Hacker Z - 21 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 21 - Irritation

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Hacker Z - 21 - Irritation

Chase : What the fuck!!
His mood was a mess, everything he did until now wasn't making a sense. Chase process of thinking was completely stopped. When he realised that his emotions were all over the place, he tried to contained them but it was to no avail. After taking few breaths. Chase saw that only he had a foul mood while Park still had that stern expression on him, while Obi was standing with a guilty face and he didn't care about what Bai was thinking or looking.
The atmosphere of the room was like a gas chamber were air was really heavy even breathing was feeling tiring . But suddenly Chase stand up from his seat with an exhausted expression.
Chase : I am going for a walk.
After saying this he left by the main door but nobody really stopped him cause everyone knew that right all of them needed their own space. It was already dark outside Chase started walking without further thinking but the pendrive wasn't leaving his mind.

Was the content of the pendrive really this destructive? Yes it was. It was a complete report of Mayor's case even though the investigation was still ongoing but the postmortem report and the position of the body clearly showed that it was a suicide not a murder. Even the investigation team was going to close the case soon. After recalling this Chase mood became more terrible and his his walking pace became more swift at this moment the only thing he needed was an outlet to clear his frustration. Even though his steps were swift but there were steady at the same time it was as if a shadow was roaming on the street without anyone noticing.
After 30 minutes of straight Chase lost track. He was at the side of the city where it was least crowded. To atleast know what his position was Chase decided to search it on his phone but then suddenly a person with mask bumped into him even though Chase wasn't able to see the face of the person but he knew what was going on only after that person took few steps Chase stopped him.
Chase : Mr. Don't you think you should give me back my Wallet?
After seeing that his crime was caught in few minutes the pickpocket was surprised and soon he started to run. He was unlucky Chase ran after him but he took a turn and entered a small alley and stopped.
Chase : Already tired?
Unexpectedly the pickpocket turned around with confidence he had a knife in his hand but his hands were shaking, Chase didn't have any surprised expression but a poker face like he knew this was going to happen. Pickpocket hesitate for a moment but then he directly dashed towards Chase. Chase swiftly avoided it without much efforts and directly knocked him unconscious with a carotid punch on his neck. After knocking the pickpocket down when Chase bend down to search his body but unexpectedly his face was familiar even though he was much darker than the photo Chase saw of him. Chase directly took his phone out and started to search a folder. When he was confident that the person in front of was the same person from the folder, he dialled Bai number.
Bai : Hello.
Chase : Bai, Need your help, I will send you my position pick me up quickly.
Bai : Sure.
Though Chase didn't tell Bai whole thing Bai still hurried to the place that Chase send. Finally after 10 minutes of driving when he got there he saw Chase with a man's body lying down lifelessly on the ground. He made sure if there was anyone beside them and directly walk towards Chase.
Bai : What happened?
Chase : Do you recognise him?
Bai : I don't know.
Chase : He is one the employees that were in the mayor's house.
Bai : But the reports already provided that all employees have given there statements and all of them confirm the fact that Mayor Steve did suicide.
Chase : The statements were taken by the police not us, this time we will do it. So help me take this man the base it been long since I have done questioning. More importantly this person is special.
Chase leaned back at the wall behind him. Chase was more relax than Bai as he knew how desserted this place was. There wasn't a single sound of vehicle or human the only sound he heard was when Bai came.
Bai : He is not dead right. I better take his pulse.
Chase : It can't be I only knock him unconscious and then feed him my sleeping pills.
Bai : What?
There was a mixed expression of worry and fear on Bai's face. As the sleeping pills that Chase was taking were very strong that a normal person would sleep for almost 2 days after taking them but for Chase they were less effective due to his long term insomnia.
(If you hate or repulse violence then please think before you read the part below, more importantly don't take any type of pills without doctors suggestion Bai is actually Dr. Bai so it doesn't count)

It was the same rundown apartment they met after their first failed attempt. Even though from outside the appartment was rundown but from inside it was a small computer lab in it with some other necessities.Chase was sipping his tea without caring about the blood flowing in front him. Cause it wasn't his, that was Chase's mind-set. After finishing his tea Chase stand up from the chair as the person was finally showing some movements.
Chase : He finally woke up.
Bai : Still in little daze. You were right he is a drug addict, but I think he started taking them for a long period of time. Like a year and half.
Chase : He also started working for mayor at the same time.
Bai : You suspecting that he knows something.
Chase : Don't assume things too early. It doesn't feel good when we get an dead end.
Bai : Okay, but I don't think he will be able to say anything today. Lost to much blood, still not getting up, the pills really are strong.
Chase : Sigh. Let's see it tomorrow then.
Still there was some part of Chase that wasn't convinced to do the questioning later as it was risky keep a living person. But he knew Bai was a doctor and right at this moment he should listen to him.
Next morning, Chase heard Park's voice first he didn't wanted to get up but then due annoyance he had no way to sleep more. But Chase was feeling his eyes were more heavy than everyday.
Park : Get up. Chase did you forget something last night?
Chase : Please stop that my eyes already hurts.
Park : See a mirror then.
Just then Chase's sight feel on the mirror in his room. His eyes were really red, without any delay he ran into the bathroom to take his lenses off.
After an hour of waking Chase up park went in the kitchen where Chase was sitting on the dinning table with a wet towel in his hand. Even after 15 minutes of applying wet towels his eyes were still stinging. Park suddenly had the urge to tease Chase.
Park : That why you should use glasses?
Chase : Who said I was using glasses for that purpose.
Park : Then, why?
Chase : Look.
Chase furiously pointed at his eyes.