Humanity in English Moral Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | Humanity

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There was a small village called Radhe Nagar on the banks of the river Sabarmati. The villagers were exceedingly kind and honest people. There was always peace in the village. The word quarrel was unknown to them.

Surendra Patel was the richest man in that village. He had a grocery shop in the market, and he is the only hope in the village when somebody needs money. Surendra was a very greedy man and used to cheat the entire village with different schemes.

Once someone borrows money from him, he or she will be a permanent debt holder for him. The vicious cycle of interest and original never ends with him. Surendra had many people under his malicious schemes and he always has a hidden agenda of grabbing the lands of poor uneducated famers. The entire village knew this, but it was a necessary evil they must follow. Farmers in this country are always ill-treated and never cared about. Though they are the feeders of humanity, but they and their kids are always malnourished. Despite of all these adversities in life, they grow food for us.

One such debt holder of Surendra was Ramesh Rathod who had 3 kids, wife, and a sick mother. Ramesh had to borrow 20,000 rupees from Surendra, and it was like inviting a lion to a goat’s house. Surendra had already targeted Ramesh’s land but was not getting any chance of laying his hands on it.

But then Ramesh gave him that chance. For his mother, Ramesh had to borrow rupees and he got himself crushed between the cruel spiked wheels of never-ending interest.

Ramesh had to return the money within the span of 6 months. He thought that the yield will be able to repay the amount. But, the wheel of luck turned against Ramesh and there was no rain. The entire product was wasted without water. Ramesh had no where to go. He was under tremendous pressure as he knew the Surendra will demand his money or he will just take the land. Ramesh was in a trans position looking into the future where his kids were dying because of hunger. His mother already died, and he did not have enough money for her cremation.

A loud knock on the door pulled Ramesh back. Surendra Patel was there at the door with his goons having a wicked smile on his face. Ramesh folded his hands and bowed. Surendra told, ‘give me the money Ramesh’. Ramesh said, ‘Sir, I don’t have the money right now, but I would return back within a week. Please give me that much time. Please.’ Surendra looked at him as if he is looking through his soul and said, ‘three days by showing three fingers and added pay the money by that time or your land will be mine’.

Kids of Ramesh were in a corner and were shivering with fear. His wife was stunned and was not able to speak anything. His mother was praying for her death. The entire house was having a sign of poverty. Empty vessels, no groceries, no jewellery, and no money to pay the debt. It was a matter of being alive first and then paying the debt. Ramesh knew that Surendra was ruthless. He knew once he gives his land to Surendra, he and his family won’t be able to survive and there was no other way to this situation.

Two days passes and despite of Ramesh’s extremely aggressive efforts, he was not able to get the money. On the third day morning, he woke up and hugged his kids tightly. His wife read the decision in his eyes about meeting the creator of the world. Ramesh went to the market and bought the rat poison. With a very heavy heart his wife mixed the poison in the lunch. Ramesh hugged his wife and kids tightly and cried his heart out. His mother on the bed side constantly praying the God and asking for his mercy.

One of kids asked,’ Father why are you crying so much? Are you going to leave us?’. Ramesh smiled covering the immense amount of pain and said,’ No son. It is just that I am lucky to have all of you, so these tears are happy tears.’ Then Ramesh started towards Surendra’s house and every step was as heavy as if that is the last step towards the death. After reaching there, he knocked and waited.

A servant opened the door and asked Ramesh to wait in a corner. Surendra stepped down from the first floor of his glorious house which was built over the blood and bones of countless poor farmers. It was a house but practically a debris of the hopes and dreams of poor farmers. Surendra came towards Ramesh and sat on the swing with a victorious smile on his face. Surendra asked, ‘where is my money?’. Ramesh with watery eyes said, ‘Sir, please have mercy on me and my family. I do not have money as it was not much rain and I did not have enough yield to survive. In this condition, how can I repay your loan?’. Ramesh fell to Surendra’s legs and cried. He said, ‘Please sir have some mercy on my family’.

A loud cry changed the tableau. Surendra rushed inside. His son struck his head and the blood was rushing out his scar like a flow of the river. Surendra called for help and Ramesh and others carried the boy and put him in the car. Surendra drove like a maniac while Ramesh was holding the boy’s head in his lap by pressing his wound with his cloth. They reached the hospital and doctors took the boy in the operation room. After a while, doctor came out and called Surendra. Doctor said, ‘Too much blood was lost, so he needs to be given blood quickly or anything can happen’.

Surendra said immediately, ‘please take all my blood, but please save my son’. Doctor said, ‘Your son has a rare blood group B- and you and your wife both are not a match’. Surendra could not speak anything at all and was just staring at the doctor. Doctor said Surendra, ‘Please ask your friends and relatives or anyone you can’. Surendra called all his servants and asked the Doctor to check their blood. Meanwhile, Ramesh was listening to this conversation quietly and then decided to come forward.

Six months back, there was a blood camp in the village, and everybody was invited to donate blood and check for diseases. Ramesh also donated blood and knew that his blood group is B-. He patted Surendra’s shoulder and said, ‘I will give blood to your son.’ Surendra could not believe his ears as if he is deaf.’ The guy whose land he was about to confiscate with living him nothing to survive on wanted to give his blood to save his son’s life.’ Doctor took Ramesh inside and gave his blood to the boy.

After a while, doctor came out and said, ‘the boy is now out of danger.’ Surendra could not believe and asked again. Doctor nodded positively. Suddenly, Surendra turned to find Ramesh but his eyes could not find him. By that time Ramesh had already left. Surendra rushed out to his car and drove towards Ramesh’s house.

At that time, Ramesh was gathering courage for one last lunch with his beloved family. He touched the feet of his mother and said,’ Sorry mother. I could not be a good son and could not do much for you.’ His mother said, ‘I would love to have a son like you in every birth my son. I love you so much.’ Ramesh turned towards his wife and said, ‘You married me with so many dreams, but none of them got fulfilled. I am no where near of becoming a good husband. So, in the next birth choose a better husband.’ His wife said, ‘Certainly not. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would love to be your wife for next many births.’

Ramesh looked at his kids, but his tongue left his side and words were not able to come out of his mouth. He just hugged them tightly and a torrent of tears was rolling down from his eyes. His wife set all the plates and gave all of them the poisoned food. Ramesh took the first bite and was about to feed his son and with a loud sound the door was swung opened. Surendra rushed inside and grabbed Ramesh’s feet and cried, ‘Please forgive me Ramesh. I was about to take everything you have, and you have given everything you have to save my son. I am an evil person but saved by the goodness in your heart. Your blood is running in my son’s wains which saved him. So, please forgive me and take these papers back. I am forever in your debt as what can I give to the feeder of the world.’

Ramesh helped Surendra to stand up and hugged him. Both were crying and tears were happily mixed as the humanity was saved once again. The good won the battle against evil and a family was saved. Ramesh said to Surendra, ‘Sir, no matter how much money you earn that cannot save any life. A random act of kindness can save a life. As it has a ripple effect and the other heart will also do the same. This can create a society where hearts and lives matter and not the greed.

Finally, Ramesh got his land back and with his hard work, he was able to survive and live happily with his family. Surendra let go every single penny of debt of the entire village and set a new example of life. Now his house has a bell at the door which can be rung to seek help.