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Hacker Z - 13 - Board Of Directors

When Charles reached the office a female employee was waiting outside the meeting hall. When she saw Charles approaching she hurried over.
Employee : Sir, the board of directors are here because of deal with Mr. Allen was cancelled assistant Ivan is still trying to resolve the situation.
Charles : Okay. Pavel alert the security may be I will clean some trash today.
Pavel : Um... Okay sir.
After saying this Charles entered the meeting room. The room was still in chaos. There were main four board members other than Charles they were Mr. Zimin, Mr. Popov, Mrs. Petrova, Mr. Smirnov but Mr. Zimin wasn't there. Anyone didn't notice that Charles was there until Ivan saw in his direction.
Dir. Popov : Mr. Charles I hope you can stop pissing our clients or the board of directors have to take actions against you.
Charles : I would really like to see that. More importantly the deal you are saying is quite unreasonable. Oh, I forgot Ivan last time I told you to send the Dir. Popov flower bouquets.
Dir. Smirnov : Charles do you even have the the seriousness of the situation.
Mrs. Petrov was silent from the start as she have always known that what motives this two directors have in cornering Charles. But she was not taking sides cause she was in corporate business for so many years now. This wasn't a big deal in her eyes she will only help Charles when needed. Yes, she was a trump card Charles was hiding even Mr. Zimin didn't know about this.
Charles : Yes, I have seriousness that's why I am offering a bouquet our board of directors also have shares in Mr. Allen's business isn't it a thing to celebrate?
Dir. Popov : Stop sprouting nonsense. You only want to stop me from saying the truth in front of everyone.
Director Smirnov : If these is the case then you have to show proof.
Charles : Sure thing, we were colleagues for 5 year I can do this for you.
Charles handed Ivan a USB stick and told him to connect it. When the usb was connected to the screen dir.Poppov's entire composer was not looking too good, guilt clearly flashed on Dir. Smirnov's face . The reports clearly showed how Dir. Popov had shares in Allen's company which he didn't actually buy but was given him by Allen as bribe.
Charles : Should I show you more?
Dir. Popov : You... I will never forgive you.
Without wasting much time Charles called the security in and told him to take dir. Popov out of the meeting room. Seeing the arrogant director been driven out by the security most of the staff members were happy, some gossipers even took videos to send this news on their respective groups. After cleaning the trash from the company Charles wanted to talk with dir. Smirnov.
Charles : Do you also have anything to say dir. Smirnov?
Dir. Smirnov : I didn't know that dir. Popov was such kind of person Charles. You really can't judge people. I knew dir. Popov for so many years you know. Maybe you can give him another chance Charles he is actually a investor.
Charles : Oh, you are still backing him l think you should know the situation more. You have no option but to follow my lead now or I can still get proofs against you.
Dir. Smirnov was helpless in front of Charles. So he decided to follow chari but if the boat started to sink he will become the first one to jump. The coporate world was like this people will be close friends for a moment and another they will become enemies.
In Charles office Charles was sitting in the office chair while Mrs. Petrov was in front of him. The atmosphere between them was completely different from earlier, it was more casual. Mrs. Petrov was a woman in her 50s but still had a childishness about her. She treated Charles as her nephew while Charles also regards her as family. She was still laughing from the earlier incident.
Mrs. Petrov : That old foggies face was too damn funny.
Charles : Aren't you done aunt? I am more afraid that they are going to create problems now.
Mrs. Petrov : If you keep that poker face you will never get a girlfriend or boyfriend.
Charles : I don't know about girlfriend but I am not interested in boyfriend you know.
Mrs. Petrov : Please you never know what future has for you.
Charles : Oh, I think I should tell this to uncle then.
Mrs. Petrov : You... Both are the same. Hush, atleast find me a daughter-in-law to whom I can complaints to.
Seeing Charles has no reaction Mrs. Petrov knew this kid is always been like this. He is not really going to change in a single day. So she decided to be serious. When Mrs. Petrov is in her work mode she is a completely different person. That's why she was able to survive in business.
Mrs. Petrov : What I think about it is that those people have some one backing them up. Charles I think you should check closest people to you.
That was what Charles didn't wanted to hear the most. The youngster said the same thing now even aunt was saying this. What was really going on? Did he missed something?