Eligible Bachelor - Episode 17 And 18 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 17 And 18

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 17 And 18

Chapter 17

Party has started. Some of Mohit and Kavya’s friends have arrived. They were chit-chatting and wishing the couple in a room full of gifts, flowers, cake, and music. Aastha was helping in arranging the food with Kavya. Samyak was clicking pictures. One of their friends started playing Bollywood dance numbers and asked everyone to join. They all started dancing on Bollywood songs. Mohit asked Samyak to also join in. Samyak was a little hesitant but eventually, he also joined when he saw Kavya brought Aastha also on the dance floor. They were all dancing and having fun. Samyak’s whole attention was on Aastha. He is looking at her dancing and smiling. Aastha was doing some of the signature Bollywood moves with Kavya and Mohit. Her face is lighted and cheerful like a baby. Watching her enjoying, Samyak realized how negatively he is living his life. Few unfortunate events in his life, which were not that harsh also if compared with Aastha’s life, made him so disappointed and gloomy. He stopped enjoying this beautiful gift of God. He cut it off from his family and friends. He had so much impact that he forgot his passions and living a dull life.

But Aastha had gone through such a tough time still she gripped her life and raised herself out of that with courage and confidence. It must be so difficult for her. She is pursuing her passions, enjoying the little things and significant moments of her life. Samyak is inspired by her positive spirit. His chain of thoughts was stopped when he realized that Mohit is calling him for dinner. He joined everyone for dinner and enjoyed the rest of the evening. All the guests have gone back. Samyak also thought of leaving and turned towards Kavya.

“Ok Kavya, I will also leave now” Samyak said.

Before Kavya can speak something, Mohit said, “Samyak why don’t you stay here for tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday. You can go in the evening. We will spend some more time together. You already took so many days to visit us, I don’t know when you will come next.” He said with a smile.

“Wow Mohit… You are a genius. I hadn’t got this thought. Yes, Samyak, stay with us tonight and you can leave tomorrow.” Kavya said excitedly.

“But Kavya, I didn’t bring any clothes and other things. Better I will go now. And Mohit, I promise, I will not take that many days again to come back.” Samyak told them. He was hesitant to stay back.

“Ohh come on. We will manage all that. You are staying here and no more discussion on that. Right, Mohit?” Kavya announced.

Mohit also nodded. Samyak couldn’t say no to their insistence and stayed back. They all cleaned up the house and changed clothes and sat on the couch leisurely with coffee mugs.

Aastha and Kavya were looking at the pictures on mobile and giggling.

”You and Mohit are looking so cute together in all the pictures.” Aastha said.

“Thank you” Kavya said smilingly.

“Look at this one. Your dancing moves were great.” Kavya pointed to another one.

Samyak and Mohit were discussing the work and economy. Mohit is an investment banker. So they have lots of common topics to discuss. They build a good rapport with each other in a very short time.

“So Samyak, are you planning to extend your duration of stay? You have to extend your Visa and start the processing now. It will take a few months to complete all formalities.” Mohit suggested to him while discussing work.

“Yes, I have to talk to my manager about it. There is a lot of learning in this area so let's see if I can stay back, it will be great exposure to my career.” Samyak replied.

“I don’t think so Anita aunty will agree. She is waiting for you to come back and get you married.” Kavya teased Samyak.

“Ohh is it? Then you must go back. So have you met someone?” Mohit enquired.

“No yaar. She is just teasing me.” Samyak gave her a look.

“If there is someone you like, you can tell me. I will talk to Aunty and Uncle.” Kavya winked at him.

Samyak gave her a look to stay quiet and said, “No thank you. If there will be someone, I will let them know.”

“Aastha, are there any good girl in your office for Samyak?” Kavya was not letting it go.

“Hmm… let me think. There are few girls but I am not sure about what qualities Samyak is looking for his partner?” Aastha said casually.

“Samyak, why don’t you tell Aastha about the qualities of your dream girl. I am sure she will help you in finding someone. After all, you guys are in the same office and now you guys met here also, I am sure you two can hang out more frequently. Right Aastha?” Kavya gave chance to Samyak intentionally.

“Yeah sure. So Samyak tell me your checklist?” Aastha asked him.

“I don’t have any checklist.” Samyak tried to escape from this conversation.

“Ohh come on… everyone has some checklist. I am sure you must have one.” Aastha said jokingly.

Samyak wanted to tell her that he is already met the right one and there is no checklist required anymore but he couldn’t say anything. Rather he asked something, “Ohh so everyone has the list. Why don’t you tell me about your checklist?”

