Rhythm of Life - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | Rhythm of Life - 8

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Rhythm of Life - 8

Nobody knows the secrets of life;
If we do, then the thrill was gone:

Almost 6 months had gone now. Life is going in a smooth rhythm. The day started with sunrise as usual, without giving any clue.

Arun left home early morning itself, before sunrise, as he had to attend an official meeting conducted by his branch office, in Nellore , near Andhra border.

It was 10'o clock in the morning. Vijay yet to leave the house. Anitha washing the dishes in the kitchen after completing breakfast. First she didn't notice her phone was ringing. When she came to retrieve the leftover vessels in the dining table, her phone was ringing for the second time continously. She picked it up, placed over her ear. When she heard the news, a sudden wave of shock, shuddered through her heart.

As her mind stopped working, it couldn't process the news adequately. She didn't respond for several minutes. Her body started shivering, the phone slipped out of her hand and reached the floor with a thud and went switched off.

'Arun met with an accident, he got admitted in a hospital near Nellore' - yes this was the news, she heard over the phone. She started taking big breaths to control herself.

Vijay heard the sound and rushed to the living room. He saw, Anitha was standing there, breathless and shivering. He reached for the mobile phone and switched it on. It started ringing again at the same time.

Vijay picked up the call and heard the news. Arun's HR was talking through the phone, once again informing the details. HR asked about Anitha's well being, after confirming, he conveyed that, 2 of Arun's office colleagues were coming over here in office vehicle to pick up Anitha.

" No... Nothing.... Don't think too much anitha, you will be taking with Arun once you reached there.. everything going to be alright.... pls be calm... control yourself", - this is what, anitha chanting herself throughout the journey.

Something was odd...she can't able to decipher it. Somewhere deep inside her...... something was telling.....

She called out the names of all the Gods and Goddesses, she knew of, and pleaded them to help her. Tears were continously flowing down her cheeks, she didn't wipe them out. She didn't even realize that, she was weeping.

When they reached the hospital in the afternoon, along with Arun's HR, some of the office staffs were already there. All their faces looked worried. 1 or 2 police men were talking with them.

HR accompanied anitha to the doctor's room. When the doctor revealed the actual news, that Arun was brought dead to the hospital and she was here to identify the body, Anitha felt, her head was smashed by thousands of thunderstorms grouped together. She found the Earth was moving under her feet. She fell down, like a tree cut off at it's bark....and went unconscious.


To be continued

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