The Deep End - 4 in English Fiction Stories by क्षितिजा जाधव books and stories PDF | The Deep End - 4

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The Deep End - 4

Chapter 4 – The Insidious Education

I was at the place where monsters are created. I was there for so long. In those years I did murders and unfortunately I got rewarded for them. I felt that monstrous place like home. Few times I wanted to run but my mind was not ready for that. There was a something I had to do. One of my friends wanted to do it for me but he wasn’t able to complete now I have to do it for someone else.

It is a big place in the middle of jungle. A truck enters the gate and stops before a wooden building. As soon as truck stops one lady in the Uniform comes and open the shutter and enters in the truck. In the truck 5 kids are bind and one man is guarding them.

“Get them in the line” someone from outside the truck orders. It is voice of old man.

That lady gets them in line near the truck. It’s Annie and other girl and 3 more boys of same age of them. All kids were tired and their faces aresleepy. One old man come and orders. His name Albert he is a head of this place.

“Get them in the hall” Albert

All kids are in hall sitting on the floor. Two persons are guarding on them. Annie is looking towards the floor. After a while Albert come inside.

“Hello Kids?” Albert

Annie is still looking on the floor. Every kid is tired and trying so hard to keep eyes open.

“You must be hungry?” Albert asks her.

Annie looks at him she is hungry but says nothing.

“Are you hungry?” he asks to other kid his name is Zen.

He just nods his head.

“Ok. We have some friends for you they will give you food”

Other girl sitting next to Annie is listening him is little afraid her name is Meera she is little younger than Annie.

“Come in” Albert orders.

Five young teen around 18-20 age comes inside the hall all are in uniform two of them are girls.

“You can choose any one of you” Albert

They all are looking at kids Annie is still trying to control sleep. One of them Boy sees that and smiles and comes before her and says.

“I choose her” he sits before her. she was still sleepy having no idea what’s happening.

One by one all 5 youngsters choose one kid. Youngster who chooses Annie is Jay. He is 18 year old. Another youngster girl named Taya chooses kid named Bagus. Other girl named Annisa chooses Meera other girl among those kids. Other boys named Batara and Philip chooses Arif and Zen. All Youngsters were talking to their chosen kids. Kids were not having any idea why they are getting choose what’s ahead of them. youngsters job is to assign the work and help them to train.

“You can go now” Albert orders

Every youngster leaves hall with their chosen. Jay and Annie come to residency building. Corridor is in dim lamp. Everyone goes in their room.

“Are hungry?” Jay asks her

“Yep” Annie

On the right side of corridor you will get the bucket go there and wash your hand I’ll arrange food. She goes to wash her hand. When she comes back Jay is sitting on the floor with food plates and water mug.

“Sit here” Jay

Annie sits next to him.

“So what’s your name?” Jay

“It’s Anika Dev, but you can call me Annie” Jay

“Ok Annie, listen”, jay is looking at her she is eating with hands instead of spoon. He smiles.

“Do you want to know where you are and why you are here? and you can’t go back to your parents.”

“I don’t want; if I go back they will put me in the jail” Annie

“You don’t want to go back “ Jay

“Yep. I would like to be here as long as i get food.” she was busy in food.

“Listen” he stops her from eating.

“You will get the food but this place is very strict you have to work hard we will train you to fight. You have to exercise every day and you have to follow rules.

She is looking at him and listening to him. He stops and he realizes she is not getting anything in her mind.

“Listen, we are going to train you to kill others” his face is sad. Annie is just listening to him.

“Then why you are here?” Annie

“It’s different you will not get it. I dont know how to explain thse things to kids. You dont belong here. You deserve and apple pie life not this worst life" he stops "just promise me, one day I’ll tell you to run from here you will just run with me” he was little angry and loud.

She was looking confused.

“Just eat it and you said if you go back they will put you in jail. why is that?” jay

Annie tells him everything while eating. He laughs so hard and says “You really are stupid. They were not going to put you in jail its remand home”

“Whatever”, Annie.

“Take this” Jay gives some of his food to Annie.

It is one of the bases of Creators of Assassins Org which was also known with COA. Job of this organization was to just develop Assassins by brainwashing and training kids and young’s. Then this Society Provide soldiers and assassinator for murders and wars. They sell well developed Assassinator and hit men’s. They don’t have their own life their jobs is work for others for their killing and murders.