self confidence in English Motivational Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | self confidence

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self confidence

Confidence word itself is very nice. You have need of confidence in every step. I have seen many start the work but cause of lack of confidence they leave the work in between. And they start the other work. To avoid this position every one has to learn how to build self confidence.

Suppose you have decided today that I will wake up tomorrow early in the morning and go to gym or for morning walk. Now when you wake up so many thoughts starts. You start to tell yourself that I have no mood today,and today I have to finish so many other work, so today I will not go for gym and I will go from tomorrow. This is vicious circle. You don't understand what are you doing. You are doing very wrong way to treat yourself. Today is gone, now it will never come back. You have wasted a valuable time that will never never come back. And most important thing you have lost your confidence.

You have to think deeply for this. We will go deep in this and try to find solution.

First thing when you wake up, first you are saying that I have no mood today but think really have you no mood today, is it real ? No this is uterrly wrong. This is only only only your thought. See clearly this is only your thought. You have to be aware at this time. And you have to tell yourself no nothing doing when I decided to go for gym or morning walk than I will go, sure go. If you will be firm with your mind and if you start to go than nobody can stop you.

Whenever this type of situation comes we never think deeply. And always we are saying I am tired, I have no mood, I will do better tomorrow. This is all thoughts only. If you will not aware than it will be very very harmfull to you.

And if you not allow anything to yourself and with firm decission if you go to gym or morning walk than when you finsh it, you will have a confidence and you will feel full day happy. And this is the best practice. And when tomorrow comes, with confidence you will sure go for gym. But if you didn't go than next day most of time you will not go.

Friends, confidence is not necessary but it is most important things in life. And it is not available in the market from where you can buy. You have to earn from yourself only. And remember nobody can give you confidence. By doing and finish the work you can get confidence.

Whenever any work comes, you think so many negative think. And you dely your work. And we are very sleepy person. We never see our thoughts are wrong and negative and we delay the work and loose our confidence. If you never allow youreslf to have such negetive thoughts and if you continue do your work without any delaying than you will have more and more confidence. And when you finish your work you will be a haopy person. But if you delay your work than confidence will never come.

And friends, remember only thoughts are responsible for everything. So aware of your thoughts and be confident.

Thank you .