Mystical Man - 4 in English Children Stories by Patel Jihan K books and stories PDF | Mystical Man - 4

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Mystical Man - 4

Mystical Man


Secrets of the EMBLEMS

So, as the heading tells you that this part is all about the secrets of the EMBLEMS.

So friends, let’s take a quick recap about the emblems. You know that there are 4 emblems. They are:

  • Mystical eagle
  • Dragon range
  • Trripleargin
  • Griffined
  • And we four are bounded with it, you probably know our names. So, I will not say that to you again.

    So, now you will get more knowledge about the emblems.

    Let me start it from the beginning. When we met Dr. Redheart, after that, we started using the real power of the emblems.

    There was a robbery in a chemistry lab. We went there. When the cops saw us, they felt stress-free. There was a Smoke inside the lab. I saw a figure of a fat man with six robotic arms. I destroyed them and recreated the lab. The smoke cleared and I saw a man. His head was bald and he laughed.

    He said, “I wanted you Wizards to come here.”

    Then, he pointed a magnet towards us and said, “I, Dr. Redheart, am going to be the most powerful.”

    He took our emblems with the help of the magnet and vanished in the air. I realized that our costumes and masks were gone. We were wearing our regular clothes. Then, I pressed the button of the gateway to my lab and we went there.

    I saw everything destroyed a virtual image that appeared of Dr. Redheart.

    It said, “I have destroyed your lab, Wizards! And, I have your emblems and my clone will spoil your reputation. HAHAHAHAHAHA.”

    I called Sammy but he also destroyed him. Then, suddenly master Kodo appeared. He said, “Do not worry. You were not using the power of the emblem. You were using your inside power.”

    “How?” We all asked together.

    “Because, I don’t have the sword inside of me?” Harley asked.

    “It was just one thing.” Master Kodo said.

    “You were using your brain powers.” He said.

    “So, our powers were just 1% power of emblems.” I said.

    “Calvin liked all plants and gave them love. So, plants followed his brain and he made clouds and storm with the help of his emblem. It was exactly same to you all. I know that you all are confused. So, you need to do it yourself.” Master Kodo said.

    We said, “What?”

    “You need to concentrate and learn to use those powers.” Mater Kodo said.

    “Master. Then, what about the powers that you gave me?” I asked.

    “I didn’t give you any powers. You were using your brain powers.” Master Kodo said.

    Then he took us to the mountain and said, “So, you all need to concentrate on what to do. If you want to fly then concentrate on that. Just think that you want to fly, fly very high and you will be able to.”

    So, we all started meditating and just thought about how to fly. It took us 3 months to concentrate on it. When I opened my eyes, I was in the air. Then, I saw everyone in the air. So now, we can fly easily just like that. We concentrated on each and everything. So now, we started using our brain powers. We three had equal powers. When we went down the mountain, we saw that we took three years to get those powers. We started it in 2017 and it is now 2020.

    We went to our lab and recreated everything and asked Sammy about the exact location of Dr. Redheart. We went there, took our emblems, when we tried to kill the Dr. Redheart, he vanished and said, “I’ll be back”

    Then, emblems bonded with us and we can do anything. I can throw lasers from my eyes and can make any non-living thing in just 1 second and now, nothing can hurt me. In fact, not even the metal of the gods, Oranium. Calvin had control over the nature. He had full control, all over the nature, in the entire universe!

    Harley can turn into any kind of Dragon and can control the volcanoes of the universe. Peter can control all the creatures in the universe.

    We went to my lab and there, master Kodo appeared.

    He said, “So, you got your powers, right?”

    “Yes!” We said together.

    “Master, if I would never get any scratch or disease or anything else then, I should be immortal?” I asked.

    “The person who has taken a birth must die.” Master Kodo said.

    “So, we all have taken birth and we are the most powerful superheroes ever, we will have to die?” I asked.

    “No, you all have not taken birth.” Master said.

    We all were shocked and said, “What? We have not taken birth.”

    Then Master Kodo smiled and took us to a cave. He set fire to light up the cave and pointed to the cave paintings. There were four persons; one on the dragon, one had a shield, one was sitting on a griffin, and one was holding a sword. And, the other people were bowing down towards them as to show respect to them.

    “Let me explain this to you in detail. About this cave, painting and how these emblems were formed.” Master Kodo said.

