SHUBHUNI - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Deepti Khanna books and stories PDF | SHUBHUNI - 6

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It was a time to stay cool ,because the mystery of Shubhuni leaving school could be only revealed by her or the school authorities.
He made it clear to all the members of the house that it would be better for all of them ,to look after the new bride and take care of her .
Mr.Das himself took his briefcase and asked the chauffeur to drive to Shubhuni's parents house.
Shubhuni's maa Maa greeted Jamai Babu and asked him "what has happened, is all good ?"
Barrister sahib answered 'Maa ,can you please answer me from which institution Shubhuni had done her Schooling."
Shubhuni Maa ,was taken back by this question and said kneeling down on Jamai Babu's feet "please don't leave her ,we are sorry that we didn't told you before marriage that Shubhuni is not educated. "
Barrister Sahib in a weak soft voice " education is not a question, Shubhuni is a well mannered and intelligent lady . She can be taught to read and write anytime .I am just worried why she is so scared of numbers and schooling. "
"Do you know the reason behind it ,Maa ?"
"No , Jamai Babu . I just remember that one day she came and cried hard and after that she never stepped in the school."
Barrister Sahib " Ok , just tell me the name of the school ."
Shubhuni 's Maa answered " jann Lok School and it is only for girls."
Barrister Sahib said thank you and left Shubhuni's parental house .
He asked his chauffeur to drive to Jann Lok school .
Barrister Sahib met the the headmaster of the school and asked about Shubhuni , "How was she as a student and why she left the school ."
But to his dismay headmaster answered him "Sorry, I have no idea about it ,as I have joined the school a year back , when the previous headmaster expired. "
Barrister Sahib ,moved out of the schools building, but again ran inside and asked the headmaster "can I talk to the maths teachers of the school ?"
"You may certainly "answered the headmaster and all the maths teachers of the school were called for . Out of which four were ladies ,who were told to leave ,two were new and were also short listed. The remaining two were then questioned by Barrister Sahib.
Then a lawyer's brain started interrogating them .
"Do both of you remember Shubhuni " Barrister Sahib asked the teachers
"No ,sahib" both of them answered without any hesitation .
Then one of them questioned Barrister Sahib "can you please tell us in which year she left the school."
Barrister saib said 'might be ten years back ,she was in class six ,and now she eight...."
Both the teachers together said in one voice "Sahib you are investigating about an decade back student and it might be impossible to answer ."
But the headmaster intervened between them and said 'Our teachers don't take any holidays, but I have heard from the retired teachers that once both these teachers of ours had jaundice and at that time the previous headmaster had called for an substitute teacher .
At this both the aged teachers nodded their heads and said "YES ! YES he is right and this incident is about a decade back."
Barrister Sahib "can you please share the details of that teacher ?"
Head Master said 'I think I can. '