Hacker Z - 23 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 23 - Annoying Person

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Hacker Z - 23 - Annoying Person

Seeing Chase so worked up due to just a joke, Park was kind of embarrassed due to that. But when his sight fell on Chase's eye color soon he realised why Chase would rather suffer wearing contacts when he doesn't need them medically at all.
Even though the eye's where red due to the infection but anyone could get memorise by his light blue eye color.
Chase : Park, hey.
Chase was confused as Park had a blank expression on his face and wasn't saying a word.
Park : Uh...
Chase : So I was saying that the eyes reminds of my shitty father. Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday so spare sometime to come by the base.
Park : Okay.
After saying this Chase stand up and directly left the penthouse. He went to search for a pharmacy near by. Park sat there without moving as it was sunday he didn't have much to do anyway. And if Chase asking him to go to the base he was more than happy to do so. When Obi came into the room he had breakfast in his hand, he was surprised as he saw Chase just a minute ago. Park quickly noticed the surprised and explained the situation.
Park : He already left. Is that the food for him?
Obi : Yeah, is there something wrong.
Obi placed one plate in front of Park and sat in front of Park with other
Park : Don't know but he asked everyone to gather there. Looks like something happened when your brother left yesterday. Did he told you something?
Obi : I haven't talked to him yet.
Obi changed the topic of their talk as he didn't wanted Park to know about his family matters.
After taking a walk for 10 minutes Chase finally saw a pharmacy. Chase entered pharmacy and approached the person on the counter, showed him a picture of a prescription.
Chase : Do you have this eye drop?
The owner saw the prescription carefully as it was in English which wasn't a local language and thought for some time and answer bluntly.
Owner : You won't find this eye drops in whole Russia.
Chase : What? Are you for real?
Owner : Why would I lie to you? Wait i think I have a eye drop you can use as replacement.
The owner started to search for the eye drop in the shelf behind him.
Chase : Thanks. Are American medicines not used in Russia?
Owner : Yeah they have different certificates and organisations for different countries so you won't find it here if it's not a important medicine. Oh look like I found it.
Chase : Great.
Chase took the eye drops but his sight fell on a jar of candy. After 5 minutes Chase came out the pharmacy rather than going to the penthouse Chase went to the base directly he had a one hand in his which was playing with the candy in it as if thinking that he should eat it or not.
The sight that welcome Chase in the base was quite interesting. Chase's lips were in thin line as he began to observe the situation there. The person they caught was bandaged very carefully and tied to the same chair from yesterday. Chase was at lost for words as Bai was the same person who tortured the pickpocket to wake him up but before leaving he would also treat him what kind of logic was that?
The pickpocket was still not awake so Chase decided to use the computer for now. Chase sat in front of the computer setup. The computer setup was more advanced and secured than his computer room, actually it was equivalent to twice the computer room's. Chase's long finger swiftly swept on the keyboard which made the computer screen light. Chase opened several window's and started reading the documents in them. His right hand was on the mouse moving with certain intervals. Suddenly Chase stop and his sight concentrated on a document which was related to his grandfather's company. Even it had been 10 year but still Obi could get some of the documents related to his grandfather's company and personal life. There was a name that was bothering Chase. First Chase was, going to ignore it, but then he decided to investigate or if possible to meet the person himself as it bothering him too much to see the name so many times. He took a book pad and a pen from the dower and increased his typing speed. Strings of number started to show on the computer screen. Chase's eyes were observing everything from the screen. A message was shown on the screen ' firewall deactivated'. He took the book pad and noted co-ordinates.
As soon as Chase finished that he placed his hand near the table so that he placed his chin on it. Just then he heard the sound of door unlocking, he was already on his guard but the voice made him assured. He turned his chair to face the voice. Chase was the first one to speak his voice didn't reflecting how alert he was just a few minutes ago!
Chase : Shouldn't you be at the hospital Bai?
Bai : Today there wasn't any operations so I came to watch him.
Chase : The person you treated?
Bai : Yeah, there was just to much blood, so I had treat him last night.
Chase's eyes caught a change in Bai's emotions as if Bai was regreting the torture he did last but Chase decided not say anything. There was a mysterious smile on Chase's lips which disappeared in instance, not a single bit of emotion was emitted by him.
At the CEO's office of Galactica group the whole office was cold, Charles was having a annoyed expression on his face while sitting on the sofa. A brow was formed between his eyebrows. The person who was responsible for this was sitting in front of him.
Charles : You should go back.
The person wasn't a bit affected by Charles's cold voice. It was a man in his 50s he was still in a military uniform of high rank officer. He was pretty casual with Charles just like his wife, yeah he was Mr. Petrov, Mrs Petrov's legal husband. He had a cheerful air about him which was in contrast with the army uniform he was wearing.
Mr . Petrov : Don't act like a old man. We still have opportunity to catch Z.
Charles : I don't want this topic again. If we were to caught Z we wouldn't have failed first. Mayor commited suicide due to our failure.
Mr. Petrov was surprised by what Charles said
Mr. Petrov : He commited suicide due to his own karma, Z didn't have anything to do with it. I can't believe you are saying this after knowing Z for 3 years.
Charles : I know it very well but it is still doesn't hide the fact that we have failed.
Mr. Petrov : Charles there isn't a single person other than you who is as capable as Z. It just that we don't have any good Hacker who can assist you right now.
Charles : We won't even find them as you know hackers of Hacker form don't dare to go against Z. But I think I have a candidate for that.
Charles sight was concentrated at a single point. His mind was filled with how the youngster rejected him everytime?
Mr. Petrov : Really?
Charles : Didn't I tell you to leave? Why are you still here?
Mr. Petrov : Hey how can you do this to me? You are so well behaved in front of your aunt.
Charles : Please, I don't want to have any more of this conversation uncle.
This time
Mr. Petrov : Okay okay I am leaving.
Just after coming out of Charles office Mr. Petrov saw Ivan outside the office standing with a file in his hand.
Mr. Petrov : Your boss is in the bad mood, stay safe Ivan!
Ivan : What? He was fine before.
Mr. Petrov : But now he is not. So be prepared. He would probably work you to bone even though today is sunday.
After giving Ivan a meaningful smile Mr. Petrov left leaving Ivan in there to think whether he should enter or not.