Eligible Bachelor - Episode 13 And Episode 14 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 13 And Episode 14

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 13 And Episode 14

Chapter 13

Samyak got quite comfortable in London. He rented an apartment and one of his office colleagues is sharing it with him. His office is not very far from his house but he has to take a subway. He is quite busy with work and most of his time is passed in the office itself. On weekends, sometimes he explores the city. but mostly he just chills out at his apartment.

He calls his parents every alternate day and convinces them he is doing good and happy with his life. But his mother worries about him as he is so far and alone. Vivek consoles Anita that he is now grown up and will take care of himself. We should encourage him to be happy and as early as he can get over with everything, it would be good for him. Anita gets agreed to Vivek’s talks but deep inside her mother’s heart, she feels worried that his loneliness should not affect him otherwise.

Life is going on like this. Like every day, Samyak got ready in the morning and reached office around 9 A.M. He entered his office building, which is a multi-story, and many companies have their offices on separate floors. At the main entrance, there are security gates where one needs to swipe in their access cards and gets inside the space where elevators are situated. Samyak swipes his card and crosses the security gate.

From the back, he heard the security person saying, “Sorry Ma’am. We can’t let you in. Your card is not working.”

“Please listen to me, I have to report at 9:30. I don’t know what happened. Yesterday it worked properly.” A girl’s voice comes.

“Sorry, Ma’am. We can’t let you in. You have to get a temporary pass from reception.” The English security person seems very strict.

Samyak turned back and looked at them. He saw a girl with formal black pants and blazer, carrying a leather satchel, wearing oval glasses on her big brown eyes, her shoulder-length hair is trimmed neatly and she is trying to tap her card again and again. She is looking very restless as if she has to reach somewhere in haste. Samyak thought for a second and looked at his watch. His elevator has still not arrived. He is in a dilemma about whether to go and ask if she needs any help or just wait for the elevator. He convinced himself and went towards the security gate.

“Hi… Do you need any help?” Samyak asked the girl hesitatingly.

She looked above and felt a little relieved looking someone from her own country. She is a little hesitant but then no other option is coming to her mind.

“Hi… Thanks for asking. Actually, I joined here yesterday only and I don’t know why my card is not working. I am trying to reach my manager also, but he is not picking up. I have to report at 9:30 and I am really getting late. I don’t know what to do. If I will go for the temporary pass, it will take another 15-20 mins. I am stuck.” She said everything in one breath.

“Ok… relax. Which company have you joined?” Samyak took a breath instead of her.

“EY Finances.” She replied.

“Ok…great. I am in the same office. Let me call my manager and he will talk to them.” Samyak dialed a number from his phone and explained everything. He gives his phone to security and after a few seconds, it is all set. They saw her id and after verifying a few things, they allowed her to get inside. She took a deep breath.

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” She thanked Samyak.

“No problem.” Samyak entered the elevator and she also joined in.

“I don’t know what happened to the card. It is so annoying on the first day itself. Yesterday I was here for my orientation and it worked fine.” She explained herself again.

“Ahh… it happens sometimes if the validity is not set properly. You can go to Admin and they will help you with it.” Samyak tried to calm her anxiety.

“Yes, I will go and check with them. Thank you once again for helping me.” They both came out of the elevator.

“No problem. By the way, I am Samyak.” Samyak replied with courtesy.

“I am Aastha.” She introduced herself.

“Ok Aastha… All the best. I will see you later.” Samyak wished her as it is her first day and she already had a rough start.

“Thanks, Samyak. I really need it.” She smiled and they both entered the office and proceed towards their respective departments.

After a few days, Samyak was sitting in the cafeteria having his evening coffee. He saw Aastha holding her coffee cup and looking for a place to sit. He waved at her. She saw him and smiled. She joined him at the table.

“Hi Samyak… How are you?” Aastha sat opposite to him.

“Hi… I am fine. How about you? How is work going?” Samyak checked with her.

“All good. It is a little hectic but now I got settled.” Aastha took a sip of coffee.

“That’s great. Have you joined the IT department?” Samyak asked.

“Yes. I am from Vendor Team and I am here for a project for a few months. My base location is in Mumbai. I am the only onsite member of my team so I don’t know many people here. What about you?” Aastha explained.

“I am also from the Vendor team but in the finance department. I am based in Hyderabad. Its been around 6 months I have come to London.” Samyak replied.

“Nice… you must have seen most of London by now.” Aastha asked.

“Hmm… I visited a few places but not much.” Samyak replied.

“Really. Ohh I am here for only a few months and I want to see everything. It's just been 2 weeks and I already covered Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and the London Eye. I hardly sit at home on weekends.” Aastha said excitedly.

“Woooo… it seems you are quite enthusiastic about traveling and sightseeing. You must have an equally excited company with you.” Samyak is amazed to see her energy.

“Company… oh no. I travel all alone. When you have your DSLR camera with you, what or who else you need?” Aastha told.

“Wow… that’s nice. So you like photography. Very interesting life and hobbies, I must say.”

“Yes, a very interesting life indeed.” Aastha looked at her watch and said, “I gotta go. I have a meeting. Will catch you later.” She kinda dismissed the conversation in the middle and stood up from her place.

“All right… see you.” Samyak also realized he has spent quite some time away from his desk.

They both reached their places and started working.

They are in the same office but in different departments. They occasionally meet in the cafeteria or just exchange smiles in the office if they see each other.

Chapter 14

Another month has passed with a hectic work schedule for both Samyak and Aastha. Aastha is now settled in the office and in London as well. She spends her weekends exploring and capturing the beautiful city. She is quite religious as well so she has found a Jain temple nearby and visits once in a week.

