Eligible Bachelor - Episode 11 And Episode 12 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 11 And Episode 12

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 11 And Episode 12

Chapter 11

Samyak has agreed but he is very skeptical about it. Lots of things are going in his mind. Once hurt, one is doubly cautious in the future. This time he is not letting his heart go and struggling to move ahead freely. His mind has built so many assumptions already. He doesn’t know how the next girl will be. His parents talk to the girls' family and they agreed for once Samyak and their daughter talk on the phone before meeting in person.

He dialed her number.


“Hello. I am Samyak. May I speak with Neeti?” Samyak tried to speak normally while his mind is confused.

“Hi Samyak. I am Neeti.” She replied nervously.

“Hi, Neeti. How are you? I hope I am not disturbing you.” Samyak said.

“No… nothing like that. I am good. How about you?” She replied.

“I am also good. So, I guess you know why I am calling you? Before meeting I thought it would be better if we can chat a little bit. Are you okay with this idea?” Samyak asked Neeti.

“Yes… I am okay.” Neeti is keeping it short.

“Ok… That’s great. So… what do you like? I mean in your free time.” Samyak tried to start the conversation.

“I like… I like reading books and painting.” Neeti replied shyly.

“That’s nice. What do you paint?” Samyak continued.

“Mostly I paint on canvas. Sometimes I do sketching as well.” Neeti replied.

“Great. My drawing is very poor.” Samyak is struggling to forward the conversation.

Now there is silence. Samyak is thinking that Neeti will ask something and Neeti is shy to start some conversation.

Few seconds passed. Samyak asked a few more questions about work and academics and Neeti hesitatingly asked one or two questions to Samyak.

They talked for a few minutes and again a silent period came.

“Ok… then I think I should hang up now. It was nice talking to you.” Samyak has no idea what to say so he decided to end the call.

“Same here. Have a good day.” Neeti replied.

They hung up.

Vivek and Anita are waiting in the living room for Samyak’s call to get over. Samyak came out of his room and sat on the sofa.

Anita couldn’t resist herself and asks his son, “How did it go Samyak? What do you think?”

“Mummy I talked to her. She is nice but I don’t know I was struggling to converse with her. She didn’t speak much. She hardly asked me anything and whatever I asked she replied in just one or two lines.”

“Maybe she is shy. Talking on the phone with some stranger is not easy and that too when you know its related to a marriage proposal. She must be nervous.” Anita reasoned.

“Maybe. But I don’t know. I felt there is no connection. We couldn’t talk freely with each other and then there were long silent gaps.” Samyak is confused.

“If you want, you can talk one more time” Vivek suggested.

“I don’t know Papa whether talking again would help. I am not sure about this. I feel conversation should move freely without efforts. You should not to think too much and prepare for it. Like when I talked with Niharika it was….” Samyak blurted unknowingly and his parents looked at him.

He realized what he just said and stopped at the moment. His mind still has Niharika’s impressions. He doesn’t know what to say now so he stood up from the couch and told his parents, “I think I am not sure about this. It would be better if you can say no to them.” He left the room.

“But Samyak… Listen to me.” Anita tried to call him.

Vivek looked at her. They both are disappointed.

The search is continued and time is also passing by. Most of the time it ends with a call only. In some cases, when it moves a little ahead, there are other scenarios that come up.

Samyak’s Statements.

“I liked her but when I talked to her more I realized her likes and dislikes are totally opposite. We are totally different persons.”

“She was good but she likes to party every weekend. There is nothing wrong with that but I am not at all a party person. I don’t think we can gel together.”

“She said she wants a nuclear family.”

“She is fine… but I don’t know something doesn’t feel right.”

And when Samyak finds everything alright, girl’s statements are somewhat like this.

“I think he is quite boring. He works so much, I don’t how he will get time for me.”

“I am not sure about his first engagement. Are they telling the right reasons?”

“He is nice, well mannered but I felt his heart was not here.”

“Something is missing.”

Some valid reasons, some excuses, some apprehensions, and all resulting in only delay and further delay. Vivek and Anita tried to step in and convince Samyak but he is not able to agree and whenever he agrees, they get a “no” as an answer from the other side. Samyak is tired of it and so his parents. Their patience is now loosing. As badly as they want it to happen, as hard as it is getting. Many relatives intervened, they give different advice and suggestions. Some of them have suggested performing some pooja also for Grah Shanti (To peace the planets on his horoscope). Anita’s dream of getting a daughter-in-law is not getting embodied. Whenever she looks at her other relatives who are having daughters-in-law, her heart feels miserable. She is eagerly waiting for that day to come.

Chapter 12

Another year has passed and there are still no signs of a new member of the family. Samyak has submerged himself in work as usual. He is so fed up with everything that he avoids the whole discussion of marriage now. Vivek and Anita are getting aged with worries rather than years. Vedant is also now settled into his job and started earning well. Another eligible bachelor is now turning up in the family.

“I said no to him as of now” Vivek said.

“What did bhaiya say?” Anita asked.

