Have you problem ? ....no problem 2 in English Fiction Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Have you problem ? ....no problem 2

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Have you problem ? ....no problem 2

In previous book we have seen problem becomes problem when you become nervous and worried. If you mentally become strong and tell your mind that this is not problem at all, this is fact and I have great capacity to handle it, than problem is becomes only fact.

So before doing anything tell your mind that in this world so many people are living in slums,so many are handicapped and so many people who are blind and yet even they people, most of time never complaint there difficulties. They are really very brave person. And you rarly hear that any handicapped and blind man did suicide. They are very very courageous. So we should learn from this type of great people and tell your mind that if I am upset or become nervous than I really insult of my ability.

So before doing anything make your mind calm,peacefull and happy than go to search solutions.

The first thing should be remembered. Never go to saint, sadhu, or any spiritual guru. No never go,they can't solve your problem. Any taviz or threads never solve your problem. Never go to temple, masjid or church to beg.

The first solution is, always discuss with your trusted and true friends. Never go to that type of friends to whom you don't trust. And if you can't decide which are trusted friends and which are not trusted friends than ask your sub conscious mind, it is very smart, it will give you real answer. It is more better if you share your problem with your family member. You can discuss with your brother, sister, wife,husband,or even with your father and mother. You should understand that your family member never never never give you wrong answer. Because in the whole world, only your family members are very trustable person than anybody. I have seen so many who never tell their problem to his family member and after they ruined.

When you face the problem, first of all understand it. Go into deep of problem and study maximum of problem. Great philosopher j. Krishnsmurti says when you understand any problem it becomes so easy. So first thing understand that problem and I always suggest take one pen and note book and write your problem and solution so it will be more clear. When you write your mind is getting clear cut idea.

In every problem alternate is always there.If you are facing problem of break up than also alternate is there. If you have problem in business, alternate of another business is there. So every problem have alternate. Think of another alternate and you will sure get it.

Nobody loves problem. But this is very strange and difficult thing I want to teach you. Can you love your problem ?. You will say me how foolish you are ? but I am telling you with confidence that love your problem when you any time face problem tell your self, I am not worried for my problem but I love to finish this problem and I am enjoying to solve this problem.I become so happy to solve this problem.
See nobody will teach this type of lesson this is very different type of lesson for problem but if you can try and what is wrong with to do this try. See afterall all this is mind game. If you tell your mind that I love and I become more happy to solve my problem. Your sub conciousness mind will accept this and you will be more relaxed. And think when you love to solve your problem than you will never run from your problem.

Most of time people run from their problem and become worried and always delay delay and delay but if your attitude towards your problem like this. Than you will never run from your problem.

Problem is very strange. Every problem have habit to become big, big and big if you give it time. If you don't finish your problem immiditely, it will become big next day. Think if you delay it for month than how big it will be. So try to finish it immiditely, not try, but I am saying by force, finish it immiditely. But always remember finish it with joy. And you will be most happy person in the world.

See everyone wants happiness. You can live happy without problem and you can live happily with problem also. So why can't live happily with problem also.