The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 7 in English Love Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 7

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The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 7

Chapter -9

Thump! Thump!

Kavya was well aware of her heart that was thumping so loudly against her chest that she fears that someone might hear her wild heartbeats.

She was literally shocked into immobility the moment she saw Vikram entering inside the Conference hall.

Her breath got caught in her lungs when she noticed him taking a seat diagonally across her. She simply couldn't believe her eyes that Vikram is in the same room with her.

The shock of seeing him had not only frozen her emotions but also her attentiveness for she could not even focus properly on what Mr Nakul Singhaniya has been announcing from the past few minutes because all her attention was on the person who was sitting diagonally ahead from her.

She kept on staring him disbelievingly, remaining utterly still.

As the seconds ticked by, various emotions like Surprise, Confusion, bewildered, hurt, anger, longing swept through her.

Realisation dawned over her, What if he sees her?
No, she couldn't let that happen.

Kavya started panicking. She was not able to get a grip over her mixed emotions which were all over the place.
One look at him bubbled numerous emotions within her so how would she react if he catches sight of her.
No, she couldn't risk him noticing her presence.

Drizzy with all her emotions, she looked away from him.

She glued her gaze to her lap in order to avoid getting noticed by him but something within her was forcing her to look in his direction momentarily to see if he is looking or not.

She could notice her body shaking with nervousness but what she couldn't notice was that just like Vikram was unaware of her, she was also unaware of someone who was sitting next to her and noticing each and everything about her.


" Ladies and Gentlemen, Rajgarh is the place about which I was informing you all up till now", Nakul Singhaniya stated firmly looking at all the people with a determination.

" In the year 2000, I purchased a land in Rajgarh and set up the Singhaniya Cotton Manufacturing Company. During its initial years, the company prospered very well and financially contributed a lot but in recent years this company is heading towards loss.
Many reasons like poor supervision, revolts of mill workers, absurd myths of the villagers have resulted in the continuous failure of the company in the last few years.

I am sure you all must be wondering that why am I telling you all about this company and its losses. Clearly, I own two more successful companies so I could easily restore the money I have lost through them but this is where I require help from the people present here.

Now, a company may be able to transfer its loss to another company, or carry the loss forward to future years but as you all can see I am not of the age to carelessly leave the losses for the coming years and in all honesty neither am I getting any younger nor do I have any children who can look after this company.

So my proposal to all the people present here is that anyone of you could step up and invest in this company.

The profitable part for the investor would be that he can get the major stake in this company, more likely should I say that the investor would become the leading head of this company."

Nakul Singhaniya paused for a second and gazed at everyone to see their reactions.

He continued, " And this is my proposal for all the brilliant businessmen gathered here today.
Maybe this company is facing loss right now but if it gets in skilled hands its worth Billions.

So right now everything lies in the hands of you people. If anyone of you is interested in investing in this company so speak up now.
If more than one person is interested in making an investment then being the head of the company right now it would be solely my decision to handle the company in a deserving person's hands."

As soon as Nakul Singhaniya finished speaking, complete silence prevailed in the whole conference hall.

All the businessmen were very confused.
Each and everyone was thinking about the pros and cons of investing in this company.
Millions of thoughts were running through their minds. Achieving the ownership of a company itself was a very profitable deal but the losses Mr Nakul Singhaniya has mentioned were the main problem.

Nakul Singhaniya keenly observed everyone's faces. Confusion, thoughtfulness, hesitation, almost all the faces were filled with such expressions but among everyone two faces astonished him the most.

He again gazed at both the people one by one.

Vikram Malhotra, the youngest most successful businessman was utterly quiet.
He has that calm expression spread over his face like he has already made his decision.

Nakul Singhania was really surprised and pleased on seeing his firm expressions and determined look.
He couldn't help but admire this young man.

His gaze then drifted towards the other person whose head was lowered and who was indulged in some deep thoughts.

Not able to decipher that person's mood, he decided to ask him, " Is Something wrong Mr Kartik? I feel you're disappointed by something?"

Kavya literally flinched in panic as soon as Nakul Singhaniya addressed Kartik because in a fraction of seconds everyone's eyes were in her direction.

She gulped nervously on feeling a particular gaze over her. Mustering up some courage she decided to peek at him.

With her breath stuck in her throat, she looked in the direction where Vikram was sitting and stilled.

Vikram's surprised gaze was fixed on her.


For a few seconds everything around me became non-existent and all my eyes could focus upon was him.

With the passing seconds, I witnessed the initial disbelief on Vikram's face fading and changing into a savagely intense stare.

A jolt of emotions rushed through my body as he continued to stare me, his dark eyes boring holes into mine.

Each breath became a struggle for me under his penetrating gaze. I felt a desperate need to somehow escape from here but found myself unable to do so because his eyes were locking me like a deer caught in the hunter's gaze, unable to move.

" Mr Kartik, Are you fine ?"

The loud voice of Nakul Singhaniya again boomed in the whole conference hall and snapped me back into reality.

I immediately shifted my eyes from Vikram and looked to my side where Kartik Sir was sitting.
I noticed him looking down at something meanwhile completely lost in his own thoughts, totally unaware of all the eyes on him.

" Sir, Are you fine?", I murmured softly but he didn't respond.

In concern, I gently shook his shoulder which brought him out of his daze and he looked at me in sudden shock.

I stilled on seeing his face. I couldn't explain his expressions appropriately but for a second I saw hurt in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, his expressions changed.
" Yes I am fine Kavya ", he assured me with a weak smile.

