Eligible Bachelor - Episode 9 and 10 in English Love Stories by Mugdha books and stories PDF | Eligible Bachelor - Episode 9 and 10

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Eligible Bachelor - Episode 9 and 10

Chapter 9

Samyak landed at Hyderabad airport the next morning. His eyes were swollen. He was feeling devastated. He agreed to NIharika’s decision but he is not able to accept it. His first love, that special feeling, which he felt for the first time after meeting Niharika, is all shattered within seconds. He was so disappointed. He was still in shock and had no idea how to bring it all in front of his family. His parents’ happiness, excitement, preparations for his marriage were going to be smashed.

Samyak pressed the doorbell. Vedant knows it would be Samyak so he called his mother to open the door. Anita opened the door and was completely surprised to see Samyak standing.

“Samyak… is that you? You are back. Ohh god… When did you….? How come….? Vivek…. Vedant… look who is here?” She is so happy and surprised that not able to complete her sentences.

Vivek and Vedant also came at the door.

“Are Samyak…” Vivek is also surprised to look at him.

Ajay and Seema haven’t told anything to Vivek or Anita about Samyak’s visit and all that happened. They thought they will call them after Samyak will reach Hyderabad. Samyak’s parents have no clue what Samyak had been through in the last 24 hrs. They are delighted to see Samyak.

Vedant came forward and hugged his brother. He took his bag inside and asked his parents, “So Mummy Papa, how was the surprise?”

“You knew about it. Why did not you tell me before?” Anita asked Vedant.

“If I have told you how can we see this happiness on your face.” Vedant chuckled.

Samyak looked at his parents. Vedant was right. His parents' faces are lighted with joy. He doesn’t want to spoil their happiness but he has to tell them everything. He thought to himself that he has to be strong and hide his emotions. It’s going to be shocking for them and if they see him disappointed and broken they will be shattered.

“So how was your trip? Your work is completed or you have come on a holiday?” Vivek enquired.

“It was good Papa. I can handle the rest of the work from here so I came back. I have to join the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s great. You have two days to rest. You are looking so tired and weak. You didn’t eat anything there?” Anita worried for her son looking at his dull face and swollen eyes.

“Bhaiya go and freshen up then we all have food” Vedant asked Samyak.

Samyak went to his room and started unpacking his stuff. He took out the gifts he bought for everyone. A small box fell down from the clothes. He picked it and opened it. It was a beautiful watch, which he got for Niharika. He had planned to give it to her after everything will be sorted. He sat on the bed and felt miserable. Whatever he had planned or thought, nothing had happened. He closed his eyes and everything started coming in front of his eyes.

“Samyak… Samyak… come beta. We all are waiting for you.” Anita called him.

His thoughts break with her voice. He comes back to reality. He got freshen up and took everyone’s gift. He came outside and gave it to everyone. Vedant is very excited to see his gift. They all had their food. Anita stood up and going towards the kitchen but Samyak holds her hand and asked her to sit.

“Samyak we can talk later. You go and take some rest.” Anita told him.

“No Mummy. I am fine. I want to tell you guys something.” Samyak’s tone is very serious.

Vivek and Anita looked at each other.

“What happened Samyak? Is everything ok?” Vivek asked.

“No Papa… Everything is not ok. Before coming to Hyderabad I went to Jaipur to meet Niharika.”

“Ahh… so you already met Niharika? How is she? I was thinking that I will call her mother today and we can plan for shopping. Now you are also here so we can select everything as per your choices.” Anita said as her mind has started making the list of things.

“Mummy there is no need for shopping now.” Samyak looked at her mother.

“Why are you saying so?” Anita’s eyebrows raised.

“We are not together anymore. She has called off the engagement.” Samyak said the hardest part.

“Samyak what are you saying? Are you in your senses?” Vivek said angrily.

Anita was shocked and Vedant was looking at Samyak. No one understands what is happening.

Samyak took a deep breath and told everything to his family. They are all stunned. They have not dreamt of anything like that.

“How can they just say no? Let me talk to Ajay. There must be some misunderstanding.” Vivek started looking for his mobile.

“There is no point in talking now. She made up her mind and I think we should also accept it.” Samyak stopped Vivek.

