Our Imperfect Marriage - 2 in English Short Stories by Heena Solanki books and stories PDF | Our Imperfect Marriage - 2

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Our Imperfect Marriage - 2

As soon as the rain came faster, we ran for shelter, searching for a place to save ourselves from getting wet. I kept my things inside the purse and saw the guitarist struggling to settle the guitar into his bag and for a second my heartbeat gets faster while watching him from so near. And the words just came out of my mouth quickly, without even thinking for once I asked him can I help you? He grins at me and says yes, please! We kept that guitar inside the bag, he thanked me and bent down for something. I smiled and was looking at the other side when his friend called him Riaan and it caught my attention.

Riaan, I said it once again in my mind. I took a sip of tea and gave a look at Akshat's expression. He also took a sip of his dark coffee and I could not find any expression on his face. I did not speak anything for some time as I thought he was not paying attention but he said phir? While looking at me, maybe he was waiting for me to speak. Our gazes locked, we could see each other’s eyes clearly because of the moonlight. As I stared at those eyes and was making an effort to read, he suddenly changed direction of his eye from me to the moon.

Riaan and I saw each other from a distance. I passed a small smile chanting with my mind. At least I dared to exchange a few words with him. I felt something that I never felt before. Few days passed, I could not stop thinking about that guitarist guy I mean about Riaan.

And I dialed the number and only she could help me with the solution. I did not wait for her to say hello. I directly said meet me in 15 min on our spot and I cut the call. I reached there in 20 minutes and here my best friend is waiting for me with anger and confused expression.

Zivah I want to talk with you about something from the last few days. Lets seat inside first and we order our favorite bun maska and kadak adrak wali chai. Zivha jumped in with her never-ending questions what happened? Anything serious? Did your manager say anything? Are you okay? Ohh this girl will you stop?

So I can talk I told her. She gave me some weird look and said go on I will be quit. I went to marine lines before someday and again she started did anyone harm you? Tried to talk with you? And I gave her I will kick you out Vala look so she stops there and I started while eating bun maska by mouth and in one breath I just said imeetoneguy and she said out loudly whatttt? This girl is really going in my nerve I said Zivah if you speak a single word I am not going to tell you anything.

I went to marine I saw one guitarist guy I did not want to share his name so I kept it with myself he was really playing a great he was there with his friends I sat beside them and rain came and we both were together in the bus stop so I helped him with his guitar settling in his bag but now the problem is I can not stop thinking about him what should I do now I never felt this way you know na I don’t have many friends and why I am feeling different this time?. We talked for some time then came to the conclusion maybe it's because of my love for guitar and came one notification on my phone from Facebook.

I ignored that notification. For that moment this topic was important.. We said bye to each other and at night before going to bed, I checked my social media accounts and when I saw something which probably I should check 4 hours ago and a big smile on my face and I could not find where the sleep went I was staring at that notification like a zombie it was equal to a miracle.