D a r k M u t t o n in English Travel stories by Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy books and stories PDF | D a r k M u t to n

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D a r k M u t to n




At the end of the summer when I got to approve of my vacation leave from my Delhi based company after a long year gap I was so excited.

I had completed the required parameters and the last but not least day office programs and then returned to my home near Akshardham Temple Delhi.

On the not long distance from my office to home, I was thinking about how to spend the vacation in my own way.

Finally, I reached my home.

Saturday is the most enjoyable and most planned day ever in the history of the corporate office workers' life.

I had some, Mutton with me.

I cooked them well and finished my dinner.

While going to bed I moved my eyes on my Google personal note.

The Google personal note I was using from the last several years.

There I saw my old planning.

Onto the middle corner, I saw a line

“A visit to Koraput and a night stay with tribes.”

Let's work on it I said to myself.

I gave rest to my body upon the lifeless bed.

Next day,

I packed all my necessary goods sand some gifts for my family member and make out my journey to my home state Odisha for the execution of the long year go plan.

After the two days of the journey on the Indian Railways, I finally reached my hometown after a long year.

The climate of my hometown was a little hot.

The effects of summer always at its best on all over India and especially at its peak on Odisha, I thought.

Somehow managed t reach my home after a journey of almost 30kilometeres in a taxi.

I took rest.

Now the real-time came for my pre-plan movement.

Reaching out Koraput:

The next morning I told my mother about my trip to Koraput.

She was like “last night you came to the home after a long year and now the next morning you want to visit Koraput?

“As our wish.”

She replied in a little upset.

After listening to all her emotional lines I opened my laptop.

I searched about my destination the way to reach safely and happily.

In addition to that, I also searched for the coming events the weather of Koraput and nearly all the necessary requirements.

Luckily the “Parab” festival was going to celebrate by the tribes of Koraput you can say the whole Koraput was arranging its beauty towards the celebration of its festival of festivals.

I got happy after viewing all the information on the government website of Koraput.

Now I thought of my staying and all.

Suddenly I remember a friend of mine from the Laxmipur block of Koraput Districts.

We were the college mates when I was doing my degree from Mechanical Engineering.

I opened Facebook as nowadays this is the only and wide medium to find anyone from all over the world.

Here it is, I got his profile.

I suddenly texted him about my willingness to visiting Koraput.

He was offline so I thought to wait for some time and did more research on the “Parab Festival”.

Parab Festival is one of the major festivals of the people especially for the tribes of the Koraput.

The Festival is considered as the Festival of festivals.

All the tribal people were on the rhythm of their peak enjoyment when it comes to their desired and most waited festivals.

After reading all the information I was so happy and excited to b ea part of the “Parab” festival.

Mobile beeps.

Oh, it’s a text from my friend.

“I am on leave and currently I am in my hometown Koraput, Come soon we will enjoy together.”

The text of my friend Sudhakar.

I thank my luck as fortunately, my friend was on vacation also.

Then I book a ticket on Hirakhand Express.

As that was the only train connecting to Koraput with my hometown Berhampur.

The train timing was 10 p.m so I reached the station at 8 p.m.

The train usually came late to justify the Indian railway timing.

I boarded the train and started looking out of the window.

All the passenger excluding some has slept already as the time was late.

I was enjoying the late-night train as I have a long habit of doing late night work.

The view was so amazing the shadow of the moving trees, the moon, the cold breeze, and all types of touchy memories.

I slept at 3 a.m on that night's journey.

The train arrived at Koraput on almost at 11:30 a.m

My friend was waiting outside the coach he received me.

From there we went to his village Laxmipur by his motorcycle.

A start for Enjoyment:

We reached his home after a journey of around one and a half hours through the heart of the jungle.

The way on which we were going was quite clean and greenery as I saw on the pictures while making a note on Koraput on my personal diary

With a heading towards our destination, the excitement was high as I saw the celebration pictures on the internet.

We reached out to Sudhakr's House.

Sudhakar’s family was not too big, his parents and a small sister.

A heading to his home her mom welcomed me with a smile.

We sat together in his room had talked about our lives how we spent the college days and all.

As time was of lunchtime aunty called both of us for lunch.

We all uncle aunty Sudhakar his sister and me sat together and enjoyed the authentic Koraput style food.

Post-lunch Sudhaker said to have a visit to his hometown.

I agreed and we got out for the sight view of nature.

The Outer view was really awesome like the attracting nature view was at its best.

I addition to the trees, the old bridges the clean jungle cold wind and the big green mountains the fully packed river and the cow cubs.

I can't control myself and took a lot of pictures thereon between the nature spots.

With all this it was evening and we return to the house.

