TEARS ARE WORDS THAT NEED TO BE SHED in English Love Stories by Devanshi Kanani books and stories PDF | TEARS ARE WORDS THAT NEED TO BE SHED

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Dii!!!!! Here is something for you . Avi receive an envelope from a strange child, which is sanded by a stranger. She awakes and receive the envelope.
Avi is setting on a wooden bench in a park which is far from the city. Bench is far from the central area of the park so there is no rush of people.

Environment is calm , atmosphere is cool. Cool breeze is touching her face . She is wearing a office dress with open hair , her hair flow with air , some strains of hair are covering her face. She is not objecting . A deem shade of park light is not sufficient to visualize loneliness of Avi's face . It seems like she want to grab the peace of environment and charge her battery with peace for next day.

After a long busy day in a office, seating in the park on the same bench is most awaiting and most relaxing moment for her. Perhaps, she only live for that moment. Daily after completing office hours, she rush to grab that peace, she was following the routine from last eight month without a single break . Same way, another routine which is not break from last five month is a strange envelope from a stranger girl.

Avi receive the envelope and thanks girls with a chocolate, put envelop in her wallet and Again lost in a deep sea of thoughts . At starting she ask for the sender but that girl only nodded her head and point towards the place , when Avi looks there, she doesn’t find anyone . After multiples of abortive attempts she finds it better to let the things as usual.

After a while she stood up look around for mystery men, didn’t find anyone and move towards her residence.

She reached at home, opens the door, have some fruits for dinner, and then seat again at the balcony with headphone plugged in . .

She didn’t get why she is falling for that envelope or for the person behind the mystery envelop. She was tackled in a storm of thought . She didn’t get what is happening with her. Why she behave like that, why she become so desperate for envelope. Literally she awaits for the envelope. Whenever the girl late to deliver envelope , she feels ruthlessness , she has many questions in her mind. She don’t have any answer rather than the envelope. Or may be she is getting her answer in the form of envelope.

She opens the envelope, read the note, finds a bracelet in it. She wears it with blush on her face. That envelope fills the empty void of Avi's life.
18th march , again the day is knocking, which Avi wants to deletes from her life . She wants to lock up herself , don’t want to go anywhere. Anyways that was the day which comes with an unknown storm in her life.

Marriage is the turning point for every persons. If you get a good , understanding, perfect , lovable match then it will be a greatest milestone , but if not then you have to travel miles with carrying a big stone , a stone of disappointment, stone of responsibility, stone of guilt, stone of misunderstanding, stone of disrespect.

Avi is very happy to tie a note with Rahul. She has many planes to explore. First two month was spent well. She think that she was lucky enough to have a soulmate like Rahul. They both have a good bond with each other . Everything is going smoothly. But suddenly something wrong happened with them. Misunderstanding , anger , fights, shouting takes the place of the love in between them . One day misunderstanding Crosse the pick of tolerance, Rahul beats Avi without any reason, he is drunken is the only reason behind the misbehave.

Avi is an educated , self potent and independent girl. She is matured enough to differentiate the slight line difference between ego and self-respect. She didn’t say a single word and move to here fathers house. There she got unexpected welcome. Her family advice her to forgot everything and start new journey with that same person .
Ultimately her family advice her to tolerate misbehave, that unexpectable acts. According to her family women’s are the statue of tolerance , she can tolerate everything. She should forgive every misbehave, she cant object any misacts.

Avi decides to choose self-respect. Over, all that situation and advices. She left her fathers home too, travel to Bangalore and settle down there.

We all are stuck in a loop of disappointment and joy and that’s all life about.

Overnight, her happiness, her dreams are converted into a nightmares. A happy charming face is converted into sad , dull and calm. Its takes to long to get everything normal. She lives alone, because she don’t want to be more socialized. She restrict herself .

Time heals everything. The deep wound on Avi's heart is healed too. But then after something is leftover which is the reason for her guilt, her loneliness, her sorrow.

Her desperation for envelop forced her to go outside. She get ready for office. She cant concentrate on her work. She was thinking about the envelop and her reaction. Is she is doing right or not? Finally at evening she reached at park and receive envelope as usual. She cant wait more . She opens the envelop.

your life is a scared journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, moment , transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible. Stretching your soul, learning to your intuition taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path …. Exactly where you are meant to be right now.., And from here, you can only go forward shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity and of love.”

That words are written in envelope with red rose.
Those words directly touches to her heart. She didn’t take a fraction of minute and give a note to girl to handover to that mystery men.

She was desperately waiting for the answer . May be she was never before . She received a not with time and place to meet on following day. She was quite excited .

Next day , she reached 10 minutes earlier, because she wants to solve that mystery . A men with black blazer is seat on the bench with a bouquet of her favorite white orchids and diary on right side. That diary is the answer for all the questions of Avi which not let her to sleep last night. That was, how that mystery men knows what Avi is thinking? What is her next move? She was excited, but she was nervous too.., she reached near to the wooden bench in the park.

Smell of her breath makes that men to turn around. Avi's heart skip a beat when she show the first glimpse of that men. Unbelievable, he was Aarav. Aarav her first love. They both are mad in love with each other. The journey of that memorable years is passing from her mind as a quick recaps. She cant believe on her eyes, she thought she was in dream. She pinch herself. It was not a dream .

They separated mutually. They decided to sacrifice their dreams, their happiness for their parents happiness. They never think that destiny will bring them on the same place from where they started a precious journey.

Avi cant control herself. She was controlling from last eight months. She was restricting herself but now she don’t want to. She want to burst out. She ran and hug her men tightly. She was crying loudly. She cries for the first time after settling down at Bangalore. She was crying and crying and crying.., She wants all her pain, all her loneliness to brust out.

After a continuous crying for thirty minutes, Avi is quite normal now. They were seating on the bench as they use to do when they were in a relationship. Wrapping their arms on another.

Pointing towards the diary Aarav whispered in her ear, “Words are the tears that have been written. Avi replies, “Tears are words that need to be shed.” They hug tightly and disappeared in a deep sea of love...