Hacker Z - 22 - Side Story - 1 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 22 - Side Story - 1

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Hacker Z - 22 - Side Story - 1

Hi, Guys this part doesn't have anything to do with the actual story but it is a side story.

Two people with completely different auras were sitting in front of each other. Even though the girl was completely terrified but the silver haired youngster wasn't feeling a single bit of empathy for her but had grin on his face.
Chase : So, author.
Author : Yes, Z.
Chase : I want to resign.
Author : What? you can't resign just like that if you leave then what will happen to Charles?
Chase : He is an adult he will be fine. More importantly there isn't a single thing that I like about the ml. And seriously he is a psychologist wouldn't I will get caught if I stay with him.
Author : May be you can try seducing him? So he won't caught you.
Chase : You really have a death wish author.
Author : Z, don't talk to me like that or I will.
Chase : You will. Ha you can't do anything to me I am the mc. I am not the only one with problems here, Bai will be here soon. Before I leave it my last warning author don't ever let Park disturb me during sleeping.😉
Author : (Screaming) I am the author bro. You can't lecture me.🤨
But Chase wasn't in mood stop even though the author was really worked up. At the same time she suddenly started to feel cold from the behind. Even before she turned behind she heard a familiar voice.
Bai : Author looks like you have lot of free time then why don't you increase your typing speed. May be I will get more exposure after that.
Author : Sorry I can't give you more exposure. And my typing speed is fine it is just that I use phone to post chapters not the computer.
Bai : 😒 Are you sure about that. You are not lying right?
Author : I think I forget something in the room nextdoor. I will come back after few minutes.
Bai : Okay,🙄.
After few moments later Bai was still sitting on the chair and the situation was looking like the author actually ran away.
In the side ally of the building when the author was taking every step carefully a shadow came towards her.
Obi : Author my brother is looking for you, what are you actually doing here?
Author : Finding inspiration.
Obi : It doesn't look like it.
Author : May be I will search for it somewhere else thank you and bye.
After saying this the author nearly ran away from the ally leaving Obi alone with too many unanswered questions.
Obi : The author is weird.
During her runing she bumped into a person and fell on the ground.
Author : Sorry for that. Uh.. Park why are you here?
Park : Cause you wrote it so. But after seeing the author here I think you are actually runing away with only leaving the novel on 21 chapters and one side story.
Author :🤗 how can that be!
Park : You can. Just like the way you made the Charles guy the ml. I can't trust you author.
Author : Don't give spoilers, Park.
Park : Are you sure if any one is actually reading your story I don't see a single comment.
Author : I am also stressed about that bro I can understand you. May you should do something for that.
Park : For that you should start writing then.
( So that was it actually the side story are just some comedy interactions of mine with the characters in imagination. If you any suggestions about the story please comment or like the story. I know actually the side story is actually a bit shaby but I will try to make the next one better than this)