    (So friends, now read this in detail.)


    Long, long, long ago…… a really long time ago, when gods were making humans, by mistake, something went wrong there. And a very evil child was born. They didn’t know about it. They all thought that he was a very simple and not an evil child. They named him Orion. He was very powerful.

    The gods were too late to realize that he was a monster because Orion made a dimension which he called The Evil Dimension. When the Gods saw it, they captured him in The Evil Dimension. Then, they made humans again and gave them powers to protect themselves.

    “So, humans are safe on Earth?” A god named Kaeciliouse asked.

    “Yes, they are. Because, they are using their powers.” A god named Kameka said.

    (There were four gods Kameka, Kaeciliouse, Macoda, and Miami)

    “Let’s take a look on the planet earth.” A god named Miami said.

    When they saw, they were surprised because not a single human was using their brain powers. Then they saw something weirder. Orion came to Earth with his army. However, they stopped Orion, but Orion and his army went in all dimensions and the whole universe. Then, the gods killed his army and prisoned him in the heaven.

    Then, they thought about something, “We need to make someone who could protect the mluniverse from Orion because humans cannot use their brain powers.”

    God Kacelious said “But…...”

    Everyone said together but god Kacelious interrupted and said, “My decision is final”

    Then they started making the Protectors of the mluniverse. There were four of them. First - Kodo, Second - Mascot, Third - Concikas, and the Last one - Gergory.

    They sent them to Earth. Orion escaped from prison and made his army.

    His army’s commander-in chief, Makashiki, powerful regent Destroyer, and his main team to fight against the Protectors.

    When Orion sent his army another time on earth, the Protectors of the mluniverse (Mluniverse: All other dimension and the whole universe.) defeated them. They became popular on Earth but Orion didn’t give up. He sent his army all over the mluniverse but the Protectors defeated them. They became popular in the universe and its dimension.

    They have pets as well. They know the protectors by these names:

    1. Kodo as THE MAGICIAN

    2. Mascot as DRAGON RIDER

    3. Concikas as THE CONTROLLER

    4. Gergorgy as THE ENCHASTER

    They had weapons too:

  • Sword of mystics of the Magician
  • Axe of Destruction of the Dragon Rider
  • Shield of the Nature of the Controller
  • Boomerang of the Sun of the Enchaster
  • They had pets too, pets with magical powers:

    You all know the sequence. So, I’ll start:

  • Mystical eagle (Eagle)
  • Dragon Range (Dragon)
  • Trripleargin (Pegasus)
  • Griffined (Griffin)
  • The humans respected them. But, Orion sent five evil warriors:

  • Devil Eagle
  • Scion
  • Landform
  • Marian
  • Bulleseye
  • When they landed, Scion started pulling the soul of humans and made them zombies with his Soul puller weapon.

    They also had weapons:

    (You know the sequence)

  • The Chopper(One handle and two swords on each side)
  • Soul puller(A metal, open mouth snake on top of a long metal stand)
  • The hitter(Spiky metal ball tied up with a chain to a handle)
  • Spiker(Nun-chaku)
  • The killer(A U shaped structure with spikes outside on top of a long metal stand. It is placed on a neck and the spike turns inside and goes inside the neck)
  • Devil eagle said, “Come on Protectors. Let’s fight!”

    They all started fight but Protectors gave a tough defeat to the team of Orion and turned them into emblems.

    They gave those emblems to the god and they said, “Hide them on a planet where no creature can reach.”

    They all understood and made a very difficult way to reach there.

    “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! How could they defeat them?” Orion asked in a furious way.

    “Makashiki” Orion ordered.

    “Yes sir!” Makashiki said.

    “Take your army with you to kill the Protectors.” Orion said and gave an angry look.

    Makashiki opened the portal from the Evil Dimension to Earth, but when he reached Earth, he was shocked because Protectors knew that he was coming so they already made a plan to kill his army. Controller captured Makashiki and the others captured his army by hypnotizing them. Before the portal to the Evil Dimension could close, they went inside. When Orion saw them, he was very angry. Orion was bigger than the Protectors. Like a giant monster, they looked like a cockroach in front of him. He clenched his fist and tried to punch them but the Protectors were too fast. Magician, with the help of his sword, he cut Orion’s eye. He fell down. They took out his soul and put it into a diamond and kept where they kept the emblems. Without his soul, Orion was nothing. Orion became a statue and without Orion, his army and Makashiki were nothing. They also became a statute.