With a brief smile, I nodded at him and immediately turned my head away from him towards everyone but my gaze found its way towards Vikram again.

This time he wasn't looking at me but his gaze was fixed on Kartik sir, more precisely on his shoulder where my hand was kept.

My breath hitched for a second and I don't know why but I instantly pulled my hand back.

Vikram shifted his attention back to me and narrowed his eyes, his silent gaze burning holes right through me.

Unable to hold his intense gaze I lowered my head, dropping my eyes to the floor.


" I am sorry for the disturbance Mr Singhaniya, I got lost in some personal thoughts but now I know what I need to do," Kartik said loudly, looking Mr Nakul with a determination.

" Its completely okay, Mr Kartik. If I may ask do you plan on accepting my proposal ?," Nakul Singhaniya questioned with eager eyes.

" Oh yes Mr Singhaniya although your proposal comes with some huge risks but I am still interested in investing in your company ", Kartik exclaimed firmly making all the people stunned.

" Good to hear that Mr Kartik", Nakul Singhaniya smiled politely at him.
" Well, I believe no one else apart from Mr Kartik wants to make an investment and claim the chief position of that company ", Nakul Singhaniya stated loudly roaming his gaze over all the people one by one.

" I will," Vikram declared loudly, his intense gaze still fixed on Kavya but then he swiftly turned his head towards Nakul Singhaniya,
" But I would like to propose certain conditions of my own Mr Singhaniya which I want to discuss with you", he glanced at Kavya
again, " in private. "

All the people looked at Vikram in amazement. Everyone started guessing about the additional conditions he wants to add.

Nakul Singhaniya smiled on hearing him because somehow he knew that this was coming.

He has met this brilliant young man couple of times and knowing him he knew that Vikram Malhotra is not the one who goes according to someone else....No wonder he is the King of the Business world.
To quench his curiosity, he questioned him back," And what makes you think Mr Malhotra that I will accept your conditions ."

" Of course you're not obligated to follow them Mr Singhaniya but you couldn't just ignore the fact that right now this company of yours is suffering a great deal of loss and if not given in right hands you will definitely go bankrupt.
So do you really feel that you're in the position to not follow my conditions ?" Vikram replied in a stern voice as he stared Mr Nakul with a challenging look.

Nakul Singhaniya was impressed by his blunt answer because in his heart he could see a shadow of himself in Vikram.
In the business world, everything is about mind, power and skills. Emotions are really useless here.

"Fair enough Mr Malhotra, I could see my company progressing under your control, " Nakul Singhaniya replied him back with a genuine smile.

" It would be rude to intrude in between Mr Singhaniya but if you're going to handle that company to a particular businessmen then you would have just done that, why the need to organise this meeting ?" Kartik said loudly, glaring between Nakul Singhaniya and Vikram Malhotra.

" Oh no you're getting it all wrong Mr Kartik, this meeting was solely organized to get an investor and an appropriate head for the company and no, I haven't made any decisions yet Mr Kartik," Nakul singhaniya answered back gently while looking at Kartik's irritated face.

" Perhaps Mr Kartik has already believed that he is going to be the next head of that company meanwhile forgetting that it's not his job to decide what's his or not !", Vikram replied bluntly and snickered.

Kartik clenched his jaw on hearing him and replied, " Oh no Mr Vikram you're getting everything wrong, I haven't believed anything.
But I could assure you one thing that If I want something then I surely get it. "

" Very well Mr Kartik but you should also remember one thing that if something is claimed by two people then in the end only one ends up getting it and trust me I don't loose easily either", Vikram replied him back with a scowl.

The air of the Conference hall suddenly turned thick with the newly born tension.
All the people quietly looked between Vikram Malhotra and Kartik Agarwal.
Each and everyone can see and feel the friction between the two of them.

On the other hand, Kavya was completely confused by the way they both were conversing with each other.
She didn't know why but she felt that the words they used got some hidden meaning to them.
She shifted uncomfortably on her seat, clearly tensed after listening to their conversations.

Nakul Singhaniya cleared his throat to get everyone's attention towards him and lessen the newly born tension present in the conference hall, " Thank you everyone for coming here, I am really very grateful that you all showed up on such a short notice. Soon you'll get the news of the next owner of that company but for now, the meeting ends here only ."

Greeting and Nodding at each other, all the people stood up and started heading out of the conference hall meanwhile Kartik, Kavya and Vikram were still seated.

All of a sudden Kartik stood up with a stern look on his face and looked at Kavya,
"Come on Kavya, there's no further reason to be seated here, come with me."

Instantly Kavya's eyes drifted towards Vikram and she stiffened when she noticed his gaze fixed on her.

He was looking at her silently with unreadable expressions.

The intensity within those eyes made her soul shudder with strange feelings. Somehow she felt his eyes trying to say something to her, frankly she didn't know why but the idea of getting away from here didn't feel good to her.

" We don't have all day Kavya, Come ", Kartik's impatient voice again rang in her ears and her gaze immediately shifted from Vikram to him.

She noticed him frowning at her. His jaws were clenched and there was a strange look in his eyes, one she didn't recognize.
Honestly, he looked a little irritated and angry.

Not wanting to stir him further she nodded at him and quickly stood up from her chair.

To her surprise, Kartik gripped her hand and instantly started to drag her along with him outside the conference hall.

Something within her was urging her to look back but....she didn't.

Thank you ❤