The journey begins in English Classic Stories by Shristi books and stories PDF | The journey begins

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The journey begins

Thunderstorm and lighting delayed their departure.It was 4p.m. and still they had not left waiting for the weather to be a little calm.Although it was a mere five hour journey but Vishal always preferred to reach their destination before sunset.At last the lightning stopped and they left at 4:30.The journey began with a loud cry of "Jai baba ki",considered as an auspicious sign by both of them.And Atul,their driver stepped on the accelerator and the car moved with a splash on the main gate as there was water all over because of heavy rain.It was an orange sky and it was raining off and on,the wind was cold and the weather was apt for a romantic drive.The couple enjoyed the weather with a slow music and a swift drive.The daylight was slowly fading away to pave way for moon but the rain did not stop as if it was bound to drop them to their destination.The birds were in a hurry to reach their nests before sun hides,the daylight was slowly merging into the darkness of the night,the orange sky had turned into greyishblack and the sky was spotted with few stars and a crescent moon.They had just covered 50 KMS and it again began to rain heavily. The roads ahead were rough and there were diversons all over due to some construction activity going on.
Alongside they could see the ravines of the River ..they were like big hills of mud and were discontinuous.Atul kept on changing the path because of diversons.Vishal told him to stop the car and put on map on his mobile phone first so that they don't lose their way because of these diversions.They were slowly losing the sight of people,villages and animals as they had to change their course every now and then.Now it was becoming very dark and Vishal was not liking this as he hated travelling on highways at night because of a bad past experience.He was in his first year and had a night out with his friends and they planned a long drive at night.It was all fine till their Car hit a cow and tumbled on the highway,there were no casualties but it was a painful experience.Vishal broke his leg and had to refrain from his semester exams.The car bumped one more time and Vishal informed Shefali that jungle was to close from 31st of August due to monsoon but looking at the weather he feared that it would close early and they would not be able to enjoy their jungle safari.The news came as a disappointment to Shefali but she was still happy as she liked the atmosphere and the silent greenery of the national parks more than the jungle safari.The car ran down the metalled road onto an unmetalled one as there was no proper way ahead and there was no sight of a single human.As the car moved ahead they came across a sign board which read 320kms to Bandhavgarh ..they were shocked as they had already covered about 80 kms and Bandhavgarh was only 200 kms from their place.They did not know where they went wrong but all of them were a bit scared.....