    They all were happy but they forgot one person Destroyer. He made the cube of destruction; the Protectors were unable to destroy that cube. It was going to wake the army of Orion, but the gods controlled it. He killed the Protectors.

    Destroyer escaped from the Earth and hid far away. When the soul of the Protectors came to heaven, the Gods said, “Listen kids, we made these emblems. You need to go inside it with your pets.”

    They all did as they were said to. But, when it was Kodo’s turn, God Kaeciliouse said, “Stop Kodo.”

    “Why?” Kodo said.

    “Because, you need to guide the person whose soul will bind these emblems. I’ll put one third of my soul in this emblem with your pet.” God Kaeciliouse said.

    “Okay” Kodo said.

    “Kodo, someone will take birth in your family that will destroy Destroyer as well as the cube.” God Kaeciliouse said.

    They all did that and sent the emblems on the Earth. The emblems remain invisible until they found a person whose soul is capable of bounding with them.


    “So, after one sextillion years the emblems bounded with all of you.” Master Kodo said.

    “So, now our work is done because we have killed Destroyer, destroyed the cube and defeated the army of Orion.” Harley said.

    “No, one thing is left.” I said.

    “Which?” Harley asked.

    “We need to kill Dr. Redheart.” I said.

    “Okay” Harley answered.

    “Master, have you made any map of that planet where you kept the devil emblems and the diamond? If yes, then we need to destroy it.” I said.

    “Yes, there is. But, we have already destroyed it.” Master Kodo said.

    “Can you tell us on which planet they are?” I asked.

    “Yes, it is in the center of the Earth.” Master Kodo answered.

    “But, why are you asking?” Master Kodo asked.

    “I just want to know because if it is in any other planet where humans can reach, it will create trouble.” I said.

    I saw a small spider on my shoulder and just rub my hand over it. It fell on the ground.


    After that day in our summer vacation, we sometimes chilled in my lab or at our homes.

    Today, it is Sunday and we are at my lab right now. I was watching T.V. Harley and Peter were playing table tennis and Calvin was chatting with someone on his mobile.

    Then suddenly, Sammy said, “Sir, I found the location of Redheart.”

    Everyone went towards Sammy, except me. Sammy said, “He is in Antarctica region.”

    Everyone started finding ways to go over there but I was watching my Shin Chan movie.

    Everyone asked me, “What will we do?”

    That time Shin Chan was dancing in the TV “Buriburi buri buri buri buri buri.” Shin Chan said.

    I paused it and made a jump from the couch and said, “It’s very simple. Just look, Okay.” Then I made a big circle in the air with both of my hands and joined them horizontally and pushed the circle. The portal to the Antarctic region opened. I went there, pulled the shirt of Redheart, took him to the lab, closed the portal and kept him in the lab jail.

    I said to him, “If you touch anything, infect the ground you will be dead. So stay in the air.” But then, he smiled.

    When I sat and un-paused my program, on T.V., everyone looked at me in a surprised expression. They all started what they were doing.


    Our summer vacations were over after that our colleges started.

    It was all normal.


    On the planet Venus, a small piece of the thing of Destruction is floating away from Venus. Away, away and comes out of our solar system. It crashes with an asteroid and changes its direction and gets suck into a black hole and the black hole ends in the Evil Dimension.

    The Evil Dimension has no gravity. The piece keeps floating and crashes with the walls of Evil Dimension and goes into the castle of Orion. There was the statue of Orion sitting on the throne, the piece touches the forehead of Orion statue and makes an explosion.


    “BOOM! And that’s how Wizards saved my life.” Brener said.

    “OH!” Mark exclaimed.

    “So, friends! What were you talking about?” I asked.

    “Brener was telling me, how did the Wizards saved his life.” Mark answered.

    “Wow Brener, you also met the Wizards?” I asked.

    “What?” Mark asked.

    “Yes, because Greg was also telling the same thing that Brener told.” I said.

    When Brener listened to it, he vanished from there.

    “He was lying.” Mark said.

    “I knew that” I said and went away from there on my skateboard.


    In My Lab:

    “Hey, did you all hear that sound?” I asked.

