Mystical Man - 3 in English Children Stories by Patel Jihan K books and stories PDF | Mystical Man - 3

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Mystical Man - 3

Mystical Man



“I thought that Unicorn can kill Mystical Man and can take the emblems. Now, I only need to kill Mystical Man and the other two super heroes. So, now is the time to make the army because 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years are over.” Destroyer said.


“Hi friends! What’s up?” I asked to Calvin and Harley.

“Hey there.” They both said.

“So, any information about Destroyer?” Harley asked.

“Yeah. Sammy told me that now 1 sextillion years are over. So, Uni..err Destroyer has started making the army. But Sammy doesn’t know where Destroyer is right now?” I answered.

“What’s up, guys? What are you talking about?” Jim asked. He is our class mate.

“Nothing. Just talking that how Mystical Man defeated Unicorn?” I said.

“Ohh.” Jim said and went away because he has no interest in this at all.

The whole class was talking. Then, our sir came in the class. Everyone said “Good Morning” and the class started. It was nice but I, Harley and Calvin were getting bored because we know everything. Anyone who is bounded from any of the four emblems have two common powers - 1st is that they can fly and 2nd is that they become more intelligent.

Then, I asked to Harley and Calvin, “Can I fast forward this class?”

“Yeah” They both answered.

“So, hold my hand.” I said and they did it.

I fast forward the time at the end of the day. Sir gave us homework that we needed to count the planets in the entire universe. Harley and Calvin were tensed but I was relaxed and said “I know. Tomorrow, just repeat after me.”


“So, who knows the answer?” Sir asked.

Even the class’s smartest student, Sam, could not answer it.

Sir asked, “No one knows the answer?”

Then I, Harley and Calvin raised the hand and sir said, “Stand up Johnny and say the answer.”

“145,598,790,423,162,104 planets are there in this universe. If there are less, then Unicorn must have destroyed them.” I answered.

Everyone started laughing. Sir was very angry and said, “Let me take you to the principle.”

Sir took me there and said, “Sir, he is making fun by giving wrong answers.”

“What was the question?” Principle asked.

“Count the number of planets in the universe?”

“What you answered?” The principle asked me.

I answered, “There are 145,598,790,423,162,104 planets in the universe and if there are less, then Unicorn must have destroyed them.”

“Hmm! So, you know Ray what is the answer?” The principle asked to sir.

He said, “I don’t know?”

“Then how could you tell that he is giving the wrong answer. Son, you can go.” Principle said. Mr. Ray was in shock.


I was going home on my skateboard. Yeah! Skateboard. I saw something weird. Harley was flying in his normal dress. Everyone was seeing him but nobody knew that he was Harley. I was watching him and an old man with his dog came in front of me. I went by the wall. That means, I was skating on the wall. But this time, I didn’t use my powers. Everyone was amazed. Then, I came back to the ground. I was so fast that anyone who skates on this speed can fall if he tries to stop himself/herself. Then, I saw that it was red signal for pedestrian. I made a stop. This time, I used my powers.

I was at home. Everything was fine until Paul started his cartoons on TV.

Mom was angry and said, “Paul, now you are in 5th grade. No cartoons.”

“No mom, this isn’t fair.” Paul said.

Mom switched off the TV and sent Paul to his room. So now, no remote fights anymore between me and Paul. I made a tub of popcorn for myself and watched the movies.


I had forgotten about our mission to find Destroyer. It has been a long time because it is second last month of my school. Today, I and Paul were playing cricket in the front yard. Mom was watching TV and was eating popcorn. I threw the ball Paul hit a shot. The window of our drawing room was open and the ball broke the TV. Mom’s favorite show was airing on TV that time.

Mom yelled, “Johnny, Paulllllllllll!”

It was so loud that the baby of our neighbor started crying. Mom came out and gave a lecture to us both. She was very angry with both of us and told us that if my marks will be less than 85%, I would have to study for the whole summer vacation. We both were grounded for a week. So, I have so much time to search about Destroyer. I got a lot of information about Destroyer that he has awakened the force of Orion leader of the Evil Dimension. His commander in chief is Makashiki but he is unable to awaken Makashiki and Orion. The force has uncountable number of soldiers. They keep on adding. Destroyer has control nearly all over the universe. Only one planet is left… Earth.


