Social awareness in English Drama by Sahaj Sabharwal books and stories PDF | SOCIAL AWARNESS SKIT

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Bampu is a boy of 19 years
Chintu is Bampu's cousin
Gautam is Bampu's father
Mundu is Chintu's father and Bampu's uncle

The story begins with Mundu when he got infected . He was having high fever, shortness of breath and pain in the body .

Bampu : Dad, Mundu uncle got infected by Corona Virus, let's call the doctor

Gautam : Son, no Don't call the doctor otherwise they will keep him into quarantine for 14 days , until it is tested that he is having a normal viral infection instead of fatal Coronavirus .

Bampu : But if we will not inform the doctor then he will keep him away from others so that the whole family will not get infected by Corona virus and he must wear an N95 mask instead of a surgical mask

Gautam : No, I will not allow you to do so and let's give him a common viral medicine and he will get well soon

Bampu : Let's make him done with Corona virus test so that it is confirmed that he is safe and not having Corona virus
Bampu cleverly called the Corona virus helpline number . And the next day his father, Gautam got shocked to see them and told them we have not called this helpline number, then Bampu came out and told them that his uncle is having an infection . So please check him whether he is having a common infection or his Corona virus test is positive. They took the sample of his uncle and after two days , the report came and the whole family was shocked to see that his uncle tested positive and the whole family was home quarantined

Gautam to Bampu : I am disappointed to hear that your uncle tested positive and also I am happy to see that you proved me wrong

The family followed social distancing ,used face masks for protecting themselves and their surrounding people by following all other precautions too .
The whole family was tested and all were negative for Corona virus test
And after 6 days , they all heard a good news that his uncle tested negative for Corona virus test, as he was having good immunity . When Mundu uncle came back to home with the team from hospital . They thanked the covid 19 helpers team for doing their jobs perfectly and the whole family saluted the Corona warriors for contributing their worthless service to nation .They appreciated Bampu for being aware regarding the knowledge of Corona virus and they blessed him that he did the best thing to inform the team as early as possible. This saved the life of not only his uncle and themselves but their society also

Bampu learnt the lesson that he got when he experienced his own family member infected by this infection ,they were middle class family so were able to pay the fee for the test and the hospital for admitting his uncle , but those who are poor and not able to afford this cost he thought that he would donate some amount to the social workers and he told friends to contribute some amounts as crowd funding so that this money can be used by those who are unemployed during such a pandemic period and those who are not able to get enough meals for survival. They will provide them food and money .

Moral : We must stay home to stay safe from Corona virus and if someone is having amy symptoms of Corona VIRUS, he must not hide it , he must inform the COVID19 helpline number +91-11- 23978046 as soon as possible to save live & must do crowd funding so that that money can be used by those who are needy . This is the right time for the country people to contribute to the nation by doing all their good services they can .

- Sahaj Sabharwal
- Jammu city, J&K, India.
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NAME: Sahaj Sabharwal

He loves writing poems and thoughts. He lives in Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir, India. His date of birth is 17th March, 2002 . He has been awarded many awards in poem writing at State level, National and international level. He was also selected to be invited for the INTERNATIONAL WRITERS MEETING IN TARIJA and HUNGARY,EUROPE. He was awarded with the INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA IN WRITING and INTERNATIONAL MERIT CERTIFICATE IN WRITING and was PUBLISHED by THE YOUNG WRITERS ASSOCIATION IN UK and RECIEVED "CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION FROM UK". He was also awarded the 'India Star Proud Award'
for his appreciable work and He is the author of the BOOK -: " Poems By Sahaj Sabharwal "


Mobile -: +917780977469