    “Yes, I heard it. It was like someone is crashing something with a hammer.” Harley said.

    “Dr. Redheart.” Calvin said and we all run towards the prison, but we were too late. He broke the prison and went away.

    “How could he…how could he just break the prison?” I asked.

    “Yes, you told that if he touches anywhere with anything, he will be dead, how is it possible.” Harley said.

    “Sammy. Find that in our CCTV camera.” I ordered.

    “Yes sir.” Sammy said.

    “Here it is.” Sammy said.

    “Oh! Can you see a portal being formed behind the wall of Redheart’s prison.” I said.

    “Yes and someone broke it in one punch.” Calvin said.

    “Rewind it.” Peter said. I did it.

    “Okay, stop. See, the hand of someone is very thin. Like a girl’s hand.” Peter said.

    “What?” We all asked.

    “Yes, see by yourself.” Peter said.

    “Yes Johnny, Peter is right. See if we can zoom it. We can clearly see that.” Harley said.

    “Sammy find out the details about this girl.” I ordered.

    “Sir, her name is Scarlet Griffin. Daughter of Chase Griffin.” Sammy said.

    “Who is Chase Griffin?” Everybody asked.

    “He is Unicorn.” I said.

    “Sammy does, she has any relation with Redheart?” I asked.

    “Yes sir. Dr. Redhaert is her Uncle.” Sammy said.

    “She was there with her at the Antarctic region as well.” Sammy said.

    “Okay” Harley said.

    “Sammy does, she has any superpowers?” Calvin asked.

    “No sir, until she bounded with the Devil Eagle emblem.” Sammy said.

    “What?” We all cried.

    “We need to ask to Master Kodo.” I said.

    We started calling him and he appeared.

    “What do you want?” Master Kodo said.

    We all gave him an angry look. “Master, you told that no one can get those emblems from the center of the earth than…...”

    Master Kodo interrupted me and said, “I know who did this. Redheart and his niece.”

    “So, you know that.” I said.

    “Yes, now you all just need to find them.” Master Kodo said and disappeared.


    In Antarctica:

    “Uncle Redhaert, do you know that the piece of the thing of destruction has made an explosion in the Evil Dimension. We need to go there right now with these emblems and the diamond.” Scarlet said.

    She made a portal and went inside with her uncle and ended up coming in the Evil Dimension. She started searching the piece of the object of destruction then, she ended up finding it from under the throne of Orion.

    “Oh my god! See, the explosion made a big crack in the face of Lord Orion.” Scarlet said.

    “Yes, it cut half of his face.” Dr. Redheart said.

    Orion’s face half was cracked. His one eye was destroyed.

    “Come on uncle, bring me the diamond.” Scarlet said.

    He brought it and she pointed the piece towards it and the diamond exploded. The soul of Orion got back into his body “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

    Orion screamed. His army was also awakened. When he saw the Scarlet and Redheart, he said, “Who are you?”

    “We are your servants.” Scarlet said.

    “Then also, I’ll kill you.” Orion said.

    “Wait lord Orion, listen to us.” Scarlet said.

    She said everything, what happened when the emblems bounded with some humans.

    “What they killed Destroyer, I’ll wake him. Destroyer, come here right now.” Orion said and then Destroyer appeared alive.

    “Lord Orion, please bring alive my partner Unicorn.” Destroyer begged.

    “Why?” Orion asked.

    “Because, he is more powerful than Mystical Man.” Destroyer said.

    “Then, I should use him!” Orion said and the chest came up and Unicorn’s body got rebuild.

    Orion brought him to Evil Dimension. When Scarlet saw him, she cried and said, “Dad, where were you?” And she hugged him

    “Dad, I’ll take your revenge.”

    “Okay daughter!” Unicorn said.

    “Lord Orion, what will we do of this other four emblems?” Redheart asked.

    “Give it to me.” Orion said.

    He did it and Orion closed his eyes and said “Bring me the capable creatures who can be bounded with them.” And there came three humans and one alien. Orion pointed the emblems towards them and the emblems bounded with them.

    They four got the weapons as well as the costume and Scarlet also got the weapon and the costume.

    “Our team is ready. We all are coming for you… THE WIZARDS. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Orion exclaimed.

    To Be Continued……

    The adventure doesn’t stop here Revenge of Orion