I have been waiting for Destroyer for so many months. Now, we are in 12th grade. I am still waiting for Destroyer but he didn’t come. I thought that he is scared of me. Then, I felt stress-free. Today, there was a robbery in our neighborhood. My team went there and the thieves surrendered themselves.

The Wizards were famous. There was going to be a play on The Wizards in our school. Our play teacher was Mrs. Rosy. The story of the play is that Unicorn is destroying everything. The Wizards comes and save the day. Audition was on 10th Feb. We three applied for an audition. I applied for Mystical Man, Harley applied for Mystery king, and Calvin applied for Iron Phoenix. We were selected but the person who applied for the role of Unicorn was Tom, my enemy. But, on the day of the play, Tom fell ill and I played the role of Unicorn and Jim played the role of Mystical Man. The play was hilarious. I felt ashamed but the audience was happy.


“So, now it looks like Destroyer is scared from me so he is not coming to Earth.” I said to Harley and Calvin.

We were so careless about Destroyer. We can now concentrate on our personal life. So, we decided to study and not to use magic.

But Harley said, “What is the use of having it if we do not use our powers. What about our intelligence that we got from our emblems?”

So we did not follow our decision. I went home and slept well because I have no worry about exam and Destroyer anymore.


Then, on the day of the final exam, everyone was tensed but we three were not. It took 15 minutes to complete our paper and today was our farewell party. Everyone was enjoying so much. We were also enjoying. (Destroyer took advantage of our carelessness and came to attack the Earth. Because, if he had come earlier, we would have easily defeated him. That time, we knew he should be coming anytime. So, he didn’t come.) I saw something from the window, it was Destroyer. I called Harley and Calvin. They were also in shock.

I said, “Why always these villains come when we are enjoying?”

I looked at Harley. He looked at me and then I looked at Calvin and he looked at me.

“So, we will go directly from here or from back side?” I asked.

“From here.” Harley said.

“No, from back side.” Calvin said.

Then, we went up to the stage in our costume and said in the mike, “Friends, continue the party.”

“What?” Everyone asked even Harley and Calvin.

“Friends, listen to me. Continue the party. We will protect you from Destroyer and his team which is coming right now.” I said.

Instead of doing the party, they ran away. We easily went outside. Destroyer had landed and his army was destroying everything. Destroyer had the cube when he saw us.

He said “Oh, losers! I was waiting for you because I WANTED TO KILL YOU.” He pointed the cube’s beam on us. Then, we were dead.

“NOOOOOOO.” I said.

It woke me up. “Oh! It was a nightmare. Destroyer, you can never rule over the universe because you will never defeat me.” I said.

So, I know Destroyer can do this so we were alert.

“We need to make a strategy.” I said.

“But when?” Harley asked.

I asked to Sammy, where is Destroyer?

He said, “After one month, he will be here.”

“So, today is 12th Feb. He will come on 12th March.” I said.

“On the day of our farewell party.” Harley said.

We all started thinking and finally, we came with a plan. We put a protective shield outside Earth.


Today, we were going to do that but suddenly a portal started appearing and Destroyer with its army came. Sammy was wrong about him. They started destroying everything. There was a big monster in the army. I tried to explode them, but they cannot be exploded. We need to fight hand to hand. I made a fire ball and threw to a small monster. He burnt. I took a big stone and threw towards a monster. He was flat under it.

Harley took out his sword and started killing them. He made a sword slash in a monster then another and the third one. He made a sword slash with both of his sword. Calvin had the power of nature. When he poured his hand inside the road a series of cactus grown and the monster was stuck inside it and the last monster was split apart. An idea hit my mind. I inhaled so much of air in my mouth and made a big blow of air. They all were near the clouds.

I said to Calvin, “Calvin thunder storm.”

He did it. They were all burnt and then they were dead.