I and Sudhakar got ready for the evening enjoyment of the festival for which I came so long way.

“PARAB” A Traditional celebration:

We entered the vast open sky pandal that has been decorated only for the Parab celebration.

Before us, many other audiences were there on the land of celebration and being taken their respective seats to be a live witness of the grand celebration.

Almost a thousand or you can say more than those people were there and they were waited for the “Parab” to start.

The whole routine guideline was being informed there by the colorful poster on the wall frame.

The local MLA has to inaugurate the celebration and has to address the social gathering according to the announcer.

After a little wait, the MLA came with his bulk of supporters to the field where we all gathered.

He was also well decorated and stylish with the traditional style dress.

The ribbon gets cut.

Finally, our wait over and the celebration started with the tribe country-styled dance(Desia Nacha) that has been performed by some of the young ladies.

The young ladies were looking awesome on their traditional costume and the ornaments they were wearing on their neck ear and the Nose

They were so rhythmic and well trained that they are perfectly moving their feet with the beats of the tribe music instruments.

The music instruments were of the Tamak,Mahuri, Dhol, and many more.

They were of groups and they were adding charm to the just begun traditional function.

Next to that...

The announcer came to the stage and declared that there will be a song performance by the village singer.

The singer came to the stage and started to sing his own composed song that he and all the audience wanted to dedicate the “Parab” festival.

The dressing style of the performer was also so charming.

One thing I could definitely say that they look dashing not for the dressing sense but also for the pure and clean heart they have on their mortal body.

I clearly noticed the thing on their behaviors and from their attachment towards the guests.

Though I was not one among them from their hospitality and friendly behavior I couldn’t feel the different feeling for a single moment.

With all this, a bulk of children came on the stage and started performing n the popular Bollywood pop song.

Sudhakar later said to me that they were of the school children of the near village.

The children were master performer the whole crowd encouraged them by whistle and with the clap.

Slowly the night was getting young and too the celebration also was attracting the audience.

The MLA then came upon the stage after the management requested him to say something about the “Parab ” celebration.

He started saying form his party and ended saying a few about the gathering and a few more about the “Parab” program he was invited as a chief guest.

After all, He is a politician so..what more we can expect from him?

All are not the same as of the Indian political system but some are of the MLA category.

We got up from our seat and decided to revolve around the grand celebration field to explore more of the authentic food and the handcrafted wood ornaments and toys.

Oh my goodness.

The field was also full of buyers and sellers.

The whole area was crowded along with the different colored lights and the decoration.

I buy a wooden doll and some household goods as mama said to bring something from there as a sign of visit.

We ate some of the traditional and as well as modern food from the tribe stall Sudhakar recommended.

Then again came to near the stage and enjoyed the socio-drama that has based upon the local tribal community and their daily life.

Dark Mutton:

The night was getting young.

The celebrations, the joy, the vibe of togetherness all were high.

The tribe folk song was so amazing and rhythmic that we both me and Sudhakar started dancing on the beats.

Some of the tribe people joined us and the rest smiled looking at our dance moves.

A tribe friend offered some local wine to us.

That was the country wine they made for these special occasions like "Parab".

The wine smelled like the traditional smell of the red soil.

We drank, drank in joy.

After the first long sip of the wine,

As usual, the wine started running through the veins.

And we both danced like “Michel Jackson”.

The night was calm chilling and the sky was as clean as the blue seawater.

Breaking the dance moves Sudhakar indicted me for the late-night dinner.

I agreed.

With the time flow, I was feeling hungry so I and my friend went towards the grand open sky dining table.

You can say a very vast field full of green grass and the planned arrangements.

We sat among them on the suddenly created rows of the night ceremony to enjoy the late-night dinner under the smiling moon.

After a little wait, we got our plates.

The plates are unique I mean to say not made up of plastic or any artificial harmful composition they are fully organic.

I mean the leaves of the oak tree.

"Put it down they are going to serve the dinner."

My friend said looking at me.

Here comes the dish of the tribe carnival night.

The dark Mutton.

One man served me the mutton and the man behind him served the very aromatic rice.

I can completely feel the fragrance from the vapor of the long steamed rice.

"Is it the Basmati rice?"

I asked holding the hot rice in my open hand.

"Yes, a kind of but not like the packaged one that people buy-in various cities of India."

Sudhakar replied.

I ate my dinner the dark Mutton.

On the first bite of mutton, I could completely feel the tenderness, though the color was not so charming and garnishing still the taste was awesome.

We finished our dinner and headed towards my friend’s house walking through the clean and crowded streets.

I carried all the memory and the enjoyment with me all the way.

The Celebration the Treatment Nature all were dancing in front of my eyes when I was moving forward.