“Bhaiya said the alliance is very good. We should talk to them once.” Vivek is telling about his conversation with his elder brother and Kavya’s father.

“Yes he is right but without Samyak’s marriage, how can we think for Vedant?” Anita said with disappointment.

“Yes, I told him the same thing. First, we will do Samyak’s marriage and then we will think about Vedant.” Vivek said clearly.

“But we can’t deny this also that Vedant’s age is also now appropriate for marriage. Naturally, alliances will come. How long we will avoid it.” Anita said.

“Hmm… but it will not be also right to keep any girl’s family hanging like this until we are not ready. If we proceed and everything falls into place, we can not ask anyone to wait until we find someone for Samyak.” Vivek explained.

“Yes, you are right. I have left everything to God now. I am just waiting for him to listen to my prayers.” Anita took a deep breath and started peeling peas again.

Samyak listened to everything standing at the door. He came early today when Vivek and Anita were discussing an alliance which has come for Vedant. He stood there for a while and then went back outside without entering the house. He went to a nearby park and sit there for some time.

The fresh breeze is flowing and birds are chirping. Some kids are playing, some adults are walking. Few people are chit-chatting and laughing.

He closed his eyes and felt an immense silence amidst all the noise. He is feeling bad about his parents and his brother. He always wanted them to be happy and now somehow he is becoming the reason for their life’s problems. He felt extremely bad about it. He doesn’t know what to do in this scenario. One part of his heart is telling that get married to someone, this will end their miseries. Another part is saying how should I marry someone for just the sake of doing it when I am not into it. Will that not add up more problems? His mind is blocked by all these thoughts and he is not able to see any solutions through this web of thoughts. He remained closed his eyes.

Someone just tapped on his shoulder and he got back to his senses.

“Sir, its time to close the park.” The watchman told Samyak.

“Ohh… I am sorry. I didn’t realize it.” He looked at the watch and realized he was sitting there for last 2 hours.

He took his bag and went to his house.

Next day Samyak’s boss called him to discuss something in the office.

“Samyak, you know we are dealing with this client from the last few months. They are a little difficult, as you know. So we are thinking to send someone to their location for a few months and get the things done quickly and more efficiently.” His boss told him. Samyak is listening to him but his mind is still thinking about the conversation of his parents last evening.

“So I am thinking if you are interested, I will suggest your name to the management. I know they will agree. Your working style and communication skills are perfect to deal with them. So tell me are you comfortable traveling to London for a year?” The boss asked.

“Samyak… are you listening to me? What happened?” His boss again questioned when Samyak didn’t reply to anything.

“Ohh sorry, sir… I was just thinking.” Samyak got back from his thoughts listening to his boss’s voice.

“No problem… you think about it and let me know by evening.” The boss told him.

“Sure sir.” Samyak left his cabin and went to his cubicle.

He started thinking about the offer. His web of thoughts is now getting clear and he found the solution which he thinks is perfect for everyone. In the evening he told his boss that he is ready and will start the Visa process.

He came back home in the evening and when everyone is sitting at the dinner table, he started the conversation, “Papa Mummy… I want to talk to you about something.”

Vivek, Anita, and Vedant looked at him.

“I got an onsite offer. I have to travel to London for a year for a project. I said yes.” Samyak told his parents.

“What for a year? But Samyak you know one year is a very long time. We are looking for matches and if you will be gone for a year, how we can proceed?” Anita asked worriedly.

“Samyak, I agree with your mother. I think you should not go for such a long time. If it about two-three months, that will be fine.” Vivek also agreed with Anita.

“Mummy Papa… I understand what are you saying, but I think I don’t want to do all this anymore. My mind got saturated with all this. I need a break.” Samyak said it.

“What do you mean you are done? You don’t want to get married?” Anita’s heart started beating fast.

“Mummy please, relax. I don’t know maybe, Yes. I am tired of all this and I know you are also.” Samyak looked at his parents.

“But Samyak, we are trying and I am sure we will find a good match for you. Don’t give up.” Vivek tried to convince him.

“It is not about that Papa. I don’t know how I make you understand but I just… I want to go away from all this.”

“But Samyak…” Vivek tried again. Anita’s eyes filled with tears. She is not able to speak.

“Also one more thing… I think you should start looking for matches for Vedant. I don’t want him to suffer because of me.” Samyak is feeling hesitant but he has to say this.

All of them looked at him with shock.

“Bhaiya… what are you saying? I am not suffering because of you. So you are going because of me.” Vedant said with a heavy voice.

“No Vedant… Don’t get upset. You know what I mean. I don’t want that something good which is about to happen with my brother gets hampered because of me.”

“Bhaiya… whatever is destined to happen will happen. You need not go anywhere.” Vedant said emotionally.

“Do you feel bad about anything? Has any of us said you something unknowingly?” Anita still didn’t understand why Samyak is taking this step.

“No mummy… its nothing like that. This is my decision and no one or nothing has forced me. I want to go… really. Please understand.” Samyak said clearly.

They all tried to convince him but he has made up his mind.

Visa processing completed in the next few weeks and Samyak is all set to fly to London. His plane took off.