“Accept it? Did you able to accept it? How can she do this? I am sure there is something still going on that’s why she called it off. Why did not she tell all this before?” Anita is furious.

“Mummy its nothing like that. She doesn’t feel that I am the right guy for him. We can not force anyone.” Samyak is trying to hold his emotions badly.

“You are not right or she is not right? I thought she is very mature and well mannered but this behavior of hers is so childish and…. I have no words to say.” Anita holds her head.

Vedant went to Samyak and kept his hands on his shoulder,” Bhaiya are you okay?”

They all looked at Samyak. Vivek and Anita realized that Samyak must be feeling so disappointed and sad. Now, his swollen eyes and his dull face saying the actual reason.

“I am okay Vedant. I will be okay.” Samyak couldn’t look into his eyes while replying.

Vedant knew his brother is feeling devastated right now but he doesn’t know what to do to make him feel better.

“I want you guys to be relaxed now. I will be fine. I am going to my room.” Samyak can’t sit there anymore. He wants to avoid any further talks on this topic.

He went to his room. Anita called him but Vivek asked her to wait for some time.

She sat back again and started crying, “Ohh god… why did all this happen to us? Look at him, he is so sad. What has she done to my son? She broke his heart.”

“I know he is showing strength in front of us but inside he is shattered” Vivek said worriedly.

“Bhaiya really liked her. I think he still likes her. To forget her and move on will be very difficult for him.” Vedant said.

“He will forget her. We will find a better match for him.” Anita is now determined.

“I think we should give him some time. We will not talk anything about marriage or something which can hurt him for a few days.” Vivek warned Anita.

“But Vivek…” Anita tried to reason.

“No Anita. It’s final.” Vivek announced.

Vivek’s mobile rang. He looked at the screen shockingly. It is from Ajay.

“Whose call?” Anita asked looking at his expressions.

“Niharika’s father.” Vivek said.

“Why are they calling now? Whatever his daughter did is not enough or not?” Anita said angrily.

Vivek answered the call.


“Hello, Vivekji. Its Ajay. Namaste.”

“Namaste Ajayji.”

“I don’t know if this is the right time to call you or not. I guess you got to know about everything that happened. It is very unfortunate but when kids are not happy what to do?”

“Hmm… I don’t have anything to say. Only thing, which I feel whatever has happened is not the right way. We can sit and talk about it.”

“I know you all are very hurt but my daughter is also…”

“Let it be. What was due to happen, has happened. Now there is no point in dragging it further.”

“I guess you are right. Ok, Vivekji Namaste.”


They both hung up. If they talk further, it would be going to bitter. It is better to end up here only.

Chapter 10

Two months have passed but Samyak is still not normal. He shows everyone that he is fine but he is actually not. He has submerged himself in work. He hardly talks at home. Early morning he leaves the house and he comes back late evening. He talks only that much which is required. Even he avoids going to play football with his friends. His friends also know about his break up. So if they insist also he will make some excuses. Looking at him, Vivek and Anita are very concerned. They try to talk to him but he simply replies in yes or no. Even Vedant also tried to speak with him but all in vain. He doesn’t want to share his feelings with anyone.

There are many painful things, which happens after an alliance breaks. All the relatives from both sides start talking and spreading various baseless things about the boy, girl, and their families. Some say the girl has an affair, some say the boy is dominating, some say families don’t gel up together. In any family function or social gathering, people look at them with questions.

Whatever gifts were exchanged at the time of engagement between both families are all returned to each other. Anita is looking at them and thinking that with so much love and hope she has bought gifts for her would-be daughter-in-law. That bracelet is also there which Samyak had given to Niharika at the airport.

The environment of the house is sad and gloomy. Amidst all these, a piece of good news knocked on their door. Vedant’s CA final result is out and he has cleared it this time. After so many days something good has happened. Vivek and Anita are very happy.

Vedant took his parents’ blessings. Samyak hugged his brother and congratulate him. After so many days he is smiling. Looking at their sons’ faces, Vivek and Anita are feeling somewhat relieved. Samyak and Vedant went out to buy ice cream for the celebration. Vivek and Anita sat down in the living room.

