Straight from the heart - 2 in English Poems by Ambaliya Anjali books and stories PDF | Straight from the heart - 2

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Straight from the heart - 2

1."Strangers can become best friends,
Just as easy as,
Best friends can become strangers".
2.Is it don't know the story,
Then shut up!!
3."Some people will hurt you alottt,
And they will act like,
You hurt them..."
4."If you make a girl laugh she likes you...
But if you make her cry,
She really loves you..."
5. Karma says,
"Love comes to you when you are not ready for it,
And leaves when you need it the most..."
6.Something we feel like that,
We are alone in our life,
But there's from starting,
"No one is with us"...
7."Self respect is very wonderful for someone;
They just put down their respect in their imagination...."
8.Every successful person has A painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending,
Accept the pain and get ready for success..
9. A girl may have a lot of crushes but her;
Heart deserve to only one special guy..
10.Never avoid the person who loves you truly because nowadays it's hard to get true love..
11.if you break someone's heart and they still talk to you with the same excitement and respect,
Believe me,
They really loves you..
12. Never try to go back and repair the past,
That is impossible,
but be prepared to construct the future which is predictable..
13. Nature is like a river,
Some way it becomes too hard,
And sometime It's become to silent...
14. Sometimes the days are going very happily,
But when we are alone on our way,
That's time we are becoming sad..
15. The way!!
Some people teaches the best lesson of our life..
16. When you are totally broken,
You just imagine your past...
17. Once the trust is broken;
Then that person never stay with us!!
18. Trust is like a glass in relationship,
Once it was broken;
Then the relation gets an end...
19. First love is never a true love,
It's just attraction for both!!
20. Never show your weakness to the world,
Because world is much interested to play with it...
21. One thing!
I learned in life,
You can be important to someone but not all the time..
22.Life has taught me that!!
Never except from anyone..
23.We cannot fly with broken wings like,
That we cannot love with broken heart..💯
24.Karma says,
You become very dangerous,
When you learn how to control your feelings...
25.Stay away from negative people,
They have a problem from every situation..
26.Why do we close our eyes?
When we pray,
When we kiss,
When we cry,
When we dream,
Because the most beautiful things in our life are not seen,
But felt only by the heart..
27. It's time to just be happy,
Being angry,sad and overthinking,
It isn't worth it anymore,
Just let things flow...
And always be positive...
28. Some leave because they find the new one,
And some leave because they lost that old one..
29. Alone can still feel love,
The loved can still feel alone..
30.When you become close to someone,
You can hear their voice in your mind,
When you read their text..
31.I give you my time,
Love, respect, emotional, feelings, important care..
What's you give me??
32.My alone time is sometimes for your safety..
33.Always be happy,
You never know,
How much time you have left..
34.Old me..
Don't leave me...
I beg you...
New me...
I don't care if you block me or leave me...
35. Please don't hurt me!!
I have also heart,emotions,feelings,
I repeat to you..
Plzzz don't hurt me..
36.If you have at least one person for your kind support,
They supporting you,
Then you are blessed...