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Tips for pushing up your Job Application

Job applications are an integral part of the employment process for any position. Normally Job applications provide personal information, work experience, education and any references you may have. Those well planned job applications also include sections for military service, awards and achievements. The achievement section of the job application is used to highlight any experiences or recognition that might set you apart from other applicants for the same position.
Educational Achievements
In most job applications there is an education section before any work experience, so it’s important to list your achievements in this area first. This makes it easier for the person looking at your application to make connections within the different areas. Your educational achievements should include any academic awards received at graduation, awards from or participation in any clubs or organizations, leadership positions or scholarly works related to your major or the job for which you are applying.
Work-Related Achievements
After your educational achievements, list any work-related achievements you may have. These should include leadership roles such as project management positions, awards for leadership or product development and grants for research from professional or nonprofit organizations. Also include the length of time you have held any work-related responsibilities that go above and beyond your regular duties. This can include training new employees, exceeding project goals and meeting budgets and deadlines regularly.
Organizational Achievements
Prospective employers look for leadership qualities in employees at all levels. If you are a member of an association, professional organization, take time to list leadership positions, projects or event coordination within the achievement section. These areas show your dedication to your field or outside of the regular working environment. Speaking at an organizational event, teaching continuing education classes for an association are all important achievements for a job application.
Community and Personal Achievements
Your leadership and other qualities are reflected in your community involvement and personal achievements. Community organization achievements through clubs, parent/teacher associations can set you apart from someone who is not as active in these areas. Organizing charity fundraisers, serving on nonprofit boards and setting and achieving personal goals — such as running a marathon or becoming fluent in a new language — will establish you in the minds of potential employers as a goal-oriented person with useful leadership skills.

Words are tricky use it carefully in a job appication,never claim anything what you may not really possess and never forget or hesitate to put on the page what you really are,but in a very humble way to show your subordination.In this world of words you have to really compete with really unique words in your job application.Honest to the core, honesty always pays, that is what my experience as a candidate and as a interviewer for many a time in many interview boardsI learned and felt..Always remember everbody do not know everything and everything do not know everybody.Always be the real what you are and do not reflect an illusionery image of what you are really not.Confidence is the mantra for real success in life.Efforts continuous with the trust in god will take you to greater heights without fail.