The Mysterious Island - 13 in English Adventure Stories by Deepankar Sikder books and stories PDF | The Mysterious island - 13

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The Mysterious island - 13

It is dark and rohit and aman are still moving. Now, they want to reach to the destination as soon as possible. Darkness is not allowing them to see properly yet they are moving. Tiredness can clearly be seen in the faces of both men yet they are moving.
Suddenly they notice a ray of light coming from a little distance away. So they move forward to see the source of light and when they reach to the place where the light was coming from they become surprised as now they can see the glowing tree.
Now all they have to do is to go near the tree and dig the surface under it and take out the body of the son of the goddess HARINI.
Aman- wow, there is the tree that we want.
Rohit- lets go near it and finish the job.
Aman- yes, lets go.
But as they take a step forward a snake emerged out of the ground, seeing that snake both of them become alert.
Rohit- now, what is this? How many more hurdles we have to deal with?
Aman- Come on bro we are strong men, we are not supposed to loose hope so easily. We will break this whole thing down. We committed this mistake of stealing the treasure that belongs to someone else and now we have to fix this. Without fixing this there is no going back, so dont sweat thinking about the dangers any more and think how to solve this problem so we can get out of here because I dont like snakes.
Rohit- well, lets take another step to another direction.
So they try to walk by the snake but another snake emerged of the ground and blocked their way.
Aman- it is a challenge bro.
Rohit- a real one, I say.
Aman- let me see around here if I can find any thing helpful.
Rohit- ok, I see too.
So both of them look around, after observing the place for a minute rohit finds that there are long and strong creepers strongly attached to the trees, by using which they can easily go to the glowing tree.
Rohit sees a creeper near him so he grabs and pulls it to check if it is strong enough to bear the weight of a person. He observes it and finally says, This creeper would do the work for us. We are going to take a long leap to that damn tree.
Aman- ooooh I get it, well I am ready to do it.
Rohit- Follow my lead then.
Finally, rohit grabs the creeper and take some steps back then take a long leap over the heads of those snakes and lands write next to the glowing tree. Now rohit calls aman to join him so he does the same.
Now finally they are at their destination.
Rohit- god now please give us what we need, please no more problems. Lets do bro lets dig the surface with sharp edge of the bow.
Aman- yeah, I am doing.
So both of them begin to dig the place, and after struggling for sometimes they finally see some remnants of a human body and considering that to be the remnants of the son of HARINI, they keep them into their bag and begin walking back to johns dwelling place. Aman fears the snakes but when they turn back to see if snakes are still there, they find nothing but an empty place which opens them an easy way to go back without facing any kind of trouble.
Rohit- Wish it is the same thing that we are expecting.
Aman- it must be because our life depends on it. But I am happier to find snakes being gone then to find remnants of the dead son of the goddess harini right now.
Rohit- I understand your feelings brother.
So from there on they keep their pace fast to return back to the base so they could re-unite to their friends as soon as possible in order to begin a new journey which would open up a gate for them to return back to their own world.

Now on the other hand john and deep are also on verge of getting what they have been searching for, for a long time. They have been walking through watery surface when suddenly john sees something glowing right in front of him and yells in joy to inform deep about the tree.
John- see there is the tree that we have been looking for.
Deep- good news let go and get them.
John- yes, lets go.
So as they move forward to reach to the glowing tree suddenly, blood sucking leaches begin to appear out of nowhere and within few seconds interval both of them are surrounded by those leaches.
Deep- what the hell is this? Now how are we gonna go there?
John- yes these leaches have made it hard to walk through now. Moreover I am feeling the pain when they suck the blood of our body.
Deep- Find a way out of this before it is too late.
John- let me think bro.

To be continued..
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