Aastha’s face turned pale listening to his question, she was not expecting this, “Ahh… I don’t know. I mean…”

Samyak realized he should not have asked her this. He was cursing himself for this blunder and tried to cover it up instantly, “See… it’s a difficult question. Better we leave it here and talk about something else.”

They all just left that topic there and talked about other things for another half an hour until the sleep started striking. They all went to sleep and lied on the beds with different thoughts.

Samyak was thinking about Aastha and how should he share his feelings with her and what she thinks about him.

Aastha was thinking about her past and once she will go back to India, her parents will talk about the remarriage. How will she explain to them her fear, which she faces every time she thinks of getting married again.

Kavya was thinking about how should she help them to be together. She was thinking to share it with Mohit.

Mohit was thinking to tell Kavya that he liked Samyak and he could be the right choice for his sister Aastha.

They all dozed off with their thoughts.

The next Morning, Samyak’s eyes opened as the sunlight touched his face from the wide window. He got up from the bed and looked outside. It was a beautiful bright morning. He went towards the kitchen for drinking water. He felt that everyone is still sleeping, so without making any noise, he entered the kitchen. He saw Aastha standing there and making coffee. He quickly moves his hands around his face and hair tried to rectify his morning face. Aastha looked behind and found him standing there.

“Good Morning.” She greeted him.

“Good Morning. I thought everyone must be sleeping.” Samyak explained as he came silently there.

“Yes, Mohit and Kavya are still asleep. I also got up a few mins back. I am making coffee. Will you take some?” Aastha asked.

“Yes sure. Thanks.” Samyak replied pouring water into the glass.

“Let's sit in the balcony” Samyak suggested taking the coffee cup from Aastha’s hands.

“Ok… let's go.” Aastha moved towards the balcony and Samyak followed her.

They both sat on the patio and enjoying the sunlight with a hot cup of coffee.

“Wow… Nice coffee. Very refreshing.” Samyak took a sip and closed his eyes.

“Thanks. I need one right in the morning. My whole day depends on this.” Aastha said pointed towards her cup.

“Then I must learn to make a good coffee.” Samyak murmured.

“Sorry did you say something?” Aastha couldn’t understand what was he saying.

“No nothing. I was just saying great coffee.” Samyak holds his cup in the air symbolizing cheers and smiled in his heart.

After a few minutes of silence, Samyak spoke again, “Aastha, I want to say sorry about yesterday. I asked you about that checklist thing suddenly. I realized that you were a little uncomfortable.”

Aastha looked at him with surprise that he read her face and noticed her discomfort, “Ohh… that’s okay. I was just not expecting that.”

“Actually Kavya told me about you. Whatever happened to you, was very unfortunate and tragic. I couldn’t imagine your pain. But she told me how you brought yourself out of that trauma and start afresh. I really appreciate your positive and aspiring attitude.” Samyak wanted Aastha to be comfortable with him and share her feelings.

Aastha was listening to him in astonishment.

“You know what after spending time with you yesterday and in the temple that day, you really inspired me. I realized that I was missing so much in my life because of some unwanted incidents, which happened long back. I should let it all go and move on. I should live in the present.” Samyak said with appreciation in his voice.

“I don’t know Samyak what are you saying? What happened to you?” Aastha wasn’t aware of anything about him yet.

Samyak told Aastha everything about his life. From his engagement with Niharika to the break-up, his reaction afterward, another period of a disappointment for him and his parents, his London trip, and how he was spending his life secluded till now. Aastha listened to everything patiently and now she is able to connect with all their earlier conversations.

“Ohh I am sorry, I wasn’t aware of all this” Aastha said with sympathy.

"Yup... but I have decided, whatever happened in the past, I should not let it affect my present and future. And a big Thanks to you for making me realize this." Samyak said with a conviction.

"No need to thank me. I just try to live my life normally. If I would have let the past empowers me, I would have gone into depression. But still, that fear lies somewhere deep in my heart. I am not able to come out of it completely." Aastha spoke her heart out in the flow but as soon as she realized Samyak is listening to her attentively she tried to divert the conversation, "Anyways, I am happy for you that you have decided to come out of your past."

Samyak wanted to tell Aastha that he is willing to help her come out of that fear and she can share anything with him but he also understood it will take time to Aastha for being open with him. And for that, he has to work hard.

Chapter 18

Samyak reached his home in the evening. He was thinking that it was a wonderful weekend spent. His life has changed a lot in just 2 days. He is feeling cheerful, enthusiastic, positive, and zealous. After knowing about Aastha and telling her about himself, he is feeling light. Now he wanted to start afresh and nurture this budding relationship.

