Tobacco a deadly leaf in English Health by Sheetal books and stories PDF | Tobacco a deadly leaf

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Tobacco a deadly leaf


A child is heavy heart when his kite is cut off and he is watching his kite floating on the breeze. Meanwhile he gathers some hope and flies a new kite, in sometime he is hilarious. It’s all about giant things which we can’t touch & see. It can only be felt, like confidence, trust, belief, determination, faith likewise godliness.
In this scene we see the child was once more hopeful to be happy when he thought to fly a new kite. And when he flew a new kite again he was lively. My objective over here is to be cheerful, how to get satisfied we always want to be blessed.
It’s all about mental health. I remember when I was mentally afflicted. I have been operated for Cancer, but the thought that, this cancer can occur repeatedly, had made its place in my mind, owing to what I had seen happening with the patients in Tata Memorial and what I had listened to from my surroundings there. My whole day used to pass in stress and I was worried all the time, my agony never seemed to end. I was at peace only at the time of sleep and that is why it felt better in the evening thinking that sooner it will be night and I will be dead for a while and would have a chance to relive again. In fact I never wanted it to be a morning again. I have discussed it with many people. All were sounding same, “change your mind” “busy yourself in something else” It seemed me like someone is falling from the hill and else are saying to depart his mind from that situation so that he may fall and die easily with no fear. In me, there was no hope left. There was only despondency and increasing feeling of frustration. I hated it all. It filled me with a kind of dread. I was not belonging to this. But I was, and there was nothing I can do about it. I was having no choice except to listen to the people. I was tired of it all. I did not want to see anyone. They know nothing I wanted it all to end. I was helpless. My face was expressionless. Then I realised that physical pain is far easier to bear than mental agony, because I had both.
I was not like this. But that was then and this is now, I decided to visit a psychiatrist through nobody was of same mind. It was very clear that everyone relates a psychiatrist to the doctor of a mad person. The doctor listened me like a holy book and advised me some medicine. I asked the doctor how long it will take to relieve me. He said in 8 to 10 days I will feel better. The medicine started acting the same. Gradually I was departing from apprehension, and begin to introduce certainty and confidence. It was feeling that I had not had for a very long time. It was just that I had to work towards it. I was overjoyed. This was truly the best thing that had happened to me in a very long time. Nobody would have been able to understand the depth of my joy and the extend of my happiness unless they had themselves gone through what I just had. I hugged my little secret to myself I was like a thirsty traveler in desert who had finally got around the mirages and managed to reach the oasis.
My doctor had framed me well with all bases covered I was all set deliberately my medicine and their doses were being reduced.
I have got no words to describe the word “Doctor” except giving a simple smile. That simple smile shows the godliness of a Doctor on my face.
I am celebrating being alive and there is a strong feeling in my heart. That the celebrations will last a lifetime now.
Mental health is a big taboo in India. In the west there is more awareness. When we have a skin allergy we go to a dermatologist he brings to light the allergic cause and advises us to keep ourselves away from that cause and prescribes some medicine which relives us. Same with Mental illness our Psychiatrist uncovers our illness cause and advises us the things which will in time cure us. People have a stigma about it. We do not understand the severity of it. People simply cannot snap out of it. We need to be treated in order to get better.
I am amaze why we stay away from our happiness although we attempt each and everything in our life for acquiring satisfaction. If we become extroverted at least for our hopefulness and enhancement, we can live a better life which will be of less complain.
So, many divorce cases can be avoided if the couple conclude visiting a Psychiatrist instead of meeting an advocate.
Addiction is a mental illness it shouldn’t be avoided or left on once will power only. One must visit Psychiatrist in time if he doesn’t want to meet an onchologist in emergency. Suicidal tendencies are also a mental health disorder.
While our physical health is affected by our immunity same is with our mental health it is affected by our thoughts. Our Psychiatrist helps up to acquire healthy and positive thoughts.