“Sammy, how to stop this monster?” I asked Sammy.

“Sir, you need to find Destroyer and destroy the cube.” He answered.

We are still fighting and the time is 11:55 pm. But, the monsters kept on coming and we can’t reach to Destroyer because he was outside in space. We tried to go there but the monster stopped us.


It is the third day going on of our fight. Also, the monsters aren’t decreasing. Then, an idea hit my mind. I said to Harley and Calvin that they will cover me from the monster and I can easily go to the space. We did that and went into the space. I saw Destroyer.

He said, “Oh. Come. Son, come. I was waiting for you. Come on. Don’t be scared to fight.”

He made a destroying ball and threw towards me but I defended it by moving aside. Then, I took an asteroid and threw towards him. He easily defended it by giving a punch to it. Then, he made another destroying ball and instead of throwing it at me, he threw towards a big asteroid and it broke into small pieces. He controlled the pieces and he let them head towards me.

Rock pieces covered me whole and the force of it took me to Venus. When I landed on the planet, the rocks chained me to the ground. I tried to elude but I couldn’t. He made a destroying ball and threw towards me. I was falling weak. The ball destroyed all of my skin.

Then, Sammy said to me, “Sir, Harley and Calvin sirs are not able to fight anymore because giant monster is holding Harley and Calvin by the neck with his claws and was giving a hard punch to both of them. They could barely breathe. Then, he made a destroying ball and threw towards them. Now, one punch of that monster can kill them both.”

Destroyer was going to kill me with the help of the cube of destruction. Then, an idea hit my mind. I tried my best to elude from the grip of the rock pieces. They were so tight. Then also, I elude from there. He was in the air. Not very high. A ray of light came towards me. I made a jump then took the cube. I went through Destroyer and left that cube inside him and threw a destroying ball in the stomach of Destroyer. The cube itself got activated and exploded itself. Destroyer was going to explode.

He said only one word,


Each and every monster on the Earth and outside became water. I went to the Earth and then recreated everything. So many people were injured and some dead. But, I healed everyone. The Earth was now safe.


I killed Destroyer so many days ago. Our final exams and the farewell party were also done. We were enjoying our summer vacations. Today, we three need to go to a park. The owner of the park, Mrs. Rose, invited us. Each and every person of New York came there. When we went there, we saw a red color cloth covering something. When Mrs. Rose uncovered that thing, we were amazed. We saw that they have made our statues. I was in the middle and they both were beside me. Just like we are standing right now. I was so happy and children came running towards us. Cheering the name of our team. Some children requested me to make them fly, some requested Harley to take out his sword out and let them touch it and some requested Calvin to grow a big thorn plants. We were happy that people loved us.


Now, we all were in college. We were in three different colleges. I went into robotic engineering college. Harley went into civil engineering and Calvin went to electrical engineering. But my cousin was with me. His name is Peter.

When at afternoon in our room, I was trying to sleep and then suddenly Peter woke me up and said, “Hey Johnny. Come. I’ll show you something.” I went with him. He took me to a silent place where there is no one.

He said, “Now look at this.”

Then, he took out something of golden color. When he put it in front of his chest, a costume came out of it. He had some kind of big weapons on his hand. He had so many blades and ninja star, two boomerangs on his belt, and two guns at his backside. He had whole green suit with black strips. He had wings too. He told me that he was going somewhere. He fell down due to something when he took it. The thing bounded with him and came on his chest.

He got wings and intelligence too. He made his wrist weapon which shoots a dart like thing and if anyone is hit by the dart, the dart spread inside the person’s body and he can control that body. He made a device that can hypnotize anyone. Guns that can shoot anything. I was impressed by him. I told him my story and called Harley and Calvin here.

“So, I am in your team, right?” Peter said.

“Yeah.” I said.

“There is another member in our team.” Calvin said.

“So, let’s tell master Kodo that Peter is bounded with the fourth emblem Griffined.” I said.

“My name is Aerodrone.” Peter said

“So we need not have to think of a name.” I whispered

“Okay let’s tell this to Master Kodo” Everyone replied.
