Taste Of Fear - 22 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 22

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 22

“Shyam… hello janab… “

“What?” Shyam came out of the thought by Charmi’s voice.

“Will you show any idea before the evening or will you continue thinking?”

“Yes, but I am afraid whether or not it works,” Shyam replied.

“Tell me. Let me see if it works.”

“Hmmm, listen… The labra recognise the human by body smell. The lab recognises even his owner by clothes and body smell and the smell of perspiration in the night. We can deceive the labra if we tackle that fella and wear his clothes.”

“Good, but either of us can wear his clothes and there are two dogs. How should we deal with the other?”

“The labra’s strength can be weakened if it gets soaked in the cold and if we can pour cold water on it, it will surely lose its whole strength.”

“And Pitbull? Does the water affect it?”

“I know about the labra but at last, the lab and the pit bull both are breeds of dogs. May water affect the both?”

“Hmmm, and we have no other weapon use at them except the water.”

“One more hurdle?” Shyam was distressed.

“What is that?”

“We don’t know what is there out of the room. If we could have an outline of this building…”

“Yes, we should ask for the map when Balbeer comes again.” Charmi laughed, “Please, don’t talk such nonsense and listen to the plan ahead. I will make Balbeer faint and I wear his clothes.”

“Then dogs attack me only.” Shyam interrupted her words.

“Yes, now you thought with sense. Tackling the kidnappers are more important than dogs. If we could trap them in their room, we can use the gun at the dogs.”

“Hmmm, then explain me the plan.”

“I am doing so. I will rapidly bolt the room which has lights on and chaos of party. You must handle the dogs meanwhile. I will finish my work in a few seconds.”

“But why am I only against dogs?”

“Cos if they will alert before bolting the door, I am sure you can not save your life from the bullets of a machine gun or automatic pistols. I am presenting you against the dog as it is less risky.”

“Less risky?” Shyam exclaimed.

“Yes, less risky. It is easy to save from the dogs. Scientists have developed a vaccine for dog bitting but no vaccine for the bullet. Bullet in the head or the chest never lets you reach the doctor.”

“And something happens to you then?”

“Then you run away.”

“How can I run leaving you behind?”

“Mister, we are not lovers from college time.”

“I don’t mean that but…” Shyam annoyed.

“Shyam, in this situation, either of us can survive will be a great boon. If something happens to me, you must run without wasting time. Never look back until you reach Gujarat.”


“No excuse, please, this is a rule in the military and you must obey it as a good citizen. Now listen carefully. It will take only ten seconds to me to bolt the door. During these ten seconds, you must save your neck from the hounds. You fight to them in such a way they can never reach your neck. Dog bite except the neck can be cured but if they catch your neck, it may be fatal. Can you understand me?”

“It is very likely they see you bolting the door. I afraid the bullets will split your head.

“No, no.. This is not Gujarat. Here is cold now. They will be intoxicated and one has a birthday today. They must have invited any call girl. The door must be closed and I have to do is only to bolt it from outside. It will take no more than ten seconds.”

“Understand, we will fool the labra by chickens and his owner’s clothes.”

“Good, but you have to fight to Pitbull until I bolt the door. You must be brave.”

“Don’t know whether I could fight but I won’t let the pitbull reach my neck during those ten seconds.”

“That’s called a spirit. Oh yes, we forgot about the water.”


“You can use the water, a balti full of water can help you fight against the pit bull.”

“Okay, best of luck.”

“Best of luck to you.” She smiled, “and remember again, if I am caught, you will run away. They won’t kill me until they catch you back. And if you are caught, I will do same.”

“I should fill the balti with water. We have no much time.”

“Good, I hope you have understood everything. Take a little rest to increase the stamina.”

“Ok. You also take the rest.”

“I have no need of the rest. I am confident in my training. I can run 3 km even if I am hungry and thirsty for three days.”

“I also have to trust on your training now.” Shyam spoke filling balti with water, “we have balti full with water.”


They began to wait when the door opens… when Balbeer comes in…


Archana was at the clinic at 8:00 pm. The clinic was pleasant for none but Archana felt relieved. She knew a reputed hospital never undertakes a case of abortion. It was a small clinic. It had two rooms and a gallery.

The lady behind the receptionist desk was young. “May I help you?”

“Yes, I am Archana. I have an appointment with Dr Chhabra.”

The receptionist lady nodded. She pointed at the sofa, “Have a seat, please.” The receptions rose from her counter and went in. she came out after a while. She led Archana inside the room.

I am going to kill my own baby. Archana possessed by a feeling of emotion. I am going to kill the life inside me. Archana entered the room with her stick after the receptionist lady.

A voice said, “I am waiting only for you.”

Archana found a curly-haired man with round big spectacles behind the desk. Archana sat beside the doctor on a stool. The receptionist lady went out to occupy her desk again.

Dr Chabra rose on his heels. Now Archana could see his enormous belly. He was a short guy. He buzzed a bell and a compounder boy came in. The boy went to the sink and filled a glass with water.

“Drink this.” The doctor instructed her when the boy handed her the glass. Archana obeyed the doctor but her hands were trembling.

The doctor cleared his throat and spoke, “You want to have an abortion.”

“Y..e.s “

“Have you discussed with your partner?”

“Ya, he also wants it.”

“You can change your decision now but you cannot change it after the kid’s gone.”

“We have made the final decision.”

“Okay, let me examine you.”

Archana rose using her stick and went to the bed. She lay back on the bed.

“The nurse will get a lab work-up and then we will go ahead with an abortion after two hours.” Dr Chhabra went out.

Visions began to slide against her eyes. A baby, dancing and chuckling. she sighed. The doctor finished his examination.


To be continue...