It is 10 Oclock - 13 in English Love Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | It is 10 O'Clock - 13

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It is 10 O'Clock - 13

After meeting Priyanka, Krishna went home with a single thought in mind that what sort of business he should start. Being a banker, he was aware of his financial situation. Krishna rummaged his mind for a couple of days for an idea. He had many ideas in mind, but the only hurdle was money. Krishna needed to do something quickly as he was losing his mind over it.

Krishna went downstairs and asked her mom to serve him dinner. His mom served dinner but there was something wrong with the food. Rotis were ok but the dish cooked of vegetables was not ok. He asked his mom and she said, ‘Now a days the vegetables are grown using chemicals and sometimes it affects the taste. Krishna heard the words but in vain as his mind was somewhere else. He finished the dinner and went to wash his hands. As he splashed the cold water on his face, an idea just hit his mind. Organic Farming…He shouted, ‘Eureka’.

His parents rushed towards him with an inquisitive face. But Krishna looked happy, so they asked what happened? He said, ‘I got the idea for my business’. He touched the feet of his parents and took their blessings. He ran quickly towards his room to call Priyanka. He dialed her number as quickly as possible. She picked up the call and said, ‘Hi Krishna. How are you doing?’. Krishna said, ‘Priyanka, I got the idea for my business. Can we meet tomorrow morning and discuss?’

Priyanka happily agreed but asked him to do an extensive research on organic farming. Krishna nodded without realizing that Priyanka will not be able to see that. Krishna was so overwhelmed with the feelings as if he were already become a successful businessman. He fired up his laptop to read everything about organic farming. He kept on reading for hours and finally fell asleep at the table only.

Next morning, Krishna woke up by the sound of his alarm clock and then he realized where was he sleeping for the whole night. His entire body was stiff because of that so he stretched his entire body and some of his body parts even creaked. He got ready extremely quickly and started towards that café. He reached early to the café and eagerly waiting for his best friend. He called Priyanka thrice before she reached there as he was quite impatient and could not control himself.

Priyanka reached there and waved. Krishna just kept on staring her. She was looking like the goddess of beauty. Her face was shining like a star. There was an absolute grace in her walking. Every heartbeat was quickened seeing her. Every eye was turned to have a glimpse of this ravishing beauty. Krishna just turned into a statue and just kept on staring the torrent of beauty who was talking towards him. Her fragrance hit his nose and that was the queen of fragrances. Krishna lost all his senses and as she came close, he just hugged her tightly and said, ‘Priyanka, I have read everything and made a plan too.’

Priyanka softly patted his back and said with a very tender voice, ‘Krishna let us sit and talk.’ Still glued to her face, Krishna sat down and gulped some water from the glass. Then he said, ‘I have done the research in this field. Even of someone does not have high amount of funds, he or she can start the business. The only issue is now how to find the land for this.’ Priyanka said, ‘I can help you with that. My father owns an acre of land and there is nothing in that land right now. I will talk to my dad and if he permits, you can start your business from there. I hope you are aware of all the limitations or restrictions of this field.’

Krishna said, ‘Yes, I am aware of everything about that as I have read all about that last night. I have read about the government schemes also which can support me financially. There are many benefits of organic farming like it enhances the soil fertility, decreases nitrate leaching into ground water and surface water, reduces soil erosion and most importantly it helps the environment a lot.’ Seeing the spark of passion in his eyes, Priyanka felt very very happy and she hold his hands tightly in her feather soft hands and said,’ I am with you my friend. You will succeed this time.’

In the next episode, Krishna will check the land and apply for the loans/schemes from Indian Government. Will he succeed in this new venture or some other surprise is waiting for him??? To know more, please read the next part and whenever possible please review and rate.