Taste Of Fear - 24 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 24

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 24

It was the headquarter of Marryme.com situated at Noida. It was on the fifth floor of a multi-stored building just seven to eight block far from the west side of the river. Every legal business of the Marryme.com was carried on from here and also all the illegal businesses from the office where only some particular employees were allowed to enter.

Only some special employees had permission to enter that cabin. Most of the employees working there believed the Marryme.com is a matrimonial portal but in fact, it was a mean for Victor to deal his skin trade and smuggling of the girls easily. The customer would found the bio-data and photos of the girls uploaded on the web portal. The customers can order any girl if they liked and call for that girl. The unfortunate girl who selected by any customer was kidnapped soon and delivered at hotels in Goa or Mumbai or anywhere in India. The rich man always felt the prices of the girl reasonable even if the cost was around four to five lakh. After the customer had enjoyed the beauty and body, the poor bird was sold and smuggled in foreign countries and neither the bird nor any news about her came back to India. however, Victor and some special employees knew about this business. Anjali Dhiman was also unaware like most of the employees working there.

She was going to meet her boss, Veer Preet. She should not have gone to his cabin. It might be dangerous for her.

Veer Preet was studying some data on LED screen set on the desk. Suddenly his private number began to ring. He knew it was his private number and never got any calls on that number from persons who knew him as Veer Preet. That number was his particular identity. The callers who rang at that number knew him as a different name – Victor.

“Hola” he picked the call.

“Shyam and that detective girl ran away.” Victor heard Haris’ voice. The voice had both the fear and the shame.

“How is this possible?” Victor couldn’t help his voice raised.

“Navjot, a new guy went to hand them the dinner today. They attacked him and killed him. They also shot A.C.P. while running.

Anjali Dhiman approached the door of the chamber.

“What were you doing, mother fuckers?” Victor shouted and lost his temper when he heard the A.C.P. was shot. Anjali Dhiman found his boss’ voice angry and stopped at the door.

“We... Balbeer...”

“What Balbeer?” Veer Preet alias Victor shouted again.

“We were celebrating Balbeer’s birthday.” Harris’ voice was trembling.

“Catch them otherwise I will celebrate your death day.”

Anjali was stuck to the door. She never saw her boss so much angry.

Victor tapped a number on the mobile screen.

Anjali was going to buzz the doorbell, but she heard the voice, her boss Veer Preet’s voice again and stopped.

“I am Victor. Go fast and kidnap Archana. Shyam had succeeded to break. My men will execute him. You just find Archana. Shyam is already dead.” Victor was furious.

Anjali had no more time to stay there. she returned soft-footed keeping the file in her hand.

She came to know who his boss was in fact.

She soon rushed to the lift.


Archana closed her eyes but the vision of a baby still remained in her eyes. With the presence of the baby, Shyam’s face came in her mind. She threw the thought out of her mind with hatred. She was breathing heavily and her face covered with perspiration. Will it be painful for the baby? She thought. No, a three months foetus cannot feel pain. She relaxed by the thought.

She opened eyes receiving the doctor’s voice, “are you alright?”

“Yes, but...” she could not speak more.

The doctor took a syringe from his desk and moved to her bed. “This will relax you.” He gave her the injection. “I want you to relax. We will start surgery within an hour. Now the procedure is not like before. I will give you anaesthesia and I will do my work. It won’t hurt you. It is painless now.”

Dr. Chhabra gave her hospital gown and went out again.

She was going to undressing and her cell phone rang, it was an unknown number, a landline one.

She picked the call with a feeling of unreality.

“Archana, I am Anjali.”

“I talk to you later.”

“Please don’t hang the call, it’s urgent.” Anjali was as fast as she could.

“Tell me,” Archana spoke carelessly.


“Who victor? I am Archana. Whom have you wanted to call?”

“Victo killed Shyam. Victor my boss, the owner of my company where I work. Before three months… he is going to kill you.”

“But why?” Archana couldn’t understand her.

“I have no more time. I will tell you later. Victor trapped you and Shyam. I just have come to know. Victor has sent his men to kill you. His men will be coming to your home. Please, you run away. I didn’t know my boss was so. You don’t take your mobile with you otherwise Victor can easily trace you. Sorry, I will tell all in detail later.” Anjali hanged the call.

Archana realised Shyam was innocent. Victor whom she didn’t know trapped them and killed her Shyam. Her hatred toward Shyam suddenly changed into love. Her eyes filled with tears.

‘Victor killed Shyam’ was echoing in her ears. She decided she will kill herself. Her Shyam whom she believed betrayer was not so. Suddenly he got thought about the baby in her. Shyam was no more. His last sign was in me. She decided at once, “I will birth the baby. She threw the gown aside and came out of the room before the doctor came in.

“I am coming back within ten minutes,” Archana spoke to the receptionist lady and went out from the clinic. She waved her hand to stop an auto. She sat in the auto.


To be continue...