“Now Vedant will also settle. I hope he gets a good job.” Vivek took a deep breath.

“He will surely get one. I know its little challenging as it took him few attempts but he is talented. He will make his way to a successful career.” Anita assured Vivek.

“But I am still worried about Samyak. He is still not got over with whatever happened. I think we should talk to him. Alliances are coming but we have been avoiding them. But now we should keep everything aside and start looking at them. If something unfortunate happened once, doesn’t mean we run away from that. We have to face it and move on. I know you said that we should give Samyak sometime but I think now its time that he gets over with all that and start it all afresh.” Anita opened her heart.

After thinking a while Vivek said, “Hmm… I guess you are right. Good matches are difficult to find and we don’t know how much time it will take to find the perfect one. People also look at things differently when something like this happened. They will start judging every single thing.”

“I know it is going to be difficult but we should be hopeful and positive.” Anita’s heart again started knitting dreams for his son.

“Didi called me a few days back about some match. You talk to her and let's see if horoscopes match.” Vivek is talking about his sister, Aditya’s mother who suggested some alliance for Samyak but Vivek kind of avoided it at that time.

“Ok, I will talk to her and get the details. But what about Samyak?” Anita asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, we will talk to him and try to convince him” Vivek assured Anita.

By the time Vedant and Samyak got back with ice cream and they all relish the treat together.

Anita called her sister-in-law the very next day and asked her about the girl. She said, she will send her horoscope and photos via email. She also told Anita that they know about Samyak’s first engagement. Anita felt relieved that they knew everything and want to move ahead.

“Anita… Anita…” Vivek called out his wife.

“Yes… coming.” She came outside.

“Look didi has sent the photos.” He gave his mobile to Anita.

“Girl looks nice” Anita said looking at her pic.

“Yes and even horoscopes also matched” Vivek told Anita.

“Really that’s great. Let Samyak come back from office then we will talk to him.” Anita is feeling happy but a little nervous as well.

Samyak got back quite and was very tired. Anita served him dinner and sat beside him, “Samyak how was your day beta? You are looking very tired.”

“Yes Mummy, it was a little hectic. The workload is increasing these days.” Samyak replied eating his dinner.

Vivek also joined the table.

“It is increasing or you are taking it up more to make yourself busy?” Vivek questioned him.

Samyak looked at him surprised.

“Don’t look surprised. We are your parents. We know what is all going on in the last few months. You are cutting yourself off from everyone and not sharing your feelings with anyone. Sharing it with someone will only make you feel better. Whenever we try talking, you just avoid it. Do you think we will not understand you?” Anita said softly.

“Your mother is right. We are here for you and your brother. If our kids are not happy, they are not able to share their feelings with us, what is the point?” Vivek also joined Anita.

They are speaking their hearts today and expecting that Samyak will also open up.

“Look beta, we know whatever happened was very unfortunate. You are very hurt, but that doesn’t mean that you stop living your life. You stopped going out with your friends. You don’t even go to play football about which you are so passionate.” Anita said.

“This is life, sometimes up and sometimes down. You are not alone. We are with you in every up and down. But you have to gather yourself and start living it.” Vivek kept his hand on Samyak’s shoulder.

Samyak was stunned and felt so emotional. Tears rolled down from his eyes, which he is holding for so long. Anita also started crying.

“Thank you so much. I am really lucky to have you guys in my life. I know, I have kinda built a wall around me and keeping myself aloof. But I don’t know what happened. I don’t feel like talking to anyone, going outside, meeting with friends. All those memories keep coming back to me. So I thought that as much as I work, I will not think about it. I know you are right, I should move on but I am not able to do it. I feel restless.” Samyak finally opened his heart.

“We understand it is difficult for you but who said life is easy. It is not a piece of cake. You have to be strong and take one step. That first step is very important. Once you will take it up, all others will come along.” Vivek encouraged him.

“I think you are right Papa. I have to take that one step. I will try my best.” Samyak assured his parents and also make himself determined to move on.

“Samyak, we found a match for you. We want you to think about it and let us know. If you are ready we will call the family and talk about it.” Anita said nervously.

Samyak thought for a while and said, “I am ready.”

Vivek and Anita looked at him surprised. But they are happy that he agreed.