Samyak is sitting relaxed at home on Sunday and preparing his presentation for the next day when his mother called up.

“Hello Samyak… How are you son?” Anita said.

“I am fine Mummy. How are you all?” Samyak replied.

“We are all good.” Anita always asks this question.

“What are you doing? Today is Sunday and you have not gone out anywhere.” Anita asked.

“Mummy I have some work to finish.” Samyak replied typing something on his laptop.

“Ohho… you work the whole week and on weekends as well you are sitting at home and working on your laptop. Why don’t you go out with your friends and roam around the place? I heard London is a very beautiful city. People go for Europe tours from India and you are there but still not going anywhere.” Anita wanted her son to enjoy his life.

“Mummy you know I don’t like to go out much.” Now Samyak knows where the conversation is heading.

“Yes but still… ok fine as you wish. Ok did you call Kavya? You can go to her place sometime. You are in London for so many months and you haven’t met her once.” Anita asked him.

“Ya, I called her a few weeks back. I will plan something and will go to her place once.” Samyak replied without much interest.

“I don’t know when will you plan. She is your cousin. She will feel good if you will go to meet her and you will also get a chance to meet people other than your office colleagues.” Anita said with little pressure.

“Ok Mummy… I will definitely plan something and meet her.” Samyak finally sounded convinced.

“That’s like my boy.” Anita said happily.

“Ok, one more thing do you remember “Paryushan Fast” is starting from next week. So don’t eat onions and garlic. Try to find Jain food if you can get anywhere and do visit the temple once at least in one of the eight days.” Anita instructed Samyak. Paryushana is the most important festival of Jains celebrated once in a year and it lasts 8 days.

“I don’t know if I will be able to get Jain food or not. Let me check in the temple if they are providing any such facility. Don’t worry Mummy I will manage something.” Samyak is not very religious but he is following this fast from childhood so he knows what to eat and what to avoid. He knows getting pure Jain food is quite difficult here.

“Ok beta… take care of yourself. Now you finish your work and don’t forget to have your dinner. I will call you later.” Anita said.

“Ok Mummy… you also take care. Bye.” Samyak smiled at Anita’s instruction.

Now Samyak has to find some option for the food for coming fast so he called up in the Jain temple. They told him that they can deliver the food for one time in the evening. Even they have arranged various events and pooja for all eight days. Samyak asked them to deliver the food for the weekdays only. He thought of going to the temple on the weekend. The next day he told Anita also that everything is arranged so she needs not to worry.

The first day of the fast has begun. Samyak has decided that he will have a little breakfast and then he will have dinner directly. In this fast, one has to eat his dinner before sunset. So Samyak thought he will reach home early than usual, have dinner and finish his work from home itself. Samyak reached home around 4 P.M. Around 5 o’clock, his doorbell rang.

“It must be food from the temple.” He thought and went to open the door.

“You…” His eyes widened in surprise.

“Hi…” Aastha is standing at his door.

“What are you doing here?” Samyak was not at all expecting her.

“I got your food.” She said with a smile and a little hesitant.

“Ohh… Thank you. I had no idea about this.” Samyak took the packet from her hands.

“Actually I am just volunteering in the temple for these 8 days fast. Back in India, we can do so many things but here nothing much to do. So I thought, I can help in some way.” Aastha explained to him.

“Wow… I mean I am impressed. You surprised me every time. Taking out time from such a busy schedule and that too here is really awesome. Hats off.” Samyak was truly impressed by her thought process.

“Ohh, please. It is not such a big deal. On my way home, I have to deliver food to two places, that’s it. Anyways, I will take your leave now. I have to reach home and complete my work also.” Aastha said.

“I am so sorry, I haven’t asked you to come inside.” Samyak realized that they are still at the door.

“No no… its already quite late. I will leave now. So any plans for coming to the temple on the weekend.” Aastha asked him casually.

“Yes, I am planning to visit on Saturday. If it is okay with you, we can go together.” Samyak asked her hesitatingly.

Samyak wanted to spend more time with Aastha. Whenever he meets, he gets to know more about her and he gets really amazed at her perspective towards life which seems quite simple yet very effective and positive.

Aastha thought a little while and then replied, “Ok… I will let you know the time. See you.”

“Sure… Bye. And thanks for the food.” Samyak waved with a smile.

They both met at the subway station on Saturday morning for a temple visit. Aastha is wearing light pink self-printed Kurti and white leggings. She has also carried a white chiffon stole which has tiny glitter balls all over. Samyak looked at her for an extra minute as he always saw her in office in western formal wear. Her calm and soothing face is radiating. He feels a positive vibe whenever he meets Aastha.

“Hi Samyak…” Aastha waved at him from little distance.

Samyak got back from his thoughts and waved back.

“Let’s go.” Samyak pointed towards the train.

They boarded the train and in the next two stops, they reached the temple. They spent the whole day at the temple, attended the Pooja and event which was going on, had dinner. Aastha introduced Samyak to few people whom she met in the temple in the last few days. They all chatted for some time. Everyone is from different parts of India, working in different fields. After dinner, there was a meditation session for 30 minutes. Aastha asked Samyak to join along with her. Samyak was a little hesitant but then he agreed.

Samyak felt after a very long time, he had spent such a great day. For a few hours, he forgot everything. He was feeling very positive and relieved. He can’t expect anything better. Samyak dropped Aastha to her house while return.

They didn’t talk much about each other but just being around her for the whole day made Samyak very happy. On the way back to his house, he feels that there is something special about this girl and he wants to know more about her.