The Deep End - 3 in English Fiction Stories by क्षितिजा जाधव books and stories PDF | The Deep End - 3

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The Deep End - 3

Chapter 3 - Deal

Money. One of the respected worst thing invented by humans. Everyone is struggling to live and living cost money and hence its root of all Evils. One who don’t have it struggle to get it and who have it struggle to get more. Even if you have money it can’t buy you second chance in life, Patience, peace of mind, Trust, Morals and a great Idea. You know what’s interesting for me about money is it tell who you really are. Ask yourself what can be the worst thing you can do for money?

“Sit down” It was the same officer who took custody of Anika.

She sits on the bench. She was looking down. One Chief Officer comes inside he looks at her and goes inside and dials the number.

“Hello, It’s me did you picked her from school?” Chief

“Off course, don’t worry,” It was female voice. She was Chiefs Wife.

“Give her on the phone”

“Come here dad wants to talk you”

“Hello” His daughter

“How are you my bud?”

“I am fine dad, we... we are going to Garden” She was yelling and jumping on the couch.

“Did you finish your homework?”

“No, I don’t want to do it”

“Ok, we will do it when I will come home, have some ice cream. Ok”

He saw someone coming.

“Ok bud dad needs to go now, bye”


He kept phone down.

“What happened about her?” Chief Officer Pointes at her.

Other officer gives Anika Packet of food. She opens the packet and starts to eat it quickly.

“Her stupid mother didn’t come at Juvenile court. She said she will come. In the first place I wasn’t supposed to take her custody without her mother. Judge gave me warning not do such things again. So, what we are going to do sir?

“You visited her home” chief Officer

“Yes sir, her home was locked. She must have run away.

Chief was thinking. He gets something in his mind.

“Don’t worry; tell me again where she lives?”

“In north slum area, what are you going to do sir?”

“I will look if someone will take her custody will be ready to present at court”

He looked at Anni. Her face was all dirty.

“Hey come here” He said to Anni

Anni came towards him. He takes her little hand in his hand. She still was looking on floor.

“What’s your name little?”

“Anika Dev” her voice was very soft.

“That’s beautiful name”

“Anika, are you hungry?”

She nodded her sad face

“Let’s go”

“Sir are you sure, you don’t want me to come”

“It’s all right, Tahirs family also live near her house right?”

“Yes Sir”

“Tell me what you want to eat” Chief Officer asked her.

They left the police station.

It was small hotel and Anni was eating food.

“Slow down” Chief

“Look I just have to make a call; I’ll be outside so when you finish just come outside, I will near the jeep”

Her mouth was full of food so she nodded.

He went outside. He looked if no one is around and makes a phone call.



“It’s 8 year old”

“Ok, I want to make deal right now with money she is with me”

“Listen I can’t you are coming with money right now or you lose the Kid.”

“Ok, I’ll be there”

He turned around. He saw Anni coming towards him and he smiled. She gave him small smile she was happy that her stomach was full she was grateful to him. That little kid was not having any idea what’s ahead of her. Person before her is going sell her for money.

“Do you want to eat something else?”


“Ok let’s go then”

They were about to left city. He looked at Anni she was still looking down. He stopped the car on the bridge.

“Have some water, you still look bad” he gives her small bottle and comes outside the car and throws phone in the river.

Anika opens the bottle cap and drinks some water.

He comes inside “Feeling good, so tell me do you know anyone around your house?”

Anni was answering him. She was losing her control. She don’t wanted to sleep but her eyes were not ready to be open she wanted to talk but her lips don’t want to move she was trying to listen him and she falls sleep.

Now they were outside the city. He looks at her she was slept. He stopes car and tries to wake her.

“Anika. Anika” he tried to check if she is unconscious. She was in deep sleep.

He smiles. His plan to make her unconscious was complete. He started to drive.

It was an open ground not a single building as long as you see. Anika was still not in sense,

After Few minutes. She wakes up by sound of car and tries to open her eyes but she wasn’t able to open she was hearing the unclear voices of people.

Door of car slams.

“Where is she?” she realizes it is not chiefs voice.

“……. Jeep” she wasn’t able to hear clearly she was trying to put herself together but she wasn’t able to.

“Is it 5 lakh?”

She realizes that someone opens the door of jeep and trying to pick her. She felt the leather of hand gloves. She opens her eyes someone was carrying her away from jeep. She was just looking at police chief he was opening the suitcase she wasn’t able to move trying to understand what’s happening. Trying hard to keep eyes open suddenly she heard the gun shot she tries so hard to open the eyes. Chief Officer was lying on the floor. Suitcase was empty. She was not able to understand anything and her eyes get closed.