most out of it. Sometimes few unfortunate incidents happen but because of those few, we should not bind ourselves. We should let our hearts set free and look for another chance. It is not necessary which happened before, it will happen again, and suppose if that happens again also, we should not get frightened and get ourselves away. I know saying all this is very easy but executing it, in reality, is way more difficult. I was not able to come out of my past for so long but you know that when I came out of it, I found my life, my family, my passion, and most importantly myself back. I was so afraid that what will happen if all that happened again with me. I would be devastated. But after meeting you, knowing you, that feeling faded away. Now I am not afraid of anything. Whatever happens in life, it happens for a reason and sometimes we don’t understand it that time but later everything gets revealed. If all that wouldn’t have happened to me, I would never ever be able to meet you. I am so lucky that you came into my life. You changed everything. And now I want you to give me that second chance to allow me to be part of your life. I know you have built a wall around yourself. I want you to let me enter there. I want you to come out of your past and see how life is welcoming you with open arms. I want you to remove that burden of the past from your shoulder and embrace the beautiful present. And in all this, I would love to stand by your side… now and forever. Aastha will you give me that second chance?” Samyak opened his heart out and looked at Aastha lovingly. Aastha was stunned and awe-stricken. Suddenly the sky filled with firecrackers and Kavya and Mohit came to their seats.

“Hey, guys… look up in the sky. Fireworks… Such a magnificent sight.” They all looked up to the beautiful lights that covered the sky. Another firework happening on the ground inside two hearts one of which is waiting for the answer and another one is in surprise and dilemma.