After Samyak left, Kavya, Mohit, and Aastha were sitting for dinner. Kavya didn’t get a chance to speak with Mohit regarding Samyak’s feelings. But something is already going in Mohit’s head and so he thought of checking out what Aastha thinks about Samyak. He looked at Aastha who seems lost in her thoughts while moving the spoon around her plate. Aastha was thinking about her conversation with Samyak this morning. She was actually touched by his words. He appreciated her perspective towards life and thanked her for making a change in his life. She felt that he understood her so well and made her feel special and worthy. Most people either blame her or sympathize with her for the situation but he gets inspired by her idea of living life. Somehow he instilled confidence in her.

“Chikki, why are you not eating?” Suddenly Mohit’s voice put a brake on her thoughts.

She realized her plate is still full and Mohit and Kavya are looking at her questioningly.

“Ohh… I was just lost in some thoughts. I am eating.” Aastha started filling her spoon.

“What were you thinking about so deeply?” Mohit asked her again.

Aastha realized that she is thinking about Samyak and forgot everything around for a few minutes. She can feel the impact Samyak has left upon her.

“Ohh God… Again you are lost. What is happening?” Mohit looked at her surprisingly.

“Ahh… nothing. It is something related to work. I have to finish off some pending tasks before tomorrow.” Aastha replied in haste to cover up.

“Are you sure it is work or something else or should I say someone?” Mohit tried to make his point.

Kavya and Aastha both looked at him shockingly. Kavya couldn’t understand why Mohit is talking like this and Aastha was afraid whether Mohit has read her mind or what.

Kavya couldn’t control and asked, “What are you trying to say Mohit? Who someone?”

“I don’t know. I am just asking casually.” Mohit replied.

“Offo Mohit. I told you I was thinking about my work but nothing else.” Aastha tried to stop the flow of conversation, which is heading somewhere else she doesn’t want it to be.

“Ok fine. I was just kidding.” Mohit smiled and start eating.

Kavya’s phone rang the message tone. She checked her phone and smiled looking at the screen.

“Its Samyak’s message. He has reached and thanked us for an awesome weekend.” Kavya told Mohit.

“It was nice to have him. He is a great guy. I think we should all hang out more frequently. What do you think Chikki?” Mohit threw the ball in Aastha’s court suddenly.

“Yeah… we should.” Aastha doesn’t understand why Mohit asked her, so she replied concisely.

Mohit smiled again secretly but Kavya noticed it. She didn’t say anything at that time. They all finished dinner.

“I will go to my room. I have to finish some work and also leave tomorrow morning early. Good Night guys.” Aastha said.

“Good Night Aastha.” They both wished her back.

Aastha went to her room. Kavya and Mohit also came to their room. Mohit laid on the bed and opened a book. Kavya changed her clothes and sat beside him. She took the book from his hand and looked at him questioningly.

“What Kavya? I was reading the book.” Mohit tried to get his book back.

“And I was reading your face at the dinner table.” Kavya kept the book behind her back.

“What do you mean?” Mohit couldn’t understand her statement.

“Don’t try to hide. Tell me what was going on?” Kavya asked him.

“What are you saying Kavya? I am not hiding anything.” Mohit replied.

“Ohh really… then why were you smiling when you were interrogating Aastha?” Kavya asked directly this time.

“Ohh I was smiling. I didn’t realize it. I was just asking her casually.” Mohit said.

“It was not sounding casual. Tell me na.” Kavya was getting impatient.

“Ok fine… I was trying to find out what Chikki thinks about Samyak. I don’t know why but I really feel they would be quite compatible. I want her to be happy. I want her to move out of her fear and spend her life with a person who can understand her, takes care of her, loves her. She is a great soul and she deserves the best in her life. Whatever happened to her was unfortunate but I don’t want her to spend her whole life all alone. Even Uncle and Aunty also want the same. Whenever they look for an alliance for her, they want to be convinced that the boy and his family would understand the situation and treat Chikki appropriately. But getting this assurance is quite difficult. Today after meeting Samyak, I felt he can understand her fairly and if everything works out they can be together forever. What do you think?” Mohit spoke his thoughts and wanted to know Kavya’s point of view.

“I don’t believe it. My husband is truly a genius.” She happily hugged him.

“What are you saying?” Mohit puzzled.

“You know when we went out for getting your gift, Samyak and I talked about Aastha and then…” Kavya told everything to Mohit.

After listening to everything Mohit was surprised. Kavya held his hand and they both exchanged assurance through their eyes.

“I hope everything works out” Mohit said and Kavya nodded.

They both slept with new hope in their heart.