Every man has past. And past is gone, yet we people never forget our past. And it is impossible to free from the past. But if you forget the past than it is good, not good but is very necessary to forget past. This is all mind game. If you can aware of your thoughts from moment to moment than all problem will be solved.
If you have known the story of arunima sinha who is great mountain climber in the world. One day she was travelling in the train. Some thieves came in the compartment and try to snatch her golden chain. She was in some sports and she is very darer so she refushed to give her golden chain. That thives threw her out from the running train. She was injured badly and her leg to be cut. And she had one artificial leg. With this artificial leg she decided to become a mountain climber. And decided to climb avrest mountain. It was too hard, not too hard but impossible to take this type of decission. But she did it and she has now so many recods of mountain climbing. If you have not read her story than you must read it.
So if you read her story than one thing is clearly come out that she had forget the past accident. And started new life. If we were there, we would cry cry and cry. But she forgot the past and lives a new life. And got evrything and become a great achiever.
We are so sleepy person. Most of time we thinks our past bad experience and always we repent. But it has no value at all. What is gone is gone you can't change anything now. Not single even a single thing you can't change. So why repent.
I knew one man he was always telling that I had very good girl friend and she was so cute and beautiful. And now the time has been passed of eight years. Now he is married and his girlfriend also married but always he repent. I talked him so many times what has passed is paassed, now what can you do now, you both are married. Now you forget all this thing. But he always tell me I never forget this.
We people very sleepy person. We say what can I do, I can't do anything. I never forget my past. You think when you say I never forget past than it is very strange thing. If you can't forget than who will come and take your memory. This only total matter of your unawareness. You simply unware and thinking your past and than complaining that I can't forget past.
Whenever you have this type of problem than sit take one pen and note book and write, what I am thinking. Why I am thinking this past and it is useless to think of past. And when I can't change anything than why I am thinking of past. Whenever this type of thoughts comes of past where you did mistake than you can divert your thought immediately and think only for best of future.
The thoughts of past is useless and if you try, it is not difficult to forget the past. The only thing is that you should aware of your thoughts. Great philosopher j. Krishnamurti says you have to dead of your each moment which past.
So friends, if you aware of your thoughts, you can forget the past. And if you think,this is not important than don't think like that way, if you think cotinue of past mistakes, you will be ruined.
So start from today to be dead of past of each and